Undefeatable – League of Legends

The first thousand and seventy-eight chapters violent counterattack!

The shallow dream Ezreal was slapped back by An Luoxuan's Thresh Pendulum of Doom, and was also slowed down.

I'm on... Lu suddenly said.

Don't worry, I believe I can force out his movement skills again. An Luoxuan said calmly.

With a shake of his figure, Lu forcibly stopped the car without alarming the enemy.

An Luoxuan's eyes were sharp, and the soul-chasing hook in his hand suddenly flew out, just to hook Qian Meng forcibly.

Seeing An Luoxuan's actions, Yu Luocheng didn't feel too worried. He was very relieved of Qianmeng's position, An Luoxuan was impossible...

kindness? wrong!

The position of An Luoxuan's hook...

Qian Meng saw An Luoxuan's hook, and used the e-skill-Arcane Leap without a trace of hesitation. The reason why Ezreal called it the most elegant hero is precisely because he has a flash-like skill that makes him Enemies are difficult to catch, and there is no possibility of hitting a linear skill like this face-to-face skill.

However, what made Yu Luocheng's heart tense was that An Luoxuan's hook did not fly directly towards Qianmeng's body, but a flying hook that most people saw as biased...

Awareness prediction hook! !

This kind of conscious prejudgment hook is an extremely difficult way to get out of the hook. He not only needs to figure out the enemy's heart, but also needs a skill of betting with strength, that is, betting that your enemy will use the displacement skill to flash here...

Qianmeng teleported to the back side, just to avoid the oncoming hook, but what she didn't expect at all was that the hook flew towards her after the leap...

Qian Meng was startled, this An Luoxuan's strength was terrifying! !

Damn it, he can catch all of this, Qianmeng, be careful yourself. Yu Luocheng said.

Qianmeng nodded. At this time, her Ezreal was completely unable to move and was hooked by the opponent. The worse news was that Thresh had already thrown a lantern back, which meant that the blind monk was about to die. will be pulled in front of her.

Qian Meng also felt that she was in danger at this time, but she did not sit still, she made an operation at the moment the hook hit her.

Nice job,

An Luoxuan. Lu cried happily, feeling like a hunter who can be harvested.

Lu immediately lit the lantern given by An Luoxuan Thresh, stepping on that lantern, he instantly arrived in front of Thresh, and at this distance, he could deal damage to Ezreal immediately!

Girls, where are you going this time?

The last gank was not too successful, and the female player ran away. This time, Lu will clean her up no matter what!

Seeing Qian Meng being hooked, Yu Luocheng also tensed up.

If Qianmeng is hooked like this, he will basically hand over Flash. The problem is that Flash basically can't solve the problem of being killed...

Ah drink!!!

Suddenly, a dark yellow barrage of full moon flew out from Ezreal's body, flying close to the opponent's blind monk and Thresh's face!

This is exactly Ezreal's ultimate move - precise barrage!

After Izreal possessed the power of the three phases, his full-state ult can basically knock out 30%-40% of the enemy's HP if he sweeps it at people. Thresh and the blind monk got Ize Riel's big move to maximize damage saw the blood volume of these two drop a lot!

Wow~~ amazing! Yu Luocheng couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yu Luocheng originally thought that Qian Meng didn't do anything when she was hooked. It turned out that she used a very important technique, which was equivalent to disabling Thresh's hook control skill.

Yu Luocheng used this technique very early on. At that time, Yu Luocheng used Lux ​​and his opponent was the jewel knight.

The jewel knight threw a stun skill at Yu Luocheng, and Yu Luocheng used Lux's big move the moment the stun hammer reached him.

Lux's ult has an obvious time for chanting the spell, which takes about 0.5 seconds. When the stun skill cannot interrupt Lax's ult, Yu Luocheng uses the 0.5 seconds for Lux to cast the spell. Seconds is equivalent to lifting the dizziness of the jewel knight!

In the same way, Qian Meng made an extremely calm decision the moment she was hooked by Thresh, and Yu Luocheng couldn't help being amazed by this decision!

She used Ezreal's ult!

It takes about 1 second for Ezreal's ultimate move to cast. Although Thresh's hook can last for about 1.5 seconds, the shallow dream Ezreal is not at the mercy of others during this time of being controlled. It was when the opponent was unprepared that he completed the ultimate move - the release of the precise barrage!

So, when Thresh and the blind monk rushed in front of Izreal at the same time, before attacking the light dreaming Izreal, they ate a full damage-precise barrage first!

The damage of a three-phase power Ezreal's big move is terrible. An Luoxuan and Lu Hammer lost nearly 40% of their blood at the same time!

In addition, Qianmeng's big move swept away all the minions in front of him. As long as there are no minions in front of a hero like Ezreal blocking his skills, this hero can definitely play a weapon comparable to that of a male gun. Horror burst damage! ! !

Break Thresh hook control.

Let Thresh and the blind monk get full damage at the same time.

Clean up the minions in front of you to create the best output environment.

Qian Meng's god-level ultimatum killed three birds with one stone, making Yu Luocheng's eyes sparkle who was still a little nervous.

As expected of Qianmeng, under the predictive operation of the opponent An Luoxuan and Lu Patience's gank crisis, there was an unexpected twist in thinking that ordinary people could not think of!

Come on, eat my full set of skills too! Yu Luocheng felt sour all over, and pinched the flame in his hand for a long time!

Pillar of flames!

Fire bombs! !

The two group damage skills were thrown towards the blind monk and Thresh at that moment.

The pillar of flames soared into the sky, rolling up the tornado fire pillar, while the flame bomb repeatedly incinerated between the two of them. The two of them suffered repeated injuries, and their blood volume dropped wildly.

An Luoxuan and Lu were a little confused when they saw this scene.

What the hell is going on here!

I, Daan Luoxuan, managed to get the hook like this, and immediately pulled the jungler Lu over to prepare for the output. As a result, neither he nor Lu had time to make a move. Instead, they took n skills at once, and they were all Nima. High damage group skills!

Ezreal's big move scraped off about 36% of their blood!

Immediately afterwards, the flaming pillar knocked out about 10% of their blood.

What's scary is that Huo Man's flame bombs, he An Luoxuan and Lu basically stood together, the two suffered repeated injuries, and they each lost about 30% of their blood!

(Back to Fuzhou~~~~~~~~~ It’s still comfortable at home. Although the journey is very tiring, I will try my best to add chapters to everyone. This is the first chapter of today~~~~~~~~ Yes Brothers with monthly tickets, remember to vote for the monthly ticket ~~~~)

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