Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1149 Desperate Sanlang!

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No, the two of us will be double-killed. We can't beat Rambo at all. His damage is too high. Da Luo said hastily.

Relying on the team economy and the kills obtained in the early stage, this Rambo, Landry tortured and added hats, the damage is so high that it makes people gasp. Zhao Tinghua, a jungler, is almost bottoming out now, and his The Frost Witch isn't much better.

Fart, hit your output, don't coax me, Zhao Tinghua scolded unceremoniously.

While speaking, Zhao Tinghua suddenly made a double attack, and the raptor hit and flew out, directly picking up Rambo who was facing him into the air.

Zhao Tinghua, the raptor, had a very long impact distance. Not only did he fly Rambo, but he also flew behind him. He opened a long distance from Rambo, avoiding Rambo's last wave of red. Moderate attack damage.

Pretty Da Luo couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhao Tinghua was also very scheming, first he used Erlian to rush the road, and then used flash and big moves to keep the enemy, forced to eat Rambo's set of high burst damage first, and when he couldn't hold it anymore, his cd was also healed, Immediately use the skillful raptor to hit and break away, and don't forget to pick up Rambo again in the process of breaking away

Rambo was a little confused now, a prince with half blood was behind him, and a frost witch with one-third blood was in front of him, he didn't know who to chase for a while.

With just such a hesitation, Da Luo had already finished his next set of skills, and immediately went up and blew an ice pick on Rambo's face.

In desperation, Rambo could only forcibly replace Zhao Tinghua behind him, but in order to kill Zhao Tinghua, he was constantly attacked by Da Luo with ice picks, and was finally taken away by Da Luo.

Zhao Tinghua's blood volume is a little... dangerous and dangerous

But no matter what, this wave of successful ganks still made the audience's eyes brighten up

Why does it feel like the jungler suddenly changed his rhythm? Not long ago, he forced out Li Yuexin's flash, and then went on the road to kill Rambo. I'm afraid even South Korea didn't think that the prince would dare to come out to gank at this time. Bar

Li Yuexin didn't have a big move, the South Korean team subconsciously wanted to advance slowly, the prince caught the opponent's slowing down point very well, and killed Rambo...

Don't talk for now, the prince probably won't survive. Lu's jungler is not built. It took a lot of time to kill Rambo. He must have arrived.

As soon as the screen turned, Zhao Tinghua, who was on the road with a little blood left, did not immediately choose to withdraw from the defense tower, but ran towards the enemy's house with that little blood.

Why, why don't you come back. Da Luo immediately scolded Zhao Tinghua when he saw that Zhao Tinghua ran in the wrong direction.

They're junglers here, Da Luo, retreat quickly, don't get double-killed. Yu Luocheng reminded aloud.

Stupid Zhao Tinghua said disdainfully.

He is still walking in the direction of the enemy. In fact, he knows very well that in this kind of super disadvantaged situation, even if you spend a lot of money to kill a very fat hero of the opponent, it is not right to leave nothing behind. possible.

Zhao Tinghua knew very well that he was doomed.

To put it bluntly, if both top laners and both sides are junglers, he and Da Luo will definitely be double-killed. Zhao Tinghua is taking advantage of a small gap in the opponent's slack to make a sudden kill. Ready to drop.

So after killing people, he didn't choose to retreat. If Lu arrived, both he and Da Luo would die, thanks to them.

But he chooses to walk in the opposite direction, and take a completely different route from Da Luo, so Lu can only choose to chase one, after Da Luo, he, Zhao Tinghua, can immediately hide in the bushes and return to the city, chase Zhao Tinghua, and Da Luo will return home safely... …

Big disadvantage, it's worthless to change l

Everything was as Da Luo expected, and South Korean jungler Lu appeared.

This guy still uses the blind monk as a jungler, and his support speed is evident.

One eye appeared first, and then a bald blind monk suddenly appeared. This guy obviously hesitated for a while, not knowing who to choose to kill.

In the end, Lu still chose Zhao Tinghua. This prince had very little blood and ran away in the opposite direction. His killing speed was 100%. If he chased the Frost Witch, he didn't know if there was support behind him, so there was no need to take risks.

Oh, what a pity, I thought I could get back a few kills, but in the end I was replaced by l.

Seeing that the prince was still killed in battle, the domestic players all sighed.

What do you know, this head exchange is too worthwhile? Someone jumped out immediately and retorted.

That's right, Rambo is a htdn with more than 400 yuan, the prince is estimated to be more than 0, and Rambo has no assists, we have about 0 assists here, the man replied.

Mao, I can tell you are a primary school student at a glance. The head money is one thing, what is more important, do you know what it is? The French student made it clear that I am a master.

And the Chinese sitting in the surrounding circle also pricked up their ears to listen to this man's analysis.

The fox doesn't have a big move, and the South Korean team is not completely suitable for advancing, but with Rambo's big move, so much economic lead is crushing... Now that Rambo dies, the South Korean team will never dare to take the outer tower by force. The French student said.

If you say that, it's true that Han Bangzi's hat has been withdrawn from our wild area.

Hey, I'm a king in the European server, I'll take you with me when I have time


What the French student analyzed was consistent with what the commentators described.

Zhao Tinghua's gank seemed to be l for i, but before the opponent wanted to push down the last outer tower, they completely suppressed their offensive.

For the first time in the same team as Zhao Tinghua, the official Wang couldn't help giving Zhao Tinghua a thumbs up.

This blood eagle deserves to be a desperate Saburo, he killed as soon as he said it, he died, but he immediately gave the team at least 3 minutes to breathe

At the same time, Yu Luocheng, who chose to develop in the middle lane, said, I have the Infinity Blade.

Minutes later, Yasuo already had the Infinity Blade, and the equipment was not too bad compared to the enemy.

In this way, there is finally a point in the team whose combat power is comparable to the three enemies. Yasuo who has the Infinity Blade is the real Yasuo

We are still a little far behind, what about Qianmeng? Da Luo glanced at his equipment helplessly.

Just now, I received a head of more than 400 yuan, and asked Da Luo to make the burst wand of the ice stick, and now I still need the money to synthesize it. If there is no such head, I don’t know when I will be able to have the ice stick.

If the combat power of a large piece of equipment is counted as 1, the enemy's combat power is now about 5.

And in the national team, Yu Luosheng's fighting power has reached the level of the others, basically around 8.

I'm endless too. About half a minute later, good news came from Qianmeng, announcing that her combat power had reached this level.

(This is Chapter 3, a total of 3,000 yuan was sent out in red envelopes, which is nothing compared to the two local tyrants in our chaotic alliance group, but it also expresses Uncle Luan's thanks for everyone's support in the past two years, friends who grabbed the red envelopes You can have fun, remember to support Zhengfeng, support the genuine version, it doesn’t matter if you don’t grab the friends, there will be opportunities in the future, just remember to always pay attention to Uncle Luan’s WeChat.)

(After the third chapter is delivered, there will be a fourth chapter around 1:00, and the agreed 4 chapters will naturally be delivered)

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