Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1108 To win the Korean team

15 minutes can be said to be long or short, but to Yu Luosheng, the first 30 minutes seemed to have gone through a very long, very long war.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and I wanted to be optimistic but I couldn't be optimistic, because the score changed again, it was 10 to 10

The difference of 10 heads is unacceptable to Yu Luocheng himself. After all, the number of heads in the professional league itself is very small, and the head score in a professional competition is often in single digits.

The South Korean team's intentions are obvious. Not only do they want to avenge the league, but they also want to show off all countries in the first game of the World Olympics.

However, how could it be possible for Yu Luocheng to be willing to be that slaughtered character?

The lead of 10 heads is obviously a satisfactory statistic for the South Korean team. They began to press in with a large army, constantly destroying the defense tower of the national team.

The other defense towers are secondary things, and they can only give the team a team economy once, but what they need most now is to break the highland defense tower of the Chinese national team.

After the highland defense tower is taken down, it will become easy for them to overthrow the base of the Chinese national team.

In 10 minutes, Pluto and Suzaku did cause us a lot of obstacles. Next, I don't want to see you do anything other than knock down the defense tower. Our team's economy is already ahead by a large margin, and victory is inevitable. What happened? Li Yuexin's face turned serious, and he had already ordered all the team members to die.


Destroy the Highland Defense Tower

destroy crystal base

10 minutes, just like the 5 minutes of death at the beginning of the game, the 5 minutes of death established the absolute advantage of the South Korean team, and the last 10 minutes will determine whether the Chinese national team can turn around in the next game

Once South Korea scored 30 points in the first game against the South Korean team, the best result of the Chinese national team is probably only a bronze medal.

And with the piss of the South Korean team, they hope that the Chinese national team will have nothing in this World Olympics. They will win the first place, the United States will be second, and Canada will be third... This is the script they have arranged

If the South Korean team only had Han Zongzhi, only An Luoxuan, and only Lu, such a South Korean team might be strong, but it might not be impossible to defeat, but after Li Yuexin appeared, the Korean Hell Demon Army really turned into a hell team, invincible and awe-inspiring. , The national team was originally lagging behind in overall strength and now it has become even more difficult to parry.

It seems that Li Yuexin doesn't plan to kill any more. In order not to have long nights and dreams, the army has already pressed in. Li Tuchuan said.

It's a bit overwhelming. They even took the big dragon, and the next wave of attack will be to take the high ground. Xiao Wang said with a wry smile.

There was a serious skew in this game. Yan Luo Wang, Zhou Yan, and Da Luo were very, very behind in terms of economics. It can be said that Li Yuexin and Lu had no chance to turn around. It was already 35 minutes of the game Now, they haven't put together the three-piece suit, which is a rare thing in professional competitions.

Not yet, as long as we defend the crystal base, we will win. Suddenly, Yu Luocheng said seriously.

But we are still lagging behind... Xiao Wang said.

It's okay, the head count is never as important as the crystal base. Li Yuexin must be worried that we won't be able to push back our hometown in 10 minutes, so he suddenly gave up the ambush in the wild area and the expansion of the team... If the crystal base is defended, South Korea will at best We only got 10 points from us, and these 10 points are nothing at all. Yu Luosheng said.

Yes, what we have to do now is to defend the crystal base, Li Tuchuan said.

In terms of the number of heads, the South Korean team should be somewhat satisfied, but it is impossible for Yu Luocheng to make them more satisfied.

I can't beat you who have excellent equipment, but it may not be impossible to drag it down

The hero Brand, the fire boy, is more suitable for positional warfare and defensive warfare, and it will be used in this important event for this purpose.

After all, there is a certain gap in strength. I don't know if our national team can last the last 10 minutes. The young diplomat said in the old naughty ear

Lao Wan also frowned at this time, and asked: Where is the gap mainly reflected, isn't the bottom lane playing pretty well?

Well... on the one hand, there is a gap in strength between the middle lane and the middle lane. On the other hand, our jungler Zhou Yan also has some obvious problems. It's not that Zhou Yan doesn't play well, but that his style of play tends to be steady. , tends to be defensive, and the Koreans keep attacking through junglers and mid laners, which has destroyed our overall situation. No matter how well-developed our bot lane is, it will be very difficult to make up for it ’ said the young diplomat.

That is to say, it is mainly the jungle position, which needs to be able to bring this rhythm? Laojian asked.

Well, it's just my opinion. After all, I don't know much about the professional system. The young diplomat said conservatively. Many professional competitions have hidden secrets, and many professional commentators dare not make assertions, let alone him. This is an ordinary player.

Lao Wan lowered his head, stroking his white stubble and thinking.

In your opinion, can you keep it?

It's a little difficult.

What if you want to win Han Bangzi? As far as I know, the competition is based on points, and I will definitely meet this group of Han Bangzi next time. I don't want to see them again, that fat congressman is still that pig That's it. Lao Ji said very unhappy.

It's unlikely to win.

Is it possible that there is nothing at all? Old Naughty continued to ask.

He was naturally very unwilling. Could it be that China, with a population of 1.3 billion, couldn't find five e-sports players better than Han Bangzi?

You also know that our country's previous views on e-sports...mostly regarded e-sports as an unhealthy thing that would make teenagers addicted, while others in South Korea regarded it as a real fashion competition, sport, special training, and special training. The economic man... All the players we are playing now have survived the situation that e-sports can't even solve the problem of food and clothing, and they have to bear the opposition of their elders, friends, and the strange eyes of this society, and they can achieve today's achievement It’s really not easy.” Young diplomats often travel at home and abroad, so they are naturally very aware of the gaps in some concepts at home and abroad.

That's right for you to say that, our system is indeed a bit sorry for these young and motivated boys, but the Olympic Games happens every four years, and I don't want to see this group of sticks rampant for four years. Old Naughty said.

It may be hopeless to win, but it is quite possible to really compete with them. The young diplomat said.

Oh? Do you have a way to strengthen the strength of our national team? Old Naughty asked hastily.

Well, the man I told you about is called Zhao Tinghua, his jungler strength is higher than Zhou Yan, and he is the world's top jungler, if he can join the national team...

Don't talk too much, find a way to get this kid here for me, he won't participate in the competition, my old man will talk to him personally.

Damn it, this is related to national honor and affects a country. How can you say that you won't participate if you don't participate? You, the director of the bureau, must teach this young man a lesson


I’m going to meet you in Chengdu tomorrow. Friends who can come to the scene can get a small poster of our struggle and molesting Uncle Luan on the spot. Oh, no, I’m molesting you

For those who can’t come, we definitely can’t favor one over another, so you can log in to your mobile phone QQ-click on the dynamics-interest tribe, enter League of Legends Who and Fighting, enter the tribe of our book, the top post will have this time we The live broadcast of the Rebellious League Event, you can see Uncle Fatty's side face and the lovely girls of our Random League at the scene, get started early and there will be book coins during our live broadcast of pictures and texts Give it to everyone, you don't need to spend money to read books.

Ah, I almost forgot, our Zhengfeng family is starting a small event of Beauty Spokesperson, and you can also participate in the tribe of our League of Legends and Zhengfeng. Little fairies, do you want to be our big fight? The spokesperson for Little Beauty? ? Then what are you waiting for, quickly show yourself in the tribe, kill everything in seconds, I am a genius, why did I come up with such an exciting event, anyway, I have to refresh the tribe information every hour

Finally, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can only update the first chapter today, and it's a bit cold to fly to Chengdu, but take a hot bath and sleep in the bed, and I should be safe and sound to see you tomorrow

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