Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1027: Drinking Beauty

Did you know? There is a female player in the Chinese national team. She cooperated with Pluto to defeat the Canadian twin brothers.

My God, the only female player at the national level in the history of e-sports in the world

Stunning, female player Xiu Hanbing, defeated the strongest North American bot lane Canadian twin brothers

The Chinese national team was surprised to see Suzaku, and Suzaku turned out to be a female player

After the game ended, e-sports forums all over the world exploded.

People seem to have forgotten that the Chinese national team won the game and qualified for the Olympics, but they are more concerned about the surprise appearance of this female player.

Indeed, for the e-sports of a monk, a flower in the sea of ​​green leaves is naturally extremely gorgeous and unique, let alone a top-level player who is strong enough to compete with the Canadian twin brothers.

This feeling is tantamount to a Wu Zetian appearing in a dynasty ruled by all men

Originally, the popularity of the Chinese national team was very high, the audience was extremely wide, and there were countless boys and girls who were obsessed with Yu Luosheng, but after the appearance of the stunning female AD Qianmeng, the popularity of the national team was overwhelming. Anyone who has been to L seems to know the news

Many players from teams from all over the world did not watch the live broadcast. At first they seriously suspected that these topics were all hyped up by those trolls on the Internet, but after watching the video of the game, they no longer thought so

The strength is really there, and the professional players who have really reached the peak may have clearly guessed Qianmeng's true identity from her style of play, style, and operation.

With the emergence of the e-sports Olympics, the fighting of the World Tour, and the worldwide recruitment of e-sports talents, all the top passers-by and non-professional players have appeared one after another. Among them, the most discussed ones are of course the four non-professional players.

Xuanwu appeared, and Suzaku appeared in surprise, but what blinded the eyes of different races and colors all over the world was that Suzaku was a female contestant

I don't know how many people's deep-rooted concepts will be subverted. The appearance of the same Suzaku female player seems to add a different flavor to this extremely exciting national competition, making more and more people look forward to this e-sports Olympics In the final, I look forward to the outstanding performance of the Chinese national team in the Olympic final

After nightfall, the charming scenery of the Shanghai Bund will greatly change the view of many passing tourists on this bustling and busy city of Shanghai.

The lights of skyscrapers are shining on both sides, the cruise ships with lights are floating on the river, and the photos and small flags of some different restaurants are blown by the river wind, which makes people intoxicated.

In the past, the contestants always liked street stalls, roadside snacks, barbecue, beer, and food stalls to celebrate. At that time, everyone had no money, and they were even more reluctant to spend a lot of money to revel in some restaurants with better environment and higher grades. But the joy Will reach the extreme with the concentration of alcohol

Tonight's celebration banquet is no longer that kind of roadside stall. On the one hand, everyone can be self-willed if they have money. Try to have the capital to enjoy such a luxury

Floor-to-ceiling windows and European-style curtains decorate the beautiful river surface, yellow dragon-colored tablecloths and table full of sumptuous dishes, as well as bottles of red wine, white wine, beer, foreign wine, Erguotou on display, some empty, some half-drunk, some Still held in hand.

Even if they went to a high-end restaurant to celebrate, without outsiders, this group of contestants still looked like they were fighting for wine in the street, and the scene was so messy and lively.

Let them sit on the chairs honestly, give speeches, applaud, drink, return gifts...it is impossible to catch anyone, blow the bottle with him, drink on the table or off the table, you choose, dice, punches, hammers, scissors, paper, whatever you want Pick, in short, no one wants to go back standing up today...women are not spared

Dai Lan, Zhang Aijing, Xia Yingxing, Huang Xiaoying, and Qian Meng usually don't drink at all, and resolutely prevent the players from drinking when they are full, but today they completely discarded this rule, drinking as much as they want, who is afraid of others, Qian Meng They are still able to play professional national games, why don't these girls dare to compete with you drunkards?

What's more, in addition to the goddesses of the national team present today, Tong Yan's lovely commentator Qiqiao, the goddess Yiqin who chose to watch the game in China, and Li Meiqi who is almost Baron Nash when drinking All present.

A large table of men in the national team will indeed look boring, Xia Yingxing also called these beauties who are not in the national team but have made a lot of contributions to e-sports, as a gift to this group of national team monks Give out a benefit.

After almost all the members of the Lm team joined the national team, Li Meiqi did not leave the team, but more and more people came to her to talk about cooperation.

Everyone knows that the Olympic Games are held every four years. In the future, the members of the national team will still return to the club and the team. With the outstanding performance of the national team in the world tour, I don’t know how many merchants want to book exclusive tickets for the Lm team after the Olympic finals. Naming rights.

