Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1059 The 1st Killing God in China

King Qin Guang, what do these new rules mean? Why do I feel so complicated. Judge Cui was distracted, and his IQ was worrying, so he didn't understand what the new rules were.

King Qin Guang cast a helpless glance at him, only to find that all the professional players around him looked bewildered.

Are these guys simple-minded and well-developed?

To put it simply, the game ends at 45... The knockdown of the crystal base is considered an early end. The points are calculated in this way... When the time is up, the team with the head ratio will get the corresponding points for the number of heads.

For example, in this game, we are playing against South Korea. The game time is set at 45 minutes. Once the 45 minutes are up, the head-to-head ratio is the same. Our Chinese points become the winning team, and South Korea does not add points.

And if our Chinese team overthrows South Korea's crystal base at the minute, and the head ratio is still 1, then our Chinese head ratio is ahead by 2 points, and the crystal base is knocked down at the same time plus points, a total of 0 points.

Qin Guangwang directly cited a very clear example to tell everyone.

Then what if the South Korean team overthrows our Chinese crystal base? Taichen asked.

It's also simple. The head ratio is still: when the time comes, the settlement should be China and South Korea. In the end, South Korea overthrew the base and got points against us. The final settlement is that China does not add points to this game. South Korea became the winner. point.

Judge Cui understood now, and hurriedly said: So, unless the head is ahead by one, the side that overthrows the base will eventually make money.

Turning down the base is still the key, and the head is the head of the lottery.

If you do this, there will be a lot of variables. Judging from the current game rhythm and the strength of the u teams in the Olympic Games, the average time of a game is about 45 minutes. The country that knocked down other people's bases in minutes may jump over the wall because of this, and as a result, they will be killed and pushed back, and the ship will capsize in the gutter. Qin Guangwang said.

Haha, I like this rule quite a bit. Our previous style of play was really rigid and unchanging. We always tried to be steady when we played it. The big dragon dared not drive, and the tower did not dare to go up. The disadvantages were not great. Going out of the tower, the advantage does not go to the tower, so many novice players don't watch our professional league at all. This kind of arrangement gives the weak team a chance to comeback and win a big victory, and also allows the strong team to fully separate from the weak team. The gap, the variables are very big, the killing intent is even heavier, digging holes, why didn't the national team invite me to play, this is so interesting, Cui Judge said excitedly.

After hearing Qin Guangwang's analysis, all the LpL players nodded their heads.

The new rules are a bit unacceptable, but if you think about it carefully, the game will really become full of gunpowder. Those who stick to it will be more stubborn, and those who want to kill will be crazy to take the head. The team fell into the bottom of the valley and could never recover, which made the atmosphere of the whole game exciting and intense

You said, can we get points against the Korean team? Someone asked in a low voice.

How is it possible, basically there is no possibility of winning.

Actually, it doesn't matter if we win. As long as Captain Yu and the others defend and don't give the South Korean team the point of overthrowing the base, they will be given the lead. No matter how good they are, they won't be able to lead us by a head.

Yes, the most ideal thing is to hold on for 45 minutes and let the South Korean team lead by less than one point, so that we won't lose money, and then find other countries to make up for the points... For example, Little Japan, Little Japan is not cruel, If you don't squeeze twenty or thirty points out of them, you'll be happy, Tai Chenchen said.

Ah, ah, what a treat. It feels like the six major countries are being messed up like this, and every one of them will kill their red eyes.

Hey, Guan Langjie, why does your face hurt? Tai Chenfeng noticed that Guan Langjie of the former Changkong team had a strange expression on his face.

Guan Langjie's expression collapsed, and he scolded: I was thinking, if this kind of rule Tn appeared in LpL two years ago...¨

What do you mean? Everyone looked at Guan Langjie, confused.

King Qin Guang suddenly remembered something, and his face turned purple when he smiled.

Oh, oh, I remembered, you mean Captain Yu's one hundred heads?

All the LpL members were taken aback, and then burst out laughing.

If you say that, then you really expect Captain Yu to sacrifice his god-level Vayne. If you kill someone in this kind of Olympic finals, it will really be the aura of burying the city of Paris and shining red in the sky. Qin King Guang said with a little excitement.

Well, it's unlikely. Even if you play a match in 45 minutes, it's impossible to get a head, and none of the six major countries is fuel-efficient. Let alone a head, it's pretty good to be ahead by more than one head.

That's right, that's right. The Olympic Organizing Committee and the E-sports Association also dare to use such rules because the strength gap between the six countries will not be too serious. Otherwise, some countries will be killed out of their psychological shadows.

I think Little Japan should be the most unhappy.

Yes, yes, that bastard Qiu Minghui's face is probably black, and the other five countries are likely to earn points like crazy in their country...

I think they just vote for every country they come across. Japan is like a young woman with nothing on in front of the other five major countries. Anyone who needs it will find them little Japan.

Don't make a fuss, the new rules don't allow you to vote

This is good, this is really T, I didn't vote, hahaha, if we lose a lot of points against the Korean team, then we have Hades and Dark Athena start the dog-slaying mode, and all the points lost will be earned by the Japanese. When I come back, I can’t beat you in South Korea. Are you afraid that killing people can’t kill you? The world’s number one murderer, Pluto, is in our country.”

Uh, Little Japan is really pitiful, it might as well not be in the Olympic finals.

Are you stupid to pity Little Japan?

The emergence of the new competition system and new rules seems to have injected a strong stimulant into the L sports that has formed certain rigid rules. A total of u teams in the Olympic finals represent the top u countries in the world, and even more All the top players in the world are among them.

Whether it is already shining in the professional arena, or a god-level figure hidden in the high-end rankings, a bloody confrontation will be kicked off at the Paris venue tonight, and the witnesses will no longer It is the younger generation of e-sports players, but the Olympics that the whole people pay attention to. Presumably, the moment the new rules are known, all e-sports Olympians will be given a layer of bloodthirsty hhp... ¨My heart is screaming:

Come on, have a good time

Good news first, on the 7th of July, at the Chengdu Manga Exhibition, Uncle will set up a stall there to sign a gift, hey, I can’t remember what it was for, anyway, it’s one of the very precious Zhengfeng collection posters and albums Kind of

Students who want to form a group to brush the copy of Lan Shu Da P, you can join this local group::

NU丨Meng-Sichuan gathering place 318dR56uR

After joining the group, there should be someone to organize, take you through the customs easily, and score harmoniously.

Hot girls from Sichuan, here I come

Guys from Sichuan and Chengdu, don't forget that I told you that our Luanmeng has the most girls in the literary world on the entire Internet, and you don't have to worry about girls here anymore that they bother you to masturbate.


If you don't go, you still have no God.


no date unless you drill the box

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