Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 125 Shocking 3 kills!

?? Crocodile's E skill is dodged, and W's stun skill is only handed over when the output skill is empty. Even if Wei En is stunned, she can't deal much damage at all.

Vayne's blood volume has returned to one-third from the original bloodskin through blood sucking. It is impossible for the desert butcher-crocodile who is completely out of meat to kill Vayne.

Every three arrows will burst out a real damage of 8% of the blood volume, even a prehistoric giant crocodile will still be slaughtered by Wei En without a blue shield! !

The prehistoric giant crocodile was chased and killed by Wei En all the way from the grass on the lower road, and after chasing to Xiaolong's position, his blood volume was only one-third left!

In front of Wei En with basically formed equipment, there is no concept of a meat tank at all. One-third of the blood volume only needs to burst out the real damage of the Holy Silver Arrow twice. This extremely fat prehistoric giant crocodile can only explain it's here.

The crocodile's blood volume is low, it seems that he is really dead. The commentator Qiqiao expressed her opinion.

As soon as Qiqiao finished speaking, the crocodile turned its head sharply, and threw its body like a fish-piercing sword, biting towards Wei En!

The crocodile's sudden turn and counterattack was beyond everyone's expectations.

Obviously, the crocodile was deliberately selling meat before, so that Wei En could relax his vigilance and chase after him. After all his skill CDs were recovered, he suddenly counterattacked.

The crocodile's skill damage should not be underestimated, even if it is purely piled up, it can also hit a high burst! !


However, at the moment when the crocodile turned around and swooped, Wei En threw up his cloak, and with a very sensitive and vigorous roll, avoided the attack of the crocodile's file! !

It can be said that the crocodile's fangs brushed against Wei En's windbreaker, and the damage was not dealt at all, let alone triggering the second E's combo!

If you can't meet Wei En, what's the use of the crocodile even if it has skill damage, it can only be kited ruthlessly!

Wei En's crossbow releases very fast, and if you look closely, you will find that Wei En's attacks almost never stop!

Every time he shoots an arrow, he will move immediately, either use dodge surprise attack to reset the attack, or use position to find a more suitable output! !

Vayne's operation is very skillful, especially walking and slashing,

Extremely coherent, as if he never wasted his output time, and at the same time found the best angle to attack the crocodile! The commentator Qiqiao said.

Being able to explain, Qiqiao is also a master herself, and she is the one who sees the way inside the door. In her opinion, this Wei En player's kite ability is too strong, it seems that the crocodile has never touched him from the beginning to the end!

And in another room, Zhang Aijing, the analyst of Team 71 who was standing beside Yu Luocheng and watching him play Wei En, his eyes flickered even more! !

It is the most precise operation and the highest APM among all positions!

Leaving aside the series of astonishing maneuvers that the man in front of me had done before, Zhang Aijing was amazed by the incomparably skillful slashing and slashing skills that he displayed now.

Zhang Aijing is a team analyst and half-coach, responsible for the tactics and training of the first-line professional teams.

Her own strength has reached the level of a professional player, but women seem to be inherently weaker than boys in e-sports. She lacks talent and has not become a professional player, but as a team leader and analyst.

Since he is an analyst, he needs extremely keen eyesight, and he must be able to accurately see a player's operations, consciousness, reaction, and basic skills.

Zhang Aijing was not surprised by Yu Luosheng's wonderful maneuvers and positioning before, but that this guy's basic skills are really solid! !

One of the basic skills is making up the knife, it is the position, but more detailed, it is the skill of walking and chopping!

What is go chop?

Every hero's normal attack has a character action, raising his hand, shooting, and closing his hand.

Each of these movements takes time, and increasing the attack speed is actually reducing the time for raising, releasing, and closing.

Walking and slashing is a mobile attack technique. At the moment after your hero takes a shot, use the mouse to move immediately, and the movement of the character can cover the action of stopping, that is, take the time to close the hand. to move.

Zhang Aijing found that Wei En under Yu Luocheng's control almost never paused, raised her hand, shot, moved; raised her hand, shot, moved; raised her hand, shot, dodged surprise attacks...

There is no sense of pause in this process. Even when avoiding the crocodile's skills, you can see the arrows on Wei En's arm shooting continuously!

You must know that the characters in this game have always only accepted an action command. Right-click the ground, and the character will go there. Right-click the monster, and the character will go there to attack the minions. There is no combination key command such as move and attack. .

Every time at the moment when the character makes a shot, right-click the mouse to move and cancel the attack command, and then use the A key or right-click to attack the target.

One arrow, two arrows, three arrows... It seems that each arrow flies out directly, but every time the arrow flies out for less than 1 second, an expert needs two to three button operations, The most important thing is that this position should not let the enemy approach, and find a more suitable output position!

If Wei En's attack time is 0.9 seconds, then this extremely skillful walk away operation is to operate the mouse movement once every 0.6 seconds, and then perform an attack every 0.9 seconds... …

For playing, many people probably will be able to slash, but how many people can achieve such precision?

This requires the most perfect coordination of eyes and fingers!

No mistakes! This Wei En didn't make any operational mistakes!

Zhang Aijing could see that a player made a slashing error of about 0.2 seconds, but in the process of Yu Luocheng acting as Wei En to kill the crocodile and the nightmare, he never saw any of the countless arrows flying out. Mistake in walking and chopping!

This feeling is like a person walking a tightrope. There is a crocodile grinning hoarsely under the tightrope, but he still buries every step without any mistakes until he finishes walking this long tightrope!


Suddenly, a high-pitched sound came from the computer, which made Zhang Aijing wake up like a dream, and a slightly more excited look of surprise appeared on her face.

Three kills! ! !

Wei En really completed the triple kill! ! !

From being surrounded by the Clockwork Demon and the Eternal Nightmare, to now killing the crocodile fiercely in the river, with a domineering arrogance of one against three, and an unusually decisive and fearless killing intent!

In the first twenty minutes, this Wei En was still a god, but after the 1v3 shock kill in the bottom lane, it seemed that he was completely replaced by another person, showing a character that people dare not face directly. It's fierce! !

Fatty He Jin's face that couldn't be darker was finally glowing greasy at the moment when Yu Luocheng Wei En made a three-and-three kill!

Nima is worthy of being a fighting eagle, she is too domineering! !

This is the quarter-finals of the National Internet Café League, and the plot of 1v3 only appears in the crushing rounds of the usual matching rankings.

And Wei En here was almost super ghost before taking these three heads. He didn't take one head and relied entirely on replenishing troops to maintain the economy. Such a weak and explosive person won the triple kill without the help of any teammates. It's too [**]! !

Liu Zhangming, who had the most objections to Yu Luocheng, almost had his eyes bulging out. No matter how resentful he felt, no matter how upset Yu Luocheng was, he couldn't hide the shock in his heart for this triple kill, let alone a folk master. Even professional players may not be able to achieve this level, right? ?

(There are three chapters today, and the next chapter will be released around the evening~~)

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