Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1073: Five Minutes of Death

The enemy's 3 people are on the top, and our jungler is on the bottom. It stands to reason that this is an excellent opportunity to take the dragon.

But the opponent has a big mouth. After level 6, its ultimate move consumes infinite saliva, which will cause a great threat to Yu Luosheng, Qian Meng, and Zhou Yan, who are not high in level. May die.

So instead of taking Xiaolong, the three of them took their blue buff, so Da Luo's sacrifice is not too bad.

The head was taken by Li Yuexin. This guy should use the electric blade when he goes back. Yan Luowang reminded everyone.

After possessing the electric blade, Yasuo's combat power will have a qualitative improvement. Presumably, in terms of the style of Li Yuexin's demon king, he will carry out his aggressive actions.

The relationship between Old Man Time and Goddess Tears is obviously slower than that of Suo, and Da Luo's sword girl also has to wait until the three pieces of equipment are made to be a real sword girl.

It can be said that the national team's top laner Da Luo and mid laner Yan Luowang will be in their weakest period, but South Korea's mid laner Yasuo, jungler Blind Sin, and top laner Rambo will usher in their strongest time.

According to Li Tuchuan's previous analysis, Li Yuexin will definitely wander around crazily at this point in time, crazily bringing up the rhythm of the audience, and will thoroughly start their killing journey...

The head has already been counted in the points, how could Li Yuexin let go of this excellent opportunity to open up the score.

Five minutes, give another 5 minutes, the combat power of Da Luo and King Yama will be improved because of the first piece of equipment, as long as they can withstand Li Yuexin's bloodbath for 5 minutes, this round is very promising. Li Tu Chuan secretly said in his heart.

Basically, he and Zhang Aijing have almost analyzed what kind of trend will happen in a game. For example, the exchange between Yu Luosheng and Han Zongzhi in the bottom lane, and Da Luo being surrounded by three people are all normal deaths. Minutes are the key to the victory of the World Olympics. As long as Da Luo, Yan Luo Wang, and Zhou Yan can withstand serious deaths, the national team will have a much better life in the future.

And it will take about 25 minutes for Yu Luosheng's hot boy Brand to really take shape.

If the economic ratio of the two sides does not differ too much in about 25 minutes, Yu Luocheng's fire man Brand will completely incarnate into a real fire king, exerting extremely powerful control on the battlefield...


As soon as Yasuo's electric blade came out, the Chinese national team may have entered the death zone for 5 minutes.

This is an extremely difficult time to pass. On the commentary stage, Yiqin boldly made his own judgment.

A commentator needs to have a very professional understanding of professional games. If this knowledge is not enough, the words will become unconvincing.

Moran, who was on the same stage as the commentator, didn't notice this, and hurriedly asked, Dead for 5 minutes, what does that mean?

Immediately, Yiqin expressed her opinion, and what she said was exactly what Li Tuchuan thought in his heart before.

Is it true, these 5 minutes may decide the outcome of the game?

The three c positions of the national team, the top lane, the middle lane, and the bottom lane are Daomei, Shiguang, and Ezreal... Daomei needs a triathlon, Shiguang needs a time stick, and Ezreal also needs a It takes about 5 minutes for the three powers to come out, but the double-piercing Rambo, the electric blade's Yasuo, and the high-damage blind monk are at their strongest.

Da Luo was killed once on the road, and the time for the three events has been delayed a bit.


Death for 5 minutes, Xiaobin, what does this mean?

It's just that the opponent is stronger in these 5 minutes, and our side will be weaker.

Why is that? Isn't the score 1 to 2? It's only 1 point behind...

This is the relationship between the heroes. Some heroes are slow to form, but they are very powerful after forming. Some heroes will form faster, but will be weaker in the later stage.

Why is this happening?

Hey, grandpa, you should watch the table tennis program, this is quite complicated.

You say, I can always understand, I'm not dementia.


In any case, when this lineup is selected, it means that there will be such a dark time for the Chinese national team.

And as the world's strongest team, the Korean Hell Army, they will definitely seize this dark moment and suppress the development of the Chinese national team in these 5 minutes, so that the late stage players such as Daomei and Time are more powerful The hero is disabled.

I'll swim in the upper middle area and give you a view. Zhou Yan said.

Now Zhou Yan has to guard Da Luo and King Yan Luo no matter what, especially Da Luo. Dao Mei is very afraid of being suppressed in the early stage. Da Luo just used the wave of flashing just now, and basically has no escape skills. It is very likely to be surrounded by the enemy again.

The impact of dying just now was not too great, anyway, the little soldier Da Luo was almost cleaned up, but if he died again, Da Luo, the sword girl, would be no different from being crippled.

We're ok on the way down, don't worry. Yu Luosheng said to Zhou Yan.

Yu Luocheng has a blue buff on hand, and in the next 3 minutes or so, he will roast Han Zongzhi like a dog. The ones who suffer are Han Zongzhi and An Luoxuan.


The time passed by every minute and every second, and it was just over 12 minutes, which was the time when the buff in the wild area was refreshed again.

The Korean Hell Demon Army was quieter than everyone imagined. Li Yuexin still developed in the middle for 2 minutes and did not take any action, but he and the blind monk disappeared during the buff refresh time.

The blind monk and Yasuo are gone, be careful. Zhou Yan said in a deep voice.

As I said before, Yasuo and the blind monk are the most wonderful combination. At this point in time, the fighting power of the two is comparable to that of Monkey King and Vegeta combined with Saiyans. If it is not necessary, no one is willing to meet them.

However, sometimes you have to face them. The buff in the wild area is refreshed, and the buff cannot be handed over, which will affect the development of the old man Shiguang in the middle lane.

Therefore, Zhou Yan had prepared his vision around the blue buff in advance, and he was sure that the enemy Yasuo and the blind monk duo would invade this blue buff and start their murderous journey.

Zhou Yan's vision is complete, so nothing should happen. Li Tuchuan rubbed his chin in thought.

The field of vision in the wild area is perfect, and if others want to invade, they will definitely be seen.

It's my fault, it's all on me! Suddenly, Da Luo, who was on the road, shouted.

Li Tuchuan's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly shifted his gaze to the road.

The moment he saw Lu's blind monk appearing from the edge of the grass, Li Tuchuan felt something was wrong!

(Chapter 2~~~ and Chapter 3~~~~)

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