Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1229 All kinds of life-saving dogs

Remember [Chinese website] www. in one second, to provide you with high-speed text starting. Baihu has been crying blind.

But Zhao Tinghua, who just arrived, was just the opposite. The feeling was no less than that of Zhang Wuji, who had already practiced his miraculous skills. He had just walked a few steps out of the valley, and saw the extermination masters, masters, beggar gangs and other decent sects having a barbecue outside the valley. Party, none of them are wearing equipment with naked attributes

Normally, Zhao Tinghua would use a quick set of operations to instantly kill Baihu. This time, the surprise came too suddenly, causing Zhao Tinghua, who was a bit used to teammates like pigs, to be taken aback for a moment.

Fortunately, this stupefaction was harmless, Zhao Tinghua's fingers exploded with super fast speed...

Just as the white tiger was blown off by the wind, he bumped into the blind monk head-on, so Zhao Tinghua made an extremely dishonorable operation—following the trend and continuing to send the poodle flying

As a result, the white tiger's four hooves were kicked away by this kick before they even landed on the ground, and it hit the enemy's hard defense tower straight.

The white tiger's poodle hit the pillar of the enemy's defense tower, and the barking was hit badly.

As soon as he looked up, a sky sound wave from the blind monk followed closely, and then he heard a loud shout from the blind monk.


The blind monk echoed and kicked the white tiger's face directly with Shaolin's flying kick from a distance.

The white tiger has changed directly from a lion to a dog, so it's no wonder that it will cry blind

The Blind Monk’s set of P combos already deal high damage, and with the additional damage added by the defense tower, the poodle who is almost full of blood is instantly killed. It feels like being hit into the sky without even a chance to land and vomits blood in mid-air died.

The white tiger suffered a terrible loss. In less than a second, Qianmeng once again frightened everyone around.

The ultimatum of the poodle's ult, which was blown off by the magic pen, has already amazed the high-end players, but this storm ult, which blows away three people and kills one, even smashed the audience's jaws to the ground.

This assistant... Nima is from an alien planet, can you stop playing the same game as us earthlings

Up to this moment, Yu Luocheng is not dead yet.

Even his blood has recovered a lot after being bathed in Fengnv's ultimate move.

Yu Luocheng's blood volume is still not much, but the encirclement and suppression of the American Angel Army has been blown to pieces by Feng Nu's kamikaze.

All the nuclear weapons were dropped, just to wipe out a big scourge, and it turned out that this Godzilla was a creature blessed by the goddess Athena, and there was a feeling that human weapons could not hurt him.

It's still a joke

Fuck me, Yu Luocheng didn't die, but he killed one?

I'm convinced, I'm convinced. Qianmeng, this is a 360-degree Thomas circle in the small universe, all kinds of saving Yu Luocheng's life! Lin Dong yelled loudly

Coach, I'd better change my career and not play professional support. Can I become a professional player in Doudizhu? Chuguan Wang and Shen Xueyu, the two national team supporters, were dumbfounded.

In the national team, Qianmeng has always played aD in the training games. Everyone only knows that the two of them will switch positions when they are in duos. They also know that Qianmeng's support is very powerful, but how do you know that her support can be so strong? not human

To be honest, there are not many people in the whole world who can support Yu Luocheng. As for Yu Luocheng's coquettish, provocative, and advanced consciousness that no one can understand, Yu Luocheng basically rushes to fight alone. Two people either double-killed or died tragically and the support was full of blood. This is Wu Sen's deepest feeling. Yu Luocheng didn't fight despite being so strong, partly because he didn't have suitable support at all.

But Qianmeng's support... is definitely the original support of Yu Luocheng's bohemian and hard-to-control machine. The life of a dog who had been bombarded to death by nuclear weapons on the opposite side for several rounds was saved by Qian Meng in this way. Forget it, and understatement, Yu lost Baihu and picked up a head for Zhao Tinghua.

Very... very good Li Tuchuan was stunned for a long time before uttering such a word of praise. Before the game, I was worried about whether the two would switch positions bluntly, and I didn't know what words to use to describe Qianmeng's almost invincible protection ability for teammates.

It's like Qianmeng's average death rate in each game is less than 1. As a support, Qianmeng keeps all kinds of cards. The idea of ​​​​protection is so clear that it is amazing, and the use of every skill is perfect.

In fact, Li Tuchuan knew that Yu Luosheng played the name of death, for example, just now he went to suppress it forcibly when he could develop steadily, thinking that no one in this world could save Yu Luosheng's aD. Nima is there

Yu Luosheng's aD death rate is much higher than Qianmeng's. He likes to output immediately, and he likes to forcefully sell himself to cheat skills. In fact, this has mixed advantages and disadvantages. But if there is a support that can guarantee Yu Luocheng's life in all directions, Yu Luocheng's domineering method will bring an incalculable winning rate to the team

Because it is the key to the aD team, the enemy is extremely eager to kill and win, but the stronger the desire, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Everyone has reached the top professional level, it is not very possible to win by individual strength, all that is needed is for the enemy's entire team to make mistakes.

Yu Luocheng aD Kind of flirting is poison to induce the enemy to make mistakes, and on the premise of ensuring that Yu Luocheng does not lose his life, the chances of victory are in his hands

Li Tuchuan couldn't help feeling excited.

It seems that it was the right choice for me to swap Qianmeng and Yu Luosheng. Qianmeng's calmness, immortality, and high output can guarantee that the Chinese national team will never lose to the US team, but if they want to win the gold medal, they must win the US team

How to win the United States?

In terms of strength, the lineups of both sides are extremely luxurious. With Adams in the end, it is most likely to be a draw. Only by letting the American Angels make mistakes, can the Chinese team have the hope of winning

Obviously, Yu Luosheng's world number one title and his deadly style of play perfectly lured Bai Hu to make a mistake.

The white tiger shouldn't flash, first-class junglers should know that Fengnv still has a big move, flashing up will not only pay too much price, but also may fail to kill, but unfortunately, once the battle starts, it is absolutely impossible to keep calm completely.

Baihu's mistake will be the best breakthrough for their Chinese team to win

Very good, very good, there is hope of winning, there is hope of winning. Li Tuchuan said to himself silently in his heart.

To be honest, at this moment Li Tuchuan is very glad that he chose to return to China.

To be able to see such excellent e-sports players appearing in our own country, and to see that the e-sports team formed by them is fighting for the gold medal glory of the whole of China, it is worth giving up everything

(Three hundred and sixty degrees, Thomas turned and rolled on the spot to ask for a monthly pass)

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