Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1082 Preemptive strike!

I don't know what that fat pig is snorting about. I hate this kind of little dirt dog showing off his dead mouse food in front of the lion. The old man said very displeased.

Compared with other events, your Bangzi Country will be completely smashed by us, let's take an e-sports as an example...not to mention that you only have a small advantage, so there is nothing to be proud of.

Lao Jian still has great confidence in the boys of the Chinese e-sports team, because as an important official of the country himself, he is very aware of the poor support for e-sports in China before this.

And the boys are all trained under such difficult conditions, and then compete with other e-sports powers, these are not easy.

Old director, let's go. South Korea's e-sports is famously powerful. We don't need to be angry here and go to other sports. The young diplomat said in a low voice.

Why bother to get angry with a group of villainous Han Bangzi, what's the use of them being good at e-sports, there is only one team gold medal in total, just give them away, and even if the Korean e-sports players get one each, I will give you a total of 5 One gold medal, even the soles of the feet of China's total gold medals can't be seen.

Whether I go or not, I have to see the end, not only this one, I also have to watch the second game against Han Bangzi. Lao Jian is also stubborn.

The main reason is that I can't stand Cui Yu's stubbornness. I really don't believe how powerful their Han Bangzi is.

The young diplomat had no choice but to sit by the side and explain to the old urchin.

The current situation of our national team is not too optimistic. The young diplomat himself is also masturbating, and he understands the situation very well.

Is the human head still acceptable? Lao Jian said.

It's possible, but the main problem is that mid laner Li Yuexin, this guy's development is too good now, one can beat two.

Then let Boy Yu go up and beat him up, isn't Boy Yu very good? Old Naughty continued to ask.

Yu Luosheng is a support, so he's definitely not Li Yuexin's opponent in heads-up, besides, he has to accompany ad in the bottom lane to develop first.

Oh, oh, but they played really well in the bottom lane, right? said Old Man.

Yes, but their advantages are not enough to make up for the disadvantages of their teammates and Li Yuexin's strength.

It's okay, there's always a chance.

The national team is indeed still looking for suitable opportunities.

However, the Korean team's overall strength and overall tactics are indeed very advanced. After 15 minutes, they began to rely on their own pk advantage to attack frantically, looking for people to kill frantically.

In the past, the South Korean team would probably use their advantages to acquire dragons, push towers, control wild monsters, hhpp, etc., but this style of play may not be fully applicable under the new game rules.

After the head counts to a certain proportion, presumably getting the head will become what the dominant side wants to do more.

The South Korean team is like this, they are desperately trying to get kills, especially Li Yuexin, his wandering has become extremely frequent, most of which appear in the middle and upper wild generation

Damn it, I can't stand this bastard anymore, I'll gank him in the middle lane, Da Luo said angrily.

In less than a minute, Da Luo has already hung up 4 times. He was killed by Li Yuexin a minute ago. He was in the hhpp area. He beat a small wild monster to make up for the economic results but was caught by Li Yuexin. He was also there, but it was obvious that he couldn't beat him. This Li Yuexin had a critical attack with a sword, and the damage was terrible. A set plus a basic attack could even knock out nearly half of the person's blood. How can this be played.

Da Luo was naturally not reconciled, Li Yuexin had no brains to get him on the road in this round, blowing out Da Luo's anger.

Da Luo couldn't sit still this time, he chose to gank in the middle.

It is better to take the initiative to attack than to wait for death on the road. This Li Yuexin kills himself without thinking. The most annoying thing is that he is very good at pinching the time. The damage is extremely high, and it can basically be done in seconds, and King Yama died before he could give the big move.

It's not that Yan Luo Wang's support is not in place, but that Yasuo's line clearing ability is much faster than that of Old Man Time. Old Man Time's mana consumption is very high without blue hhpp, and Yan Luo Wang is constantly being pressed under the defense tower , Others Yasuo basically cleared a wave of pawns within 3 seconds, and he can walk around at will in the remaining seconds, but Yan Luowang's side is obviously much slower, which makes the gap between the mid laners more and more bigger.

Fortunately, now that King Yan Luo's level has risen, the damage of the bomb is also higher, and the minions can be quickly cleared away. Otherwise, if he is suppressed like that again, Li Yuexin will kill the whole audience.

Li Yuexin already has his killing rhythm, stuck in time, ambush, strike late, strike first...

Da Luo decided not to let him go on like this in accordance with his killing rhythm, and this time he had to go to the middle to kill him once.

Old Yan, I'm here, let's see if you can make a sale. Da Luo said to King Yama.

It's a little dangerous. His equipment is too good. It is estimated that Zhou Yan will come with him to kill him. Yan Luowang said.

I'm here, wait for me. Zhou Yan was already on the way.

It's too late, forget it, I'll go first. Da Luo saw a good opportunity...

Daomei, like Yasuo, can use minions as springboards.

Da Luo saw a lot of weak soldiers on the line, these are his springboards

Da Luo didn't wait too long, the opportunity waited for no one, he rushed out from the bushes on the side, and suddenly a sharp blade rushed into the center.

The big move of the flying blade was activated, and the flying blade flew towards the pile of soldiers, maiming the small soldiers.

Then use the remaining blood soldier in front of him to continue the second sharp blade sprint displacement, and instantly appeared in front of Yasuo

Want to kill me? It's interesting. Li Yuexin was a little surprised, but he didn't panic at all.

He seems to know Da Luo's attacking routine, and when he sees the pawns with weak blood around him, he immediately uses the enemy's pawns to move

The level 5 stepping forward cut allows Li Yuexin to move freely as he likes, he first throws off Da Luo, and seeing that Old Man Time is coming forward, he rushes towards King Yama's Old Man Time without saying a word.

Yan Luowang operated quickly, first to slow down Li Yuexin, and then the bombs landed on Li Yuexin's head in two bursts at the same time.

The first shot of the bomb was blocked by Yasuo's wind shield. After the second burst of damage, Li Yuexin also lost a lot of blood. If Da Luo can keep up with a set of output at this time, maybe it is true It can be beheaded.

(The third chapter is finally added)

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