Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1140: Difficult Twenty Minutes

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Putting on completely dry clothes, Yu Luocheng felt his whole body warm up.

After changing her clothes, Xia Yingxing walked in with a small heater in her arms.

You will feel much more comfortable if you steam it in here, and drink the hot water while it's still hot. Xia Yingxing glanced at Yu Luocheng, and said very considerately.

In the past, Xia Yingxing treated Yu Luosheng as a human being, but now it's different.

Xia Yingxing has always been worried about her sister's relationship problems. It's not that she has no one to pursue, but with her personality, it's too difficult to choose a true heart that suits her appetite. It's rare for Xia Yingxing to find that Yu Luosheng and her younger sister Xia Yuli are quite interesting... …

Now Yu Luocheng is simply a treasure, even if something trivial happens! With a personality like Qianmeng, even the elder sister suspects that she will accidentally become a monk and escape from the mundane world. She finally ran out of a person who counted her feelings, and she couldn't let her run away no matter what.

Uh, okay, this...I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself...it's okay, okay...ok...no, no. After Yu Luocheng felt relieved, he immediately felt the enthusiasm of Xia Yingxing, a national sister Being kind and considerate, Yu Luosheng was really not used to it.

Xia Yingxing has always been the bright Athena in everyone's mind. She is dignified, generous, beautiful, and mature. She is the most sacred and inviolable goddess of all the girls in the base. Although she usually gives everyone a gentle and delicate temperament, But after all, there is still an aura of a child, neither close nor alienated...

But in the past few days, Yu Luocheng could clearly feel that the way Xia Yingxing looked at him had completely changed, that kind of softness was really like a big sister full of caring aura, covering everything, afraid that you might feel uncomfortable in the slightest.

It seems that I haven't formally established a relationship with Qianmeng, but this sister has begun to stop treating herself as an outsider.

Stay here, don't rush to care about the game. Seeing Yu Luocheng looking like he was about to go out, Xia Yingxing immediately became upset.

How could Yu Luocheng not care about the game, but he did feel that there was still a chill all over his body, which caused him to tremble immediately when he clenched his hands even slightly, and he couldn't play in this state.

Okay, I'll go check on Zhao Tinghua's situation, and don't come out if you haven't stayed for more than 10 minutes. Xia Yingxing urged.

Yu Luocheng nodded obediently.

This room is completely enclosed, and it is also located in the isolation room, which is used by the players for special situations.



The game has already started, and Yiqin, who is explaining the game, seems a bit absent-minded.

She really wanted to know why Yu Luosheng didn't show up.

The situation of the game is not very optimistic. The situation of this game is very similar to the first game. Lu has a variety of rhythms in the early stage, and he roams more in the top lane, wild area, and middle lane. Li Yuexin chose Nine-Tailed Fox-A raccoon.

His Yasuo has the ability to solo kill King Yama, and now he has a fox with even more terrifying solo kill ability, which puts great pressure on King Yama.

Of course, the first level 6 Yama is still relatively safe, I am afraid that at level 6, Li Yuexin will explode a very amazing operation and directly forcibly kill Yama's Yasuo!

In this round, the Chinese national team began to target infinitely when selecting players, mainly targeting Li Yuexin.

The three bans were all given to Li Yuexin, strangled his enchantress, banned his famous Zhongruiwen, and clicked off his terrifying robbery in the middle. Just like this, in order to add another ban, King Yama resolutely Taking away Li Yuexin's Yasuo is equivalent to forcibly banning Li Yuexin's 4 strongest mid-lane heroes.

However, what he has done may not be effective. Li Yuexin is known as the devil in the middle road, and the hero pool is very bottomless.

Any hero can be used very, very well.

This time he took down the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, a typical hero made for South Korea, but also exploded with amazing suppression power. If the wild Song Emperor hadn't sacrificed his development several times to protect King Yama's middle lane, he might have won the battle in 6 Yama was about to be beaten home many times before the class.

In the mid-lane duel, being beaten home once is actually very close to being killed once. The level will be directly behind by 1 level, and when it is late to level 6, it will be preempted and suppressed everywhere.

A hero like Fox is a classic mid-laner AP that grabs 6. After level 6, Fox will have unparalleled assassination and invasion capabilities, and the degree of danger is even higher than Suo.

In 7 minutes, Da Luo was killed once, King Chuguan was killed once, and he was behind by 2 heads and a small dragon. As well as the level 6 jungler not long after, the national team will usher in another very brutal offensive with the South Korean team taking the lead everywhere.

And this rhythm is already very close to the first game. You must know that in the first game, Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng played a great advantage in the bottom lane. The brilliant operation has been strong enough to keep people from falling too far behind in the number of kills. This round did not show any advantage in the bottom lane. King Chuguan was ambushed and killed once when he was still doing Xiaolong's vision. The situation is not optimistic.


They're really tenacious, but it looks like they're working hard. If they were able to make 20 shots before, they're probably trying to save their dignity for 20 minutes. Han Zongzhi said with a smile on his face.

They are very cautious. They don't give away their heads even at the expense of the economy. They are really conservative. Lu Man said leisurely.

Facing a team that has been playing completely defensively, it is a little difficult to pry open the door in a short period of time, but as time goes by, this kind of dead defense, this kind of wild area resources, and this kind of non-confrontation tactics will Can cause a huge drag in the mid-game.

The team's economy is too far behind, even after 20 minutes it's useless, a large group is absolutely crushing equipment, no matter how strong you Yu Luocheng is, can you still save this dead situation?

If he really has this ability, he won't lose the first match!

It's pointless, this Yu Luocheng should not play in the second half, so as not to bring shame upon himself!

Let them collapse in 20 minutes, and in the next 25 minutes we can slowly raise pigs and earn enough points. The Korean top laner said with a grin.

Haha, of course, maybe we will break the highest record and get more than 50 points from them. This will not only repair the Chinese team severely, but also let us lead the US team all of a sudden. Today is really a disappointment. Happy day!

(The third chapter is here~~~~~~~~ Shall we continue tomorrow? Hurry up and get the monthly pass ready!!!!) R1148

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