Undefeatable – League of Legends

The first thousand and ninety-five chapters Unlimited firepower level fire man!

The number of people watching this game will soon be close to 100 million, and the only ones that have reached this number in history are the NHA finals and the World Cup.

If nhaR's penalty shootout with football after the buzzer-beater is the most frightening thing for the fans, then the moment of Qian Meng and Yu Luocheng's four magic generals in the World Olympics also makes everyone's heart raised in their throats

South Korea couldn't believe that their jungler Lu was vulnerable to this partner, and at the same time shouted emotionally to kill these two guys, and quickly terminate them...

The Chinese audience held their breath and concentrated on it. Killing the blind monk gave them some comfort, but they were still not worried about Qian Meng and Yu Luocheng.

The audience has already reacted like this, not to mention Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng's teammates, Zhou Yan, Xiao Wang, and Yan Luowang are pushing forward frantically in the middle, but how can they control themselves not to look at it? road?

Don't worry about Rambo, he will be silenced by me, Qianmeng stop my password In the voice of the team, Yu Luocheng's voice suddenly raised a lot of decibels, even a little broken

Yu Luocheng who is so excited is rare, it is enough to show his heart

Yu Luocheng has always regarded the game that others ridiculed as a battlefield. This is a glorious struggle. There is no room for jokes or humbleness. Players should fight proudly and burn all their passion and youth to fight until the sky is dark and the sky is dark.

His pupils were suddenly sunken, and that focus has surpassed all professional players...

At this moment, he can't see anything else, let alone hear other noises. He is in the Summoner's Canyon, and the death situation that Fireman Brand and Ezreal are facing is all he can see with his eyes

Qianmeng is as focused as Yu Luocheng, her state of mind is changing, and she doesn't know whether it is the stimulation brought by the front line of life or death or the exaggeration of Yu Luocheng's broken voice

However, Qian Meng understood Yu Luosheng's intentions.

Yu Luosheng's reminder made Qian Meng see a flaw in Rambo when coping in a mess

Although he doesn't play top lane heroes very much, Qianmeng is very clear that Rambo has a self-silence, which is after all the temperature bars are full.

In the next few seconds, in addition to the special damage attached to Rambo's normal attack, the mechanical yordle that this guy was silenced by his high temperature is a super infantry

Qianmeng moved her steps, using the secret technique to shoot to refresh the netbsp of her other skills; Three

Two Yu Luocheng is counting down.

Rambo's self-silence gave the two of them an excellent chance to breathe, and his damage would not be enough to kill Qianmeng.

Qian Meng looked focused, she was waiting for Yu Luocheng's password.


Yu Luocheng spat out the last password heavily.

Kill Han Zongzhi

As soon as the voice fell, Yu Luocheng, the fiery man Brand, had a flame mark on his hand

The flame imprint flew out from an oblique direction, passed between An Luoxuan's Thresh and Rambo, and flew towards Han Zongzhi who was about to come up to deal damage like a tracking skill

Han Zongzhi's psychology has been thoroughly analyzed by Yu Luocheng. Rambo is silent, and the damage is definitely not enough. In order to deal damage, Han Zongzhi will definitely come forward. Yu Luocheng seized this opportunity to shuttle the flames of the two enemy heroes. The imprint was born out of nowhere, Han Zongzhi can be said to have bumped into this flame imprint

Damn, did he hang up? Han Zongzhi didn't expect it at all, he was stunned by the flame mark, and cursed.

An Luoxuan was also stunned when he saw the appearance of the flame imprint.

this... this is impossible

Another mark of fire? ? ?

Just now, the fire man stunned the blind monk with the flame imprint, which was the most important reason for the death of the blind monk. The second stun is really powerful.

However, why did he have the flame imprint again, and it has only been more than 3 seconds

Ooooh, another dizziness, if I remember correctly...

Who can tell me how many seconds is the fire man's fire imprint cd, why did he have the stun ability again after such a short period of time?

Impossible, this is definitely going to hang up, it only took a few seconds, and there is another dizziness, have I never played with the fire boy?

The arena suddenly boiled up, and everyone couldn't believe that Yu Luocheng's fireman Brand's stun skills were released like a fake.

The shortest stun interval in League of Legends is the card master. His pie cd is very short. After the skills are filled up, there will be a stun time of 5 seconds. …

The flame imprint of Huo Man is relatively long in the impression of most people, at least it is absolutely impossible to be more than 3 seconds.

I remember that you are also a lover of fire men, don't you know the CD of the flame imprint? Yiqin asked Morun back.

Let's think about it... It seems like u seconds after the skill is fully charged... Ah, ah, I understand. Suddenly, the commentator Mo Lun suddenly realized.

u seconds

The cd of Fireman Brand's flame imprint will become u seconds at level 5...

Then, let's take a look at Yu Luosheng's outfit.

Lei Mo's secret code o minus CD, Mingliang shoes - 15 minus netbsp; Reduce the CD stream. Mo Lun seemed to discover the new continent.

Yiqin thought about it carefully, and immediately opened her mouth to explain to the players who were screaming Yu Luocheng cheated: Captain Yu didn't use the cheat, and the cooldown of the level 5 fire boy Brand is only u seconds. If the stack is full, the CD will be reduced. If equipped, a netbsp of the Flame Mark skill; The stun time is only seconds, and after u seconds, you can give another stun immediately. The frequency of this stun is even more terrifying than the card master. After all, the card master It takes a lot of time to choose a card, but Brand, the fire boy, can completely dizzy in a row, Morun said excitedly.

God, netbsp; At this moment, Mo Lun finally understood why Yu Luocheng chose a strange hot boy Brand as his assistant.

After level 9, there is only a u second CD, and the equipment is not too expensive, such as Lei Mo's Secret Code and Bright Shoes. Such a fire boy Brand is simply stunned, just throwing a stun The skill Nima blinked a few times and became dizzy again, so perverted to bursting

Han Zongzhi would never have imagined that the fire man Brand could have a second stun in just u seconds

Fireman's passive skills have been ignited for 4 seconds and continue to burn. This kind of Fireman Brand's skill connection is faster, and it can be directly and infinitely linked like in Infinite Firepower.

A version of Huo Man with unlimited firepower appeared on the regular map of Summoner Canyon, just thinking about it can tell how abnormal it is

Han Zongzhi, die. Yu Luocheng casually gave Han Zongzhi a light.

And Qianmeng, who has suffered even more damage, has been waiting for this time. She ignored Rambo who was silenced by herself, and aimed her firepower at Han Zongzhi.

Seconds of stun time, enough for him to die

(Hey, Uncle has created a new support style of play. It is worth trying for everyone to reduce the cd Liuhuo man as the main support, but you must pay attention to the mana problem in the early stage. Don't think that your damage is high in the early stage and fight with the opponent... Wait for the equipment to form It’s not too late to be awesome, and at the same time, I recommend that passers-by qualify with extra money to install, and don’t fight in the early stage.)

(In other words, the style of Diablo Yuan first making a big move and then pushing the ball is also created by Uncle and belongs to our chaotic league. Many mid laners in LpL this season have used this move. It is indeed a very unsolvable move. I still think The auxiliary dark element is more suitable for this trick, and the team battle is perfectly controlled.)


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