Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1122: Qianmeng's Exclusive Equipment

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\u003c!----\u003e Sleep until dawn, and the sunlight outside the window looks like a bit of morning beauty. [This article comes from]

When Yu Luocheng woke up, he felt like he had a very long dream. Although he couldn't remember what it was, he felt very comfortable on the whole. If nothing else, he must have been abused by some very attractive person in a competition. A half-dead plot.

Uh, okay, did I not take it too seriously, so many things happened last night, and my dream was still playing L?

Is walking a dog doomed to be lonely forever?

It's normal, it's normal, there is such a joke on the Internet: I like a girl, and the girl told me that she likes boys who play L, so I practice L hard, and after two months, I can't remember the girl's name anymore .

His mind was fairly clear, after brushing his teeth and washing his face, Yu Luocheng went to the computer and played a ranking game, which was the ranking of the king game.

It feels very good, and it exploded the opposite V without any accident.

Real Nima doesn't have eyesight, who will you blow up if you use VN in front of me?

I woke up so early, I'm in good spirits. Li Tuchuan saw Yu Luosheng while drinking his freshly brewed coffee.

He just heard the sound of victory, guessing that Yu Luocheng got up early in the morning and won a ranking game, but he looked at the time carefully, the end time of the game was 18 minutes

It's clear that it's so violent that there is no chance for others to surrender. Do you want to be so violent? ?

Li Tuchuan can already imagine that Little Japan is not having a good life today.

Not long after, everyone got up one after another. In the morning, everyone basically practiced independently. In the afternoon, everyone was arranged to play a training game, and then went to the stadium to prepare for the evening game.

Nowadays, e-sports competitions are basically arranged in the prime time at night, and the Olympic Organizing Committee probably found that the business of e-sports is very good, even higher than the ratings of all the events combined. In order to watch e-sports Countless people bought tickets at the competition site, and Chinese scalpers were all over the place.

After a while, Qianmeng also went downstairs. She was wearing a white sportswear, which was different from Guangdasi. In order to maintain her good figure, the first thing she and her sister Xia Yingxing got up every morning would never touch the computer. , but I have to go for a run, and then come back sweaty and take a shower for breakfast...

How should I put it, this is Bai Fumei's tone, anyway, no one in the Chinese national team insists on running every day like this.

The white sportswear can't hide the graceful and graceful figure. Whether it's the mature, intellectual and feminine Xia Yingxing or the beautiful and elegant Qianmeng Xia Yuli, they can always become a beautiful scenery in the Olympic Village.

Yuli, I seemed to hear Yu Luocheng's voice in your room last night? Xia Yingxing thought for a while, and finally asked this question.

You heard wrong. Xia Yuli replied calmly.

Oh, oh. Xia Yingxing cared 100% about her sister's affairs, even if eavesdropping on such things would really damage her image, she wouldn't be so shameless if she did it once in a while.

In fact, Xia Yingxing did hear Yu Luocheng's voice, and she was sure that Yu Luocheng had arrived in Qianmeng's room.

From Xia Yingxing's point of view, this is simply a big deal...

How should I put it, without my sister's permission, Xia Yingxing herself would not casually enter her sister's room, and Xia Yuli, who is a second sister like Xia Ning, never welcomes her into her room.

Are you confident in today's game? It seems that the US team has scored nearly 50 points from the Japanese team. Xia Yingxing changed the topic to the game.


Is Yu Luocheng's mentality adjusted well?


What were you doing last night?

The training match in the afternoon went very smoothly, everyone's cooperation seemed smooth.

In order to win higher points, Li Tuchuan and Zhang Aijing have changed their game policy, which can be put simply in five words: Don't be cowardly, you just want to win

To play against the Japanese team, you have to risk your life to kill. The national hatred is deep enough. In addition, everyone is still angry after the betrayal incident. In addition, it happens that our Greater China points are a little worse. Don't follow your little Japan. Where do you get more points from the Internet? ?

What kind of tower pushing tactics, what kind of field control tactics, what kind of replenishment crushing tactics, today are all nonsense

Da Luo and Xie Lianda have several slogans in mind: no killing is not fun, no super god is not happy

There will be some changes in the personnel who will play today. First of all, the aggressive dog Da Luo must be the top laner. Although the Japanese team's madmen are a bit difficult to deal with, Da Luo is not a vegetarian now. Just follow the madmen to the end. who died badly

In the middle lane, let Xie Lianda play directly.

Xie Lianda hated Little Japan the most, and was already ready to torture Quan.

The jungler was replaced by Emperor Song.

Da Luo, Xie Lianda, and Song Diwang of the national team form a radical Saburo, who really bites anyone he sees, and often makes waves.

If the game is to be won, it is definitely safer to let Zhou Yan and Yan Luo Wang play, but if you want the game to be full of blood, you must play this radical Saburo, plus Yu Luosheng, who is also a prodigal HR leader, so this game The game against the Japanese team must not be safe.

Little Japan barely won such a game by spying on Chinese tactics before, but now Li Tuchuan doesn't play tactics with them at all, Little Japan basically has no chance of turning around.

Time passed quickly, everyone brought out their clothes, mouse, keyboard and mouse pad...

Putting on a set of Yu Jing's new team uniforms, the snow-white clothes supported the e-sports fans shining brightly, coupled with the particularly conspicuous cuffs, necklines, and the flame color on the chest, the momentum was immediately revealed up

Everyone probably has a bowl or two of rice many times today, I don’t know why, playing in Japan is just happy, happy for no reason

When we arrived at the competition site, everyone unloaded their equipment and entered the preparation stage.

Yu Luocheng was adjusting the speed of Tiange's keys. He glanced at Qianmeng next to him, and found that a new device had also appeared on Qianmeng's hand. The whole thing was frozen white and looked like An ice sculpture keyboard, in addition to being a little cold, it is also very cool

Where did you get this equipment, it doesn't look like Fanpin? Yu Luocheng asked in surprise.

I am the second, what do you think? Qian Meng said calmly.

second place?

Yu Luocheng was a little dazed at first, but soon came to his senses.

That's right, in the e-sports throne event, I was the first, and I won the who and the battle, and Qian Meng was the second, she should also have her own exclusive equipment.

Why didn't I see you take it out before? Yu Luocheng asked.

I forgot where to put it, I found it not long ago, and it was just sent.

Nima is now begged by hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to collect the top-notch equipment from the past few years. Who would have thought that this top-notch piece, which is only a small level worse than Zhengfeng, would be thrown in a certain place without any care? In a corner, I didn’t remember to use it until now, what else can Yu Luocheng say \u003c!--over--\u003e

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