Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1065: Four World No. 1 Heroes

Ezreal, fight me with a hero who is so weak now, I'll blow him up with any one! Han Zongzhi smiled happily.

Originally, Han Zongzhi thought that he was the most deadly person in the professional league, but when he saw the female player on the opposite side took an Izreal, recalling that this guy was still beating him with ice, Han Zongzhi felt that this was the most deadly title. It must be given to this female player from China.

Lord e ice?

Fortunately, this woman can play it well. At the beginning of the game, if he was playing by himself, Han Zongzhi had already pressed the ice on the ground to fight. How could it be possible to give him time to develop slowly? The combat power in the early stage is so weak that it is impossible to survive without changing lanes, and only the two brothers, Karen Carter, are stupid enough to give each other such a long time to develop.

And now this woman has brought out an extremely weak Ezreal...

Ezreal is a hero that many people like, but nothing can change his current weakness. His laning ability is weak, his team battle output is weak, and his burst is so-so, so he has to hit all his skills. It can be ignored, this kind should be eliminated now, it is completely incomparable with the explosive output of my favorite Big Mouth!

Not much to say, today I want to make this non-professional player who thinks she's good enough to be a little bit better, just let her go back to embroidery, and don't play such a dangerous game as professional competition.

The other side has advanced a lot, are you sure you want to use your big mouth? An Luoxuan said.

Daomei and Prince, one more time, the ability to advance is very abnormal, generally speaking, a hero with no displacement like Dazui will basically be attacked without any output space ability. An Luoxuan suggested that Han Zongzhi choose one with displacement.

Isn't it you who protect me? When encountering the sudden attack of the Daomei Prince, even one more displacement skill is meaningless. The key is not whether there is displacement, but whether the output can pose a threat to their Daomei and the prince. Han Zongzhi said eloquently.

We have the strongest offensive team in South Korea. An Luoxuan, you choose a hero who can protect you. Of course, you must not be weak in the lane. What you are facing now is the bottom lane combination that defeated Karen Carter. No. 1 in the world is not an exaggeration, but are you willing to give them the title of No. 1 in the world? This title should belong to you, right? Li Yuexin said.

We are the number one team in the world. Han Zongzhi said with certainty.

It has to be proved. Li Yuexin continued.

No need, it's us in the first place, I just want to correct those people's wrong ideas in this game! Han Zongzhi said with a sharp face.

Okay, okay, it's up to you to choose An Luoxuan. Li Yuexin said.

An Luoxuan thought for a while, he really wanted to guess what support hero the opponent would use.

An Luoxuan clearly remembered the two games he played against Pluto Yu Luocheng. This guy didn't use any other kind of support, namely Morgana and Thresh, the two most conventional supports. Won't you come up with your secret weapon?

An Luoxuan thought it was impossible, this Pluto would never follow the rules.

After thinking for a while, An Luoxuan finally chose to take out his signature - Thresh!

He is the originator of Thresh. In the past, as long as he played in his own team, his Thresh basically had no chance to use it, and all of them were banned.

Now in the Olympic finals, the enemy's attention is easily distracted to the jungler and the heroes who are relatively strong in the current version. Instead, the support side gave him a lot of freedom to choose.

In the past, as long as Thresh, who was impossible to choose in his own game, was released, then he had no reason not to choose!

Thresh's online offense is very strong, and the damage ratio of normal attacks in the early stage is still painful. Using normal attacks and skills well can achieve perfect online suppression. Secondly, his protection ability is even more perfect.

The 4 skills, whether it is the soul-hunting hook, lantern, pendulum of doom, or prison, are all protection skills if used well, even if the opponent is a combination of sword girl, prince and time, he can be impeccable!

It's Thresh!

Facing Pluto Yu Luocheng, An Luoxuan had no reason not to bring out the strongest hero.

Besides, since the S-League, the title of the world's No. 1 god assistant has fallen on Yu Luosheng. This is his glory, and he will use his own strength to win it back no matter what!

Hehe, our Master An seems to want to win very much. Thresh didn't explain it directly. I can feel your small universe is burning. Han Zongzhi laughed immediately.

In many previous matches, Thresh was also released, but An Luoxuan didn't choose them. Those opponents were not worthy of him using Thresh at all!


Wow, I feel like I'm on fire. Our world's top support, An Luoxuan, sacrificed his Thresh. The man who is the world's number one Thresh is obviously feeling the pressure of Pluto! Da Luo can be called a stunt operation Li Yuexin is the number one swordsman in the world, the ancestor of An Luoxuan Thresh, the monk of King Lu Daye, and the most powerful mouth of Han Zongzhi. The heroes they come up with are basically among the best in the world, and there are not many of them. Controversial, we have watched many Korean games before, and they all obviously had reservations, but in this game, they all saw their most famous heroes... World commentator Moran said excitedly in his fluent English.

An Luoxuan's reputation was higher than that of Han Zongzhi, and he was the closest person to Li Yuexin in South Korea. The moment he chose Thresh, the whole South Korea screamed!

How long has it been since I saw An Luoxuan using Thresh? Everyone can't remember clearly, but in everyone's memory, the only game An Luoxuan lost with Thresh was the match against LM in the S-League. Morgana controlled An Luoxuan, and Yu Luocheng's status suddenly rose in the world through this battle, which made those Han sticks look stupid.

The most memorable thing is the middle finger facing Jeon Han's camera, how arrogant it is!

The grievances and grievances were forged at that time, and it was the old account and the new account that were settled together!

I don't know if it was intentional by the Olympic Organizing Committee and the E-sports Association. The first match between China and South Korea was arranged, which just rightly ignited the blood of all the audience. A battle of names! !

Yu Luocheng, what are you taking? Li Tuchuan asked.

Faced with South Korea's aggressive selection posture, Li Tuchuan couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Fire Boy Brand. Yu Luocheng replied.

Li Tuchuan was stunned...

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this secret weapon must also be sacrificed! r1148 ()

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