Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1223 God-like hand speed (below...

Bai Sha was obviously taken aback for a moment, he didn't understand why this Yu Luocheng used Blink so confidently.

That's right, this q flash is indeed very essence, so that all three bullets hit him, the problem is that this is not enough to kill him instantly, he still has a healer on hand

No, no

Suddenly, the manipulative Baisha's expression changed

Oh my god, he's U-level, he's about to flash! Heisha yelled suddenly.

U-level male guns are really all crispy nightmares. If the blood volume is below a certain level, you seem to be safe, and it is entirely possible that you will be directly taken away by a terrifying explosion of other male guns. After all Male gun is the well-deserved king of ad burst, even the instant burst of some ap is not as high as this

Both Heisha and Baisha were very confused by Yu Luocheng's self-confident q flash at first, and it was a waste of summoner's skills to hand flash without guaranteeing a 100% kill.

However, when they saw that Yu Luocheng reached U level in an instant after using q flash, he peed all of a sudden

The male spear reaches u-level first, and the first to have a big move and hit him directly, that will instantly kill him the Goddess of War

It's too insidious, this Pluto is really insidious, his flashing shotgun is not only for the full damage of three bullets, but also for instantly killing the two small soldiers next to him, so that he can be promoted to U level in an instant, The mighty kill two birds with one stone Heisha's heart was chilled for a while, because his ominous premonition just now worked.

I hope Baisha can use his flash skill well. If he doesn't use his flash to avoid his big move, Baisha will die directly. As a support, Heisha has already prayed silently in his heart.

Heisha can't do anything now, it seems that many things have happened in this process, but in fact he was still blown in the air and did not fall to the ground.

In fact, Baisha also seemed a little nervous. The moment he saw Yu Luocheng's u-level, he knew that his bad luck had come. His fingers almost subconsciously touched the d button, preparing to use flash to avoid this deadly move.

He has already used his treatment, but he still can't completely resist the power of the ultimate explosive bomb of Nan Gun's next big move

Life and death depend on my flash. I am a top player in North America, so it is impossible for me to avoid flashing... Bai Sha still maintained that sliver of self-confidence.


Suddenly, a burst of sparks from a bomb suddenly appeared in front of him, and his fingers were already hovering over the d key, ready to dodge at any time, but that bomb was just when he had the idea of ​​preparing to hide in his mind At that moment, the ultimate bomb hit his forehead unexpectedly.


Instantly bombarded, the flesh and blood scattered under the aftermath of the explosive bomb, turning into a shocking blood curtain, which stunned the assistant Nami who was blown into the air by the whirlwind and had just landed.

How...how...how...how is it possible

The assistant Heisha finally fell from the sky to the ground, his body fled involuntarily under the fear of the blood rain, but his eyes were full of disbelief.

As for the person involved, Baisha, his eyes were almost sunk into the gray screen.

His Goddess of War is dead.

Baisha fell into extreme confusion and disbelief: I have already pressed the d key to flash, but it is still slow, no, it's not that I'm slow, it's that this guy is too fast, so fast that he doesn't even have time to react

Baisha? Heisha tentatively asked his teammate next to him.

It took Bai Sha a long time to come back to his senses, and when his eyes focused on the Summoner Canyon again, he found that his Goddess of War had been revived in the spring water

The opponent's sudden instant kill took less than one second, but what happened in this one second made Baisha not regain consciousness for a full ten seconds, and he didn't even respond when the hero was revived.

The world's No. 1 player... Hehe, I have finally learned the lesson. He is more than just amazingly strong. I think many opponents will be like me after confronting him. They think this guy is so strong that people feel terrible. I can only feel this kind of horror on one person. There was an unconcealable frustration and helplessness in Bai Sha's eyes.

Being killed on the line, this is the most reflective of the strength gap.

Baisha originally thought it was unacceptable to be behind others by 20 CS in the first ten minutes, but the difference was not only in the suppression of CS...

Old man, don't be like this. It's not your fault, this guy is not from Earth. Baisha comforted his teammate.

I still don't pay much attention to his strength. I don't think it is possible for a professional support player to be very strong. I should flash when he flashes his q, instead of thinking about how to avoid her big move hesitantly. , when I was trying to dodge his big move, his big move has already rushed over... Bai Sha seemed very self-blaming.

Every time he encounters a strong enemy or fails, Bai Sha will blame himself and think, because only in this way can he become stronger. If Bai Sha is blaming and introspecting himself in his usual calm state, Hei Sha would not find it strange. The problem is that Bai Sha is speaking in an obviously frustrated and powerless voice.

Needless to say, in fact, none of us would have thought that he could complete such an operation in a few tenths of a second.

Floating shotgun, lower the bloodline of the target to below the line of the big move, kill two minions at the same time, and reach u level...

After the level reaches u, the instant shortcut key will activate the ultimate move. After clicking the ultimate move, press r instantly to directly bombard the target with the ultimate move.

If it's 05 seconds, I'll definitely be able to dodge with your reaction. In fact, this series of complicated operations only took him about 04 seconds. Of course, if Zhengfeng is in his hands, he can even do this series of operations. It can be as fast as 03 seconds. If any top professional player does not realize the opponent's hand speed in advance, then it is impossible to avoid it anyway, including myself. In the middle position, Adams' voice slowly floated out.

After Adams finished speaking, his eyes fell on Bai Sha.

Adams saw the operation at that moment just now, he knew very well that in Bai Sha's eyes, Yu Luocheng's operation was simply an alien.

You must know that the limit speed of pressing keys in one second is 16, and the creator of this limit Guinness record is Adams

This is really god-like hand speed


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