Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1061 Don't be too crazy!

The world sport that has just entered the Olympics - e-sports will be kicked off tonight by the duel between our Chinese teenagers and Korean players. Presumably, many viewers and friends in front of the TV are very unfamiliar with this emerging sport. In fact, e-sports has been listed as the 99th competition event in China as early as 2003. Due to its combination with computer games, it is loved by the majority of young people but not recognized by the general society. In fact, e-sports...Sports Channel , Two all-round sports commentators familiar with formal attire sat there and began to introduce e-sports to the people of the whole country.

I remember a long time ago in the league, Xia Yingxing also wanted to apply for a chance to be on the CCTV sports channel for e-sports, but was rejected.

And recently, there have been countless traditional media scrambling to start broadcasting and live-broadcasting this game with precious TV media.

Some things are very simple, just like e-sports, it only needs one sentence to be established. This sentence is uttered by the CCTV media. Consider yourself ignorant.

This is the gap. Before it is officially announced, e-sports is ultimately something that poisons young people in most people's mouths, and it is confused with online games and addicted games.

While the sports channel is broadcasting the positive energy of e-sports to the people of the whole country, all the players are already on stage.

As in the previous player introductions, although hundreds of millions of people all over the world know about the two Korean and Chinese teams and the star players among them, there are still more people who have never watched any e-sports games I don't understand how awesome these young lads are and how high the glory in the world has been achieved.

There are hundreds of millions of people playing e-sports all over the world, and the few people we see in the media stand out from the hundreds of millions of people

May I ask, the competition at the beginning of human beings is only at the level of billions, how can these players not be respected by this society?

The flashing lights were dazzling, and the camera was set up in front of him. Yu Luocheng knew very well that what he was facing was not just the 6,000 people present...

Zhou Yan asked Yu Luocheng what he was thinking just now, and Yu Luocheng's answer was no.

In fact, how could he not think about anything in his heart? He reviewed his series of bitter and passionate past events from watching others playing e-sports in the Internet cafe to running away from home to running away again... …

After so many years, I have changed from a teenager to a young man. I seem to be in my early twenties, but the years I have experienced in this industry are no worse than those in other fields.

Yu Luosheng has always regarded e-sports players as people who are looking for light in the dark and muddy caves, and this is also the case. Three years ago, the concept of e-sports in people's minds was probably a disdainful just a game. So now, will anyone who has really understood e-sports use such contempt again? His contempt will only expose his ignorance, just like Cao He who has paid off his pride until now.

Yu Luosheng didn't know that because of his thrilling performance in the league, there was an e-sports frenzy in China, and this frenzy was the key to e-sports being selected for the Olympic Games.

If a sport itself is not in line with the purpose of the Olympic Games, it will still be pushed to the altar of the Olympic Games when the people's hearts want it.

Without the victory of the league, there would be no e-sports frenzy among the huge crowd in China. Without the support of this huge number of people, the e-sports candidates for the Olympics may be postponed for another 4, 8, years...

This is not a game, but a battlefield without gunpowder

These words, Yu Luosheng has virtually read it to people all over the country through the China Sports Channel.

If you can't change your mind, you can change the world

Yu Luocheng felt that he had done it.

This seems absurd, but the resolution of this conflict is actually just a long talk between the child and the father, so what can't the family talk about?

Yu Luocheng also believed that as long as he bowed his head to his father like he was running away from home for the first time, and had a serious talk with him, he would still forgive himself...

But the father forgave himself as a wayward and rebellious child, who will forgive himself?

I personally killed myself who relied on e-sports to make my heart beat...

The people who can't forgive in my life are myself and my father who killed my dream.

In terms of family relationship, Yu Luocheng was so proud that he couldn't tolerate any flaws, which also meant that he valued it very much.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Luocheng adjusted his mood.

Today is a real proof, but also an extremely cruel battle.

The Korean Hell Army, Yu Luocheng knew that this would be the most powerful enemy in his life

Yu Luocheng now feels a slight tremor in his fingers, not only because this is the highest altar he has dreamed of, but also because when he is about to reach the pinnacle of his life, he will meet the opponent he most wants to beat

Li Yuexin's low profile apology also showed his extremely proud e-sports heart, and he declared that he would take back the Korean world champion flag from himself. The sticks of Korea's World No. 1...

With me, Yu Luosheng, in the e-sports field for a day, don't even think about competing with Dahuaxia for the world's number one throne

The Olympic gold medal this time is tailor-made for you, it doesn’t matter if you can step on you to become the world champion once, and lose you again, don’t be too crazy

The rules of the game have already been mentioned to you, and now I will reiterate it again. The chief referee Oshika was dressed in a black shiny suit, and looked at the players on both sides with a serious face.

Yu Luocheng couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the chief referee.

Isn't this chief referee the organizer of the World Individual E-Sports Competition back then? Yu Luocheng still clearly remembers the moment when he excitedly held the throne trophy. He patted himself on the shoulder and showed a gratifying smile like a father admiring a child's achievements .

It was also this person who bestowed Who and the Fight on himself, which made him more determined to win the World League Championship.

It's a pity that I lost, not only lost the game, but also lost who will fight.

The competition time is 45 minutes, and the built-in time of the game is used as the timing. Once one party's crystal base is overthrown, the game will end early. The overthrowing side will get points. The higher points will be included in the Olympic e-sports leaderboard, and the lower ones will not be counted. Bonus points. The chief referee, Oshika, paused for a moment, and continued, When the game reaches the minute, the game will be artificially suspended. This timeout will only be suspended after the approval of the three referees when the heroes of both sides are not threatening. , The screen will be turned off directly during the pause, and the players must leave their positions within 1 minute... and return to the soundproof room. After a 1-minute pause, coaches and team leaders can make adjustments within this time, including changing players.

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