Undefeatable – League of Legends

The first thousand and ninety-one chapters of the siege

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In his busy schedule, Yu Luocheng took a look at the situation on other roads.

Li Yuexin has completely dominated Zhongshang, and it is Xiao Wang who accepts Da Luo's collapsed Daomei, and Xiao Wang himself is too hard to do, so he will take over the next mess.

Fortunately, this guy is a top laner who has experienced many battles. After successfully evading Li Yuexin's pursuit, the score no longer looks so bleak.

This substitution policy is really good. If Da Luo was to fight, he would be so angry that he would irrationally want to swap with others, but in the end he lost his life instead of his life. Yu Luosheng said.

Yu Luocheng understands Da Luo's character. Although he is very good at playing disadvantaged games, he can't play in a bad game. A bad game and a crash game are two concepts. In addition, Li Yuexin's analysis of the characters of the Chinese national team players is very appropriate. , Knowing that Da Luo has a bad temper, so he keeps messing with him.

Li Yuexin dominated the upper middle, and the wild areas, fish ponds, and rivers in the middle and lower were basically contracted by Yu Luosheng.

Magic cut is still a little bit close, I don't need skills for now. Qian Meng reminded aloud.

Yu Luocheng nodded.

After Qianmeng joined the team, it was different from playing in the past. She would tell Yu Luosheng some key points, unlike before, Yu Luosheng had to rely entirely on his imagination to guess Qianmeng's equipment status and offensive skills.

Needless to say, the magic weapon is about to be released, Qianmeng is definitely going to become the Goddess of War

Yu Luosheng's equipment is also considered to be fully formed, with output and CD reduction, now I'm afraid the opponent won't come

This time, Yu Luocheng had vision, and he could clearly see the movement of the blind monk on the opposite side. Just as Yu Luocheng guessed, this time the South Korean jungler Lu chose to attack from behind.

Lu tried it from the frontal position, and was almost instantly killed by these two guys with a set of skills. He learned a lesson! Lu chose to change his position this time, and this time he said that he could not lose face in front of the whole country

Front and rear double-teaming is the best position to kill Huo Nan. Huo Nan's ult move, Flame Bomb, can cause extremely terrifying damage. If he attacks from behind, Huo Man Brand can't cause such terrifying flames when he releases his ult. The explosion effect is gone.

Be careful, first check to see if Ezreal has a magic cut. An Luoxuan reminded aloud.

An Luoxuan is a meticulous person after all, he knows very well that if Ezreal has a magic cut, the three of them may not be able to get cheap from the offensive of these two people

Let me see... Well, not yet, very good, let's attack when she has not formed a magic cut, otherwise the damage will be too high. Lu said.

What are you afraid of? Even with Moqie, the three of us can't kill the two of them? Han Zongzhi said.

An Luoxuan squinted at Han Zongzhi, why did this guy deceive himself so much, as if the three of them didn't suffer a big loss before.

Captain, are you coming? Lu asked just to be on the safe side.

The blind monk and Yasuo are a god combination, as long as Lu kicks casually, Li Yuexin must die on the opposite side after receiving the big move.

I have my prey. Li Yuexin said.

All right.

Lu began to sneak in. As a top blind monk in the world, finding a position to perform a beautiful roundabout kick is a skill that needs to be mastered. At this time, Lu has already used the blind monk's flexibility to get behind Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng.

After waiting for a while, after seeing that the time was right, Lu finally dispatched

This time, Lu will not trouble Ezreal. Ezreal has flashes and transitions. It is very difficult for you to kick him back in the case of two shifts. Just find the fire man who has not flashed. it's ok

Last time it was a mistake, this time you won't be able to escape, Lu secretly said in his heart.

Han Zongzhi saw that Lu had found an excellent opportunity to go around the back, and his whole body was full of energy, and finally he could get rid of his shame. Damn, he let himself, the number one ad, be so embarrassed in front of the Korean people, it is absolutely unforgivable

An Luoxuan, don't make mistakes this time, Han Zongzhi explained.

An Luoxuan thought about it right away, who made the mistake? Whoever was frightened by a taunting skill flashed it all? Can't someone tell the difference between releasing a skill and pressing the taunting button?

An Luoxuan was too lazy to argue with Han Zongzhi, and concentrated on doing the current thing well.

The target is the fire boy Brand, this doesn't need Lu to tell An Luoxuan to know, the moment the blind monk kicks him over, he had better be able to keep up with the control immediately, otherwise if the fire boy Brand's skills are released, it is estimated that You can also change one.

Here we come Yu Luocheng said, his black eyes had a gleam of luster, a bit focused, a bit war-loving, a bit arrogant

And... Qian Meng added lightly.

Right next to the haystack in the wild area, a red whirlwind appeared there, rolling up a terrifying murderous aura.

That's teleportation, the enemy's teleportation.

There are only two people teleporting in the audience, one is the will of the blade - Irelia, and the other is Rambo who is on the road

Obviously this teleportation is the opponent's Rambo.

Be good, 3 people are not enough to kill, this is the rhythm of Ding Mahjong

Hell's three demons will add a Mie Shi Rambo, this killing lineup is really luxurious, it feels like everyone in Korea is dispatched except for Li Yuexin, a guy who sticks to his principles.

The atmosphere froze all of a sudden, the wild area and fishponds contracted by Yu Luocheng were already filled with turbulent murderous aura, the wind was blowing, the blind man was broken, Thresh locked his soul, and his mouth was preying. Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng stood back to back, listening Liulu, with awe-inspiring eyes...

Quickly give an eye, quickly put an eye in place, let Xiao Wangfei go over to support you came the words of Li Tuchuan from the United Front.

Yu Luocheng and Qianmeng are alone and helpless at the moment, they will have to face such an overwhelming number of enemies when they join hands to enter Longtan, and there are not even small soldiers around them

Insert a scouting guard, and Irelia, who is the top laner Xiaowang, can be teleported down, so that Qian Meng and Yu Luocheng won't have to face such an ambush on the opposite side.

However, Yu Luocheng stood there, indifferent.

Yu Luocheng, put your eyes in, I can't fly over. Xiao Wang said eagerly.

The whole team is watching Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng. Originally, everyone thought that joining Lu on the opposite side to carry out a three-person siege would be the maximum. Who knew that Rambo would also send it down. This is not giving Yu Luocheng and Qian Meng a chance to survive .

What's the matter with the captain, if you don't get in the way, is he panicked too? Shen Xueyu said uneasily.

How could the captain panic.

Then why doesn't he give me a glance? The normal captain will definitely give me a look as soon as possible, so that teammates who also have teleportation can come over to support me. Shen Xueyu said.

You said it yourself, Yu Luocheng will definitely show you the first time... There is only one reason why he didn't show you the first time. Lin Dong, who knows best, said.

What's the reason? Emperor Song, Xie Lianda, Bai Feng and others didn't understand Yu Luocheng's obvious mistake.

He doesn't want Xiaowang to send it over. Lin Dong said with certainty.

(Yo yo, our second one promises you an extra chapter today, this is the first chapter)

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