Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1075 Perfect Operation

Level 9. A smile appeared on Li Yuexin's face.

For a Yasuo who is the main e, the main e will bring unparalleled flexibility. The level 5 e skill stepping forward is equivalent to zero cd, as long as there are minions in front of him, he will shuttle extremely fast.

With level 5 e skills, Li Yuexin had his plans.

I have to say that the Chinese national team has found a good mid laner with solid basic skills and extremely seasoned experience. He Li Yuexin is known as a solo killer. Generally speaking, a world-class mid laner will basically kill him once within 10 minutes. , the mid laner of the Chinese national team is a bit interesting, very calm, and many tricks are not very effective on him.

However, having a level 5 e skill means that his old man will have to pay the price of one life.

Li Yuexin was not in a hurry, and pretended to be slow to replenish troops, but his eyes were watching the opponent's every move, like a cunning fox.

Yan Luowang stepped forward a little bit, he planned to take down the cannon carriage, he was already behind Li Yuexin by about 14 in terms of replenishment, he couldn't fall behind too much.

Suddenly, Li Yuexin activated!

Moving like a cunning rabbit, Li Yuexin's level 5 stepping forward slash made Li Yuexin's displacement reach an extreme, and the position where two flashes were still away a moment ago suddenly appeared in front of King Yama...

Yan Luo Wang decisively put on the acceleration skill and retreated backwards. If Li Yuexin swept him up with the wind, he might be instantly killed by a set. Now that Yasuo's combo is perfect, he can kill himself in one go. !

After the old man's acceleration was turned on, his movement speed was also very fast, and he returned to the defense tower in an instant...

Li Yuexin saw King Yan Luo's quick reaction and fled, with a sly smile on his face, he gave up the pursuit of King Yama and returned to control the line of troops.

Yan Luowang saw the distance and slowly returned to the battlefield.

Suddenly, this Yasuo stepped on again, and his own soldiers became his unscrupulous pedals. The continuous displacement made this Yasuo appear in front of King Yama as if he used two flashes in a row!

You're very old-fashioned, but you still keep a lot of distance from me like this. Li Yuexin said to himself.

However, this attack on Li Yuexin didn't intend to let Yan Luowang retreat like this!

Although his skills cannot reach Old Man Time,

But the tornado that is about to move on the blade

The blade swiped forward, sweeping out a gust of wind, the target was Old Man Time, who was heading towards King Yama. King Yama's acceleration skill had already been used, so he could only rely on his coquettish positioning to avoid Li Yuexin. skills.


A wind wall suddenly appeared in front of Yasuo, like a waterfall of wind!

King Yan Luo was taken aback for a moment!

wind wall? ?

Didn't this guy release Blizzard Slash? How could he sweep out a wall of wind?

Oops! Immediately, King Yama realized something was wrong.

In the next second, a coiling wind suddenly broke through the wind wall of the waterfall and flew out without warning, flying towards King Yama in a straight line.

Yan Luo Wang almost subconsciously moved the pendulum to avoid the whirlwind that broke through and swept over from behind the wind wall, but Li Yuexin was really a very cunning player, he seemed to see through Yan Luo Wang's professionalism, his wind Throw it directly at King Yama...

No matter how many pendulums you move, Li Yuexin firmly believes that King Yama will stay where he is in the end.

The wind blew past, and the edge position forcibly swept King Yama's Old Man Time into the air!

Li Yuexin was really confident, he seemed to know that this wind-breaking slash would definitely hit King Yama, and when the wind was still in the middle, he used the level 5 forward slash to quickly approach!

The wind arrives, the sword arrives!

At the moment Yan Luowang flew into the air, this guy drew out his quick sword, hit Yan Luowang with a basic attack, and then followed up with a big move to slash in the air!

As soon as King Yama was about to land, he was picked up into the air by the Gale Swordsman, slashing and slashing in a row, combined with the burst damage of the general attack and electric blade just now, instantly crippling King Yama's Old Man Time!

King Yan Luo moved half a step before he was hit by Li Yuexin's set of skills.

After landing, Yan Luo Wang hurriedly put on a big move for himself, and flashed to lean against the defensive tower.

After all, King Yan Luo couldn't withstand the damage of the opponent's set of skills, and fell on the edge of the defense tower...

Fortunately, he had already put on a big move for himself in time, and Brother Xinchun was able to revive under the defense tower.

Li Yuexin stood on the edge of the defense tower, like a vulture guarding the corpse.

It's really a gorgeous operation. The combination of wind wall and gale slash is already excellent. What's even more incredible is that he used the forward slash to move forward with the wind. The damage has reached an extreme effect, and the limit has completed a set of instant kills against Old Man Time... Not to mention, Old Man Time also has a big resurrection move, after entering the tower, Li Yuexin should not be able to kill him again.

No, Li Yuexin didn't intend to let Old Man Time go, what is he doing? Yiqin didn't have much affection for Li Yuexin, a Han bang, but this guy's understanding of Yasuo was really at its peak, and the series of operations just now were not normal at all. People can connect it!

The battle wasn't over yet. Li Yuexin's Yasuo didn't stand still outside the tower waiting for Old Man Time's resurrection. He turned around strangely, attracted the hatred of a melee minion, and then walked around behind the melee minion...

He wants to use this melee soldier as a springboard to attack again at the moment when time is resurrected! Suddenly, Mo Lun realized his intention.

In the next second, King Yama's Old Man Time was revived, and Li Yuexin stood on the edge of the defense tower's attack and stepped on it with that melee soldier!

Haifeng Jianhao flew to the tower in front of him at the moment Shi Shi was resurrected. King Yan Luo's Shi Shi was revived with about half of his blood volume. Most people should give up entering the tower and kill him, but this Li Yuexin is like crazy...

After getting close to King Yama, he immediately received another eq spinning sword, and King Yama's blood volume dropped again.

With only 20% blood left, King Yama threw a bomb on this guy's head without hesitation, ignited it and released it, trying to replace this arrogant guy.

After Li Yuexin's sword hero set eq, he immediately used the newly refreshed minions to move continuously, and moved to the right side between the two defensive towers in the middle lane, avoiding the attack of the defensive towers for a while...

King Yan Luo, who had low blood volume, was slightly relieved when he saw him retreating...

However, when Yan Luo Wang saw that the second blast was already lingering in the hand of the blast sword hero, he suddenly realized something!

Not good!! King Yan Luo yelled, and saw Li Yuexin's Gale Swordsman suddenly flashed forward and slashed back, spinning the blade and flying King Yama into the air again...


One sword takes away the last blood volume...

King Yan Luo had no way to escape, and he was irresistible. He only hoped that the damage caused by the fire would burn him to death before he could get out of the tower...

It's a pity that the damage was a bit worse after all!

King Yan Luo looked at his black and white screen, and his heart was tumbling violently.

Li Yuexin's operation to kill him even surprised Yama himself, perfect operation, perfect calculation, it seems that he was doomed to die from the moment he was swept away! r1148

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