Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1137: Cui Yu's Difficulty

Soon there was a commotion at the entrance.

The four of them had already been soaked by the rain, and the coldness of early summer stuck to their skin, and they felt that it was going to penetrate to the bone, and they kept trembling.

Immediately approaching the lounge, a group of continuous personnel in uniform immediately pulled a yellow line.

It has already been clearly stipulated that after the time is up, no player will be allowed to enter or leave the official arena. The referee Li Jingren stood inside the yellow line in a neat suit, with a bit of revenge in his eyes.

Seeing these contestants drenched like rats, Li Jingren was already laughing wildly in his heart.

Back when I was playing in the league in Seoul, Li Jingren, a member of the e-sports association, asked Yu Luosheng to apologize to Park Yisheng in person. Who would have thought that this guy pointed the middle finger at the entire Korean audience, and he was simply not a member of the World E-sports Association. pay attention to

In today's game, Li Jingren is the referee. It is a violation of the rules for these four idiots to leave the arena within the stipulated time. He has every right not to let these four people enter the arena.

Yes, get out of here quickly, didn't you see anyone was injured? Da Luo cursed with a red face.

This Li Jingren is a typical Cui Yu faction, making things difficult for the Chinese team members everywhere. He clearly saw Zhao Tinghua covered in blood, but he didn't let him go immediately.

I follow the rules. If someone is injured, why don't you take it to the infirmary... But, after you bring it to the infirmary, you don't have to compete. Li Jingren didn't hide his hatred for these people at all, but smiled stand up.

I finally caught you bastards, I, Li Jingren, will not kill you today

You Yu Luosheng did not play, you did not play Da Luo, your Chinese team will be tortured by our Koreans for 50 or 60 points, so that their Korean team will not have to be afraid of the US team, and they can win the gold medal.

Da Luo and Lin Dong naturally saw Li Jingren's sinister intentions, and were so angry that they were about to roar wildly.

What's going on? At this moment, another European man wearing the same suit came slowly, with brown fluffy curly hair looking a bit depressed.

The referee. Several other foreign referees saw Oshika, and immediately showed awe on their faces.

Oshika is the person in charge of the e-sports association and the Olympic events. Without him, there would be no e-sports Olympics today, and this highly respected man is also obliged to serve as the chief referee for all Olympic e-sports events.

Well, is someone injured? Oshika saw Zhao Tinghua whose hair covered his face at a glance, and saw the scars all over his body.

Referee, this guy won't let us in. Da Luo said eagerly.

Oshika, these four people have clearly violated the time limit. It is normal for me not to let them in, and I also feel that the rules should not be broken casually. This is an Olympic event, not a child's play. Such a grand event should be held tightly. This kind of violation cannot be tolerated. Li Jingren said righteously.

That's right. Referee Li is right. You can't make accommodations because of special circumstances. Otherwise, Olympic games can't be called Olympic games. A potbellied body walked in slowly. South Korean MP Choi Woo.

After Cui Yu knew that Yu Luosheng and his team members crossed the boundary collectively, he rushed over immediately. He wanted to stop this matter no matter what, because he was afraid that Li Jingren would not have enough courage, so he appeared in person.

Damn it, it's that dead fat pig again, it's going to be a terrible death! Lin Dong scolded unceremoniously.

This Cui Yu really wants to kill the Chinese team before giving up.

Let the medical staff take him to the special lounge for treatment first. Ohikali ignored Cui Yu and directly ordered the two guards.

Olympic events are naturally equipped with medical personnel, including e-sports events.

Naturally, the two guards only obeyed the referee, and immediately took Zhao Tinghua to the special lounge. The medical personnel were also in contact, and they must come to treat Zhao Tinghua soon.

Oshika took another look at the three young men who were drenched by the heavy rain, a flash of unbearable eyes flashed in his eyes and said, Do you have Yu Jing's team uniform?

Bring it. Yu Luocheng, Da Luo, and Lin Dong nodded.

Just put on the game, don't make the audience wait too long. Oshika said expressionlessly.

The three of them were overjoyed, and they ran directly across the yellow line towards the rest area, but Li Jingren and Cui Yu didn't go any further.

The expressions on the faces of Li Jingren and Cui Yu were so stiff that this Oshika really didn't pay attention to them at all. He didn't listen to what they said just now, so he just let them go on his own initiative. Once in, what are the rules?

Oshika, I need an explanation, otherwise I can immediately revoke your referee. Cui Yu said with a sullen face, pointing at Oshika.

too much, too much

The player is late due to an accident. If the game has not started, the referee will decide whether the player can continue the game. Go and read these regulations clearly before reasoning with me. You are blinded by interests. Oxi Ka scolded Cui Yu unceremoniously.

Just now, everyone could clearly see how many scars Zhao Tinghua had on his body. Under such circumstances, the players did not go to the hospital for treatment immediately, but went to the arena to compete. This spirit is enough to be worthy of the Olympics, even if the rules are against them No matter how unfavorable it is, Oshika will use his position as a guarantee to let them enter the game, and Cui Yu's bad behavior of deliberately making things difficult makes Oshika intolerable

The most worthy of respect are the players. The four wing players who have transformed from teenagers to youth are already worthy of Oshika's respect, no matter whether the game is won or lost

It's hateful, this Oshika is too hateful. Cui Yu was naturally indignant, and cursed as he returned to his position.

Mr. Cui, calm down. Didn't you see Yu Luocheng's hand? His hand was soaked in the rain and turned pale. It is impossible for them to return to normal in such a short period of time. In fact, they are already about to lose this time. It's a mess, Li Jingren comforted from the side.

In addition to Yu Luocheng, Da Luo, who was about to play, was also caught in the rain. The rain was really cold at this time. E-sports players should not tremble a little during the game. Subtle operations will completely affect the entire game, so watch Seeing their dejected looks, Li Jingren knew that South Korea was going to win this round again.

If they win this game, even if the shame of the league is completely wiped away, South Korea will regain the title of world champion and live forever

Tell Li Yuexin and the others to kill me fiercely, so that the entire Chinese e-sports collapses, otherwise it will be difficult to solve the hatred in my heart, Cui Yu said viciously.

Of course.

(There are still more than 500 votes left, brothers and sisters, if you work hard, you should be able to write about the passion event tomorrow. Do you want to watch it?? Hurry up and buy the monthly pass. It was agreed before that every time you catch up with 300 votes, you will add an extra chapter. Now If you cast 100 more votes, you can update more tomorrow, begging for more updates, I really want to write)

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