Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1050 Match 1 VS Korea!



Da Luo, Xie Lianda, and Xiao Wang were excited just now, gearing up for the first round of the Olympic competition, but when they saw that their opponent was South Korea, their expressions suddenly became abnormal

I'm really afraid of something... Li Tuchuan shook his head with a wry smile.

South Korea, really is the Korean Hell Army

On the world tour, due to the opposite route, China has never met South Korea, but in this Olympic final, there are a total of six teams, after all, they can't escape.

However, this is by no means good news.

Li Tuchuan originally planned to meet South Korea in the last two games, so he can make some adjustments based on their performance, but there will be no chance to adjust.

Li Yuexin's appearance has already broken Li Tuchuan's plan, and now that he meets them directly, his heart can't help but start beating.

It's a bad start, really a bad start.

E-sports entered the Olympic Games for the first time, and the same Chinese e-sports debuted in such a peak arena for the first time. As a result, sparks hit the earth and collided with the South Korean team.

If the competition schedule was not in the hands of the Olympic Organizing Committee, Li Tuchuan would suspect that it was deliberately arranged by South Korea. How could that guy Li Yuexin directly fight with them as soon as he finished the challenge.

How much time do we have? Li Tuchuan asked Zhang Aijing.

A week at most.

One week?

Don't you know? Zhang Aijing looked at Li Tuchuan's eyes. To be honest, Li Tuchuan was a little out of order, and she could vaguely feel it.

Li Tuchuan was very calm and calm, and had absolute confidence in his own field, but after knowing that the first opponent was South Korea, he showed a sense of anxiety that the time was too tight.

Zhang Aijing doesn't know much about Li Yuexin, is this Li Yuexin really that strong, strong enough to be able to show such an expression unconsciously by a coach like Li Tuchuan?

Inside the car, the atmosphere that everyone was still upbeat just now became obviously heavy.

No matter how ambitious and smug you are usually, no one can be so comfortable and relaxed at the moment when they actually bump into the Korean team.

In the league, there are a total of 3 teams in South Korea that performed extremely well. If it weren't for the fact that An Luoxuan's junior jungler Lu's K was all dropped by the LM team, maybe apart from the US PR team that could get the top three, the world Strong will be contracted by South Korea

Whether it is playing or playing K, everyone has put in their best to win. Among them, the threat of God's assistant An Luoxuan and top jungler Lu to LM's entire team is undoubtedly huge.

Now these two people are in the same team with Han Zongzhi, the ad hall, to form the strongest LJ Hell Triangle in the world, its destructive power is enough to destroy the best equipment of any country.

The triangle of hell in South Korea is already an impeccable perfect combination, and now there is a devil king of hell

The Demon Lord and the three Hell Demon Generals, the South Korean team has created the most perfect and top team in the real world.

According to the analysis on the Internet, no matter whether it is the demon king or the three hell generals, anyone has the strength to sanction Yu Luocheng, the king of the underworld.

The entire Chinese national team is supported by a Pluto, and now it seems that there is an extra Suzaku to complement it, but this is just a duo of Hades and Athena, not to mention An Luoxuan and Han Zongzhi Known as the world's number one bot lane combination, is it enough to be qualified and the dark male and female gods?

The Hell Triangle is against the Dark Gods, and there is only one demon king left. It is estimated that any top laner can match the other three of the Chinese national team.

Simply exchange the fighting power of the demon king into that of the giant god Adams, then this guy Adams really has the ability to hit a dozen, even in the world's top competitions.

Besides, just now the demon lord Li Yuexin has directly challenged Yu Luocheng, and the greatest joy and greatest enjoyment of being a true L Lord is to defeat Yu Luocheng, a character who is as prestigious as Yu Luocheng. Her Demon Lord's status will go up to a higher level and truly reach the ruling status.

Coach, is that Li Yuexin really that scary? Shen Xueyu is a rising star, so naturally he doesn't know much about Li Yuexin's ruling era. He has heard it before, but he doesn't know how dark it is.

Li Tuchuan had already revealed his fear of this contestant from his expression.

He said to the outside world that he wants to cultivate more talents for South Korea's e-sports. His own era will pass, but South Korea's e-sports era can last forever. He became a coach under this banner... However, I think he There is only one main reason for becoming a coach...

What's the reason? Shen Xueyu asked hastily.

I can't find an opponent. Li Tuchuan replied.

Shen Xueyu's mouth opened all of a sudden, and even Xiaowang, Da Luo, and Xie Lianda all became shocked.

It's too exaggerated to find...can't find an opponent. The competition in the qualifying competition is so fierce, and the professional players are desperately trying to score points. There are so many professional competitions in various countries, and there are leagues... Shen Xueyu's face was full of displeasure. Willing to believe said.

This is the truth. I asked Adams, and Adams himself admitted that if it is really a competition of personal strength, he has a 30% chance of winning against Li Yuexin. Back then, our PR team and the VT team fought for a year. The reason why we were able to To compete with them on an equal footing in reputation is because I have to carefully design every game and design Li Yuexin... Then in the league that I participated in, this guy was no longer a player, so I retaliated with an eye and designed Adams. As long as you are a player , will be designed and targeted. The reason why this guy is a coach is probably to improve himself, so that he can look at the overall situation and truly reach a higher level that is not designed, so that his dominance of the magic army will also be reduced. I am no longer under the impact of Adams and any coach design. Li Tuchuan said.

After Li Tuchuan spoke, the audience fell silent.

In other words, it was Adams and Li Tuchuan who slightly suppressed Li Yuexin's devilish energy back then.

Now, this guy is coming back to the World Olympics, the first reason is because he has seen many top players in the whole world, he has seen the four major non-professional players appearing one after another, and he has seen the brilliance of Yu Luosheng Pluto faintly surpassing him. The battle demon is like a seal lifted, and he is about to enjoy a gluttonous feast.

And during his time as a coach, this guy didn't retire but to make himself stronger and perfect.

Then... can we win? This is the first game for us to show the charm of e-sports in China and the world. If we lose miserably. Dai Lan asked weakly.

(Someone suggested to me that meow meow when asking for a ticket, it will look cute. Crazy, I am an old man, meow meow, I want to ask for a monthly ticket, here I am asking for a monthly pass Look at my actions: clenched fists, like a Saiyan after bursting with energy and eating abnormal hot peppers, say: ask for a monthly ticket, oh, oh, oh)

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