Undefeatable – League of Legends

The first thousand and sixty-eight chapters bold

Boss, can you bear him? Da Luo said immediately after seeing this scene.

It's okay, if this thing can hit him, he has to lose a layer of skin. If it doesn't hit him, it just loses a little blue, and he recovers quickly. This Han Zongzhi hasn't repaired him for almost a year, and he still jumps like this. Let him jump. A while. Yu Luocheng said indifferently.

On the surface, Han Zongzhi bravely faced Pluto Yu Luocheng, dodged Yu Luocheng's flame stun combo with sharp and confident moves, showed his outstanding level, and at the same time expressed to the world that he is not afraid The bearing of Pluto.

In fact, Han Zongzhi was trying to die.

To put it bluntly, Yu Luocheng's combo just now was a pre-judged throw. Han Zongzhi has a 100% chance of going according to his predicted position. Well, as for Han Zongzhi's so-called unrestrained provocation, Yu Luocheng didn't feel it at all.

as ad should not have such uncool behavior, all in all this guy is stupid x

Lay out on your way, don't look around if you have nothing to do. Li Tuchuan reminded Da Luo angrily.

Da Luo smiled mischievously.

In the entire League of Legends, there are only two positions that can have time to look around. One is the jungler who wants to see the overall situation, and the other is the one who does not need the assistance of replenishing troops.

For the time being, there won't be too serious a fight in the bottom lane, but the matchup in the middle lane is the most worrying.

Yan Luowang is under great pressure. He is facing the strongest player in Korea and even the world, and Li Yuexin is famous for his strong suppression in laning. unable to take care of themselves

Li Tuchuan's vision is also focused on Yan Luowang. It stands to reason that the hero Yasuo needs to be suppressed in the early stage, and he cannot be given a smooth education, but Li Tuchuan is really not sure whether Yan Luowang and Yan Luowang can suppress Li Yuexin.

Fuck him, let's explore first. Li Tuchuan glanced at Zhou Yan's position.

Zhou Yan has already drifted to the middle lane at this time. He has double hhpp in hand. It is a good time to catch people. If he can use the raptor impact to lift Li Yuexin into the air, and cooperate with the time reduction and bombs, there is still hope to force him out. A flash of Yasuo came.

Moreover, Zhou Yan's ambush position is very good.

Zhou Yan nodded, took a deep breath and quietly waited for the best opportunity. Yasuo, who was on the other side, obviously didn't sense his arrival.

Let me do a back squat in the middle, I feel that their prince will come to stop your excessive suppression. Lu opened his mouth and said to Li Yuexin.

Li Yuexin glanced at the surrounding grass.

There is an ornamental eye on his left, it is impossible for the prince to gank from this position, and there is no eye position in the grass on the other side of the river, if the opponent wants to come, it is only possible to come from the lower right river.

Li Yuexin turned his field of vision again, and found that Lu was fighting wild monsters on his upper left, and there was a large wave of minions gathering in the middle.

He smiled slightly, and said: It's okay, it's not too late to come after you clear the 4 monsters first, their prince is coming and I can play with you two.

Okay, then my level should be ahead of their jungler. Lu said.

Lu and Li Yuexin have been training together for a long time, and he knows very well that Li Yuexin has a little habit in the lane, that is, excessively suppressing the enemy in the lane to deliberately attract the hatred of the enemy jungler.

It is very easy to play against a captain like Li Yuexin, because he will always attract enough attention from the enemy and give his teammates a very easy space to cultivate. To escape calmly, the worst thing is to change your life...

When Lu continued to brush wild monsters, he was already secretly praying for the opponent's jungler Zhou Yan, praying that he would not really squat Li Yuexin, because doing so would be a waste of time.

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there. Li Yuexin suddenly smiled.

In the grass, as soon as Prince Demacia showed his head, Li Yuexin spotted him.

He intentionally sold a loophole just to lure out the prince, although he was willing to waste the prince's time a little more.

As soon as the prince appeared, the old man Shi Guang was already pressing closer. It was obvious that the two of them were going to form a double-team.

Li Yuexin Yasuo's position is very forward, he is very far away from the defense tower of his home, if he walks back to the defense tower in a straight line, he will definitely be intercepted by the prince

Li Yuexin was not in a hurry to retreat, he pretended to run away to the grass on the left, but his eyes were fixed on the position of old man Shi Guang.

Come on, take another step forward, don't be so cautious. Li Yuexin said to himself as he walked.

That's right, he's an experienced player, but he didn't catch up right away...

Li Yuexin has to look at his opponent with admiration. Most of the mid laners will approach the enemy at all costs when they see a jungler coming to help. The purpose is to keep the enemy and cooperate with the jungler who came to finish. kill.

In fact, it is impossible to do this under certain circumstances. For example, when the combination of Shi Shi and the prince is besieging Yasuo, they must not let Shi Shi go up and hold Yasuo...

An experienced Yasuo, he will suddenly turn around and fight back when your prince is still out of reach, first use the minions to get close to the crispy old man time, make a combo of basic attack and slashing, wait for a while for the skill cd , and then a set of revolving swords that step forward and flash, add an ignition, and basically lose the crispy time in seconds

At this time, Yasuo still has at least half health, use flash to avoid the prince's raptor impact, if the prince still dares to fight recklessly, Yasuo can completely rely on his passive and short netbsp of skills; Yasuo is not strong in the early stage , but one show is good and can accumulate two passive Yasuo to show off mages and junglers in the early stage. There is no problem at all

The reason why Li Yuexin wanted to look at King Yama with admiration was because of King Yama's sophistication and vigilance in not rushing forward.


He, Li Yuexin, is not only capable of this, even if King Yan Luo is very clever to let the prince go to the front first, he never intends to be surrounded by two people to force away the best time to suppress time.

Facing the prince with double hhpp, Li Yuexin, who looked like he was running away, suddenly stepped forward, stepping on the little soldiers who had already served as stepping stones for him, and quickly approached the old man of King Yama's time.



Li Yuexin, who had hoped to escape after two consecutive shifts, went in the opposite direction and forcibly entered between Old Man Time and the Prince of Demacia

It's really bold. Li Tuchuan couldn't help but took a breath.

The vast majority of mid laners will definitely retreat in the face of double-teaming, to slow down the situation, like Li Yuexin, who clearly has the opportunity to get rid of this gank but instead fight back, it is really unprecedented

(There are three chapters today, this is the first chapter)

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