Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1207 Game, partner?

On the day when the results were announced, Yu Luocheng's text messages on his cell phone exploded, as if the comments below the live broadcast were swiping the screen.

The problem is, most of Yu Luosheng's phone stores are friends he knows in reality, so his phone is basically overflowing with text messages and calls.

Yu Luocheng, you will be my godfather from now on. I, Wang Qin, will only recognize you as godfather in my life. I know there must be many beauties calling you godfather, but there is a handsome guy like me calling you godfather. You are also very profitable, wow ha ha ha, I am the number one godfather in the world!

After reading this text message, Yu Luocheng silently replied: Crazy!

Good guy, Brother Yu Luocheng is completely in your good graces. After returning to Lecheng, you must go to Long Sheng's place to sit. Damn, I always said that you are my brother, and those bastards didn't believe it. Seeing is believing, fuck it, no matter what, congratulations, hahaha! The boss Qin of Longsheng Internet Café couldn't help laughing, knowing that Yu Luosheng was in the Scarlet team he formed the first time, no matter how he once He's the number one team leader in the world, this title sounds great!

Of course, Boss Qin and Yu Luocheng are old friends. When Yu Luocheng had no money to surf the Internet in junior high school, they all robbed him of Boss Qin’s computer. Boss Qin was also sincerely happy for Yu Luosheng. The boy who hangs out in Internet cafes will stand out like this.

No. 1 in Lecheng, No. 1 in the province, No. 1 in the whole country, others won the No. 1 in the world!

Immediately afterwards, Yang Ying and other students from the e-sports club also thoroughly swiped Yu Luosheng's mobile phone. Many of these people have already graduated and worked, but outside of work, entertainment is an indispensable activity, and they occasionally go to Participating in competitions in some regions to abuse people is already a part of their life and socializing, and they are always paying attention to the national team and Yu Luosheng.

As soon as the title of No. 1 in the world came out, they were filled with emotions. Who would have thought that this freshman who was recruited into the e-sports club by them would be so prosperous, and directly take off the title of No. 1 in the world domineeringly, I can't even think about it!

The leaders of Shanghai University were probably overjoyed too. It is said that after many people knew that Yu Luosheng was a student of Shanghai University, the popularity of Shanghai University also increased a lot!

There are more or less celebrities in top universities like Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Fudan University, which is unmatched by many universities.

At this moment, their Shanghai University has also produced one. Although he is not a star, his current influence is no less than that of many first-line stars.

What the World Olympics brought to e-sports was a leap forward, and Yu Luosheng was already at the pinnacle of e-sports, but with the impetus of the World Olympics, his reputation once again rose to a higher level.

Stars may still have countless criticisms. Except for some brainless trolls in Yu Luocheng, most of them are convinced by Yu Luocheng's strength. This kind of admiration will even spread to all e-sports in the world. prevalent country.

How could Shanghai University not be happy to produce such a talent?

They have already figured out that after the World Olympics is over, they must invite Yu Luosheng back to tell the teachers and students of the school about his brilliant deeds.

The university does not completely require students to be outstanding in the academic field. As long as you are outstanding in any field, the school will give you enough respect and praise.

In fact, Yu Luocheng himself has never regretted being admitted to university. In the relaxed and free atmosphere of the university, in the environment where success or failure is judged by heroes, only young people with ideas can do what they really want to do.

Yu Luosheng definitely accepted the school's invitation. They have always given themselves a supportive attitude. They did not warn themselves because they never attended class, and they did not expel themselves because they failed a test. They agreed to suspend school by themselves, and they were willing to let themselves go to e-sports. Fighting hard in the professional field, even if there is no gain in the e-sports professional field, they are willing to accept the failure and return to school and continue to complete the course.

University is indeed completely different from high school and junior high school, this is what Yu Luosheng can clearly feel in university.

Immediately after the congratulatory text messages from the students at the university, there was a group of domestic e-sports players who were already familiar with the lpl.

Team Apocalypse, Team Taichen, Team Hell, Team Beijing, Team Thunder...

These teams have been steadily occupying the top eight places in the LPL, and the players in them often meet in the rankings and training matches. They sent blessings together, and one of them made Yu Luocheng particularly touched, because It was sent by King Qin Guang.

I remember that on the day of your school's e-sports club, I was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to replace you to carry the flag of China's e-sports. Fortunately, I didn't do such a stupid thing. I saw your name ranked first, followed by 'China', my heart churns, it's still you after all! Although we all know that your journey from the e-sports throne to the world's number one is more difficult than many people, but it doesn't matter. Thousands of e-sports people in this era will be proud of you!

King Qin Guang's words reminded Yu Luocheng of the retirement battle that King Qin Guang fought that day, and recalled the scene where he cried bitterly after the game.

In fact, no matter whether it is leaving in failure or retiring with glory and glory, without e-sports is like losing the meaning of life for this group of people.

People in this era have been exposed to video games since they were very young. For them, video games are more like growing partners. Too many memories are related to it. Suddenly one day you want to give them up. How cruel it is to face a society that will laugh at you for being so old and playing games. How many friendships are established because they all like video games and hide together after school to study, how many stay alone because of video games, even if parents are busy, they can spend it safely, how many expectations and enthusiasm are all because of these so-called game'.

Men who like games, no matter how old they are, always regard games as their growth partners. But there will always be a day when parents, girlfriends, and society force me to mature, and the first thing I do when I mature is to break up with the game.

In the hearts of these men, it is not just a game, it is a haven that can make the world clean and avoid everything at once, even they themselves have never realized this, so when their girlfriend asks them to move forward and stop playing games, they will Extra irritable, or verbally agreed, and finally threw himself into the arms of the game.

Ordinary people have such a feeling in their hearts, let alone professional players who take e-sports as their everything?

Let go, easier said than done!

That's why I cry like a child who has lost everything on such occasions. r1148


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