In addition to the naming rights, the team has also extended the nominal rights that can be sold. In the past, Li Meiqi always wanted to win some big companies and let them sponsor and buy them. It didn't take long for them to basically find them by themselves. Now Li Meiqi The most things I do with Jianfeng is to drive in and out of high-end hotels to discuss business with the bosses. Jianfeng has already bought a car. You must know that he has only graduated from university for two years. The students of the e-sports association regretted not following the Lm team like Li Meiqi and Jianfeng.

The Lm team is now in full swing, this time entering the Olympic finals, status and status can no longer be measured in the same way as before, the Olympic Games, it is a stage to truly show to the whole people, it is completely out of e-sports, which is not yet popular The field accepted by the people really reaches the attention of the whole people. This influence is really not a little bit, not to mention that the country's attention is another level.

So Li Meiqi couldn't be happier today. Those big bosses who didn't like him at the beginning are now calling themselves one by one. Li Meiqi directly turns off the phone. I don't have time to answer your calls today. Let's talk about it later. Gas side leaks, cold is more expensive

It's been a while since Li Meiqi has seen the gangsters of the Lm team. Yu Luosheng, Lin Dong, and Da Luo are busy training, and Li Meiqi himself is busy running for the team. No matter how you see them this time, you have to drink happy.

Xiao Yuzi, you are not kind. Senior sister let you go abroad for a while, and you dated another girl. Even if I do it now, wouldn't senior sister have to be ranked fourth? Li Meiqi The elder sister said to Yu Luocheng with a blushing face, eyes full of confusion, that little finger even picked up Yu Luocheng's chin.

Elder Sister, if you need anything, just tell me. Yu Luocheng said in a very sensible manner.

Not long after entering school, Yu Luosheng was molested by Li Meiqi in various ways, and later Yu Luosheng got used to it.

It's not that I'm used to Li Meiqi's molesting methods, but I've lost my mind a long time ago. Every time I agree to spend the night together in room 1017 of the hotel and continue to be friends the next morning. In the end, every time it's Yu Luocheng's lustful heart. At that time, I checked Baidu, Nimana Hotel plus Tiantai Nima has 9 floors

Even if you still have a conscience, come on, give me a kiss... Li Meiqi pursed her lips, the smell of red wine exuded from her little lips.

Big sister, we also want it. Lin Dong and Da Luo saw that there was a relative reward, and they were all Sparta. They rushed over and pushed Yu Luocheng's family away.

Your boy has a lot of good fortune, so don't compete with everyone for the eldest sister.

Come on, let's line up, I will be lucky for you one by one in this palace, one by one, one after another

Damn fairy, don't be coquettish here, Da Luo line up and try, Dai Lan said viciously.

Xiao Lanlan is jealous? Okay, okay, this rewards you, and the rest is mine.

After Li Meiqi's words, Xie Lianda, Xiaowang, Chuguan Wang, and Shen Xueyu really went to line up, but they were all teased by Li Meiqi by putting lipstick on their fingers...

Seeing Li Meiqi smiling so happily, those who didn't know the truth soon discovered that the chief economic officer of the Lm team was a witch.

Come on, come on, let's be quiet for a while, let's respect Qianmeng for this cup, without her we might still be crying, thank her for her help, let us go on the road to the Olympics Li Tuchuan knocked on the cup , Commanding the heroes to say.

You should be respected, you must be respected, you are our heroine

Idiot, it's the goddess Athena

Come on, raise a glass, raise a glass

Raise your hair cup, just this little sincerity, I blow the bottle

Yes, to blow the bottle


The men all picked up a bottle of beer, and in order to express their gratitude to Qianmeng, regardless of whether they could drink or not, they all started to pour a whole bottle of beer down their throats.

Perhaps these grassroots boys never thought that the moment they realized their dreams would be helped by a woman. Although she didn't talk and communicate with everyone, everyone expressed their hearts in the wildest way. Thanks and respect.

You can drink a little too, it doesn't matter much, red wine is good for your health. Sister Xia Yingxing smiled knowingly at Qianmeng Xia Yuli, and said softly.

Qian Meng looked at the spectacular scene of a large number of men drinking with their heads up, hesitated for a while, and took a small sip of the red wine, which was a response to everyone.

In fact, Qianmeng doesn't think that everyone needs to be grateful to her. She is working hard for herself just like everyone else.

As if infected by everyone's sincerity, Qian Meng took a sip and then slowly drank the whole glass, her frosty and fair cheeks finally revealed a gorgeous rosy color, which looked like a rose blooming, beautiful moving.

Xia Yingxing on the side was also slightly stunned. From everyone's point of view, Xia Yuli's drink may be just a response, but from her sister's point of view, it's more like acceptance, acceptance of this circle, and acceptance of everyone here. ...

This caused an inexplicable throbbing in Xia Yingxing's heart.

It seems that I was right to let my sister enter the national team. Not only did the national team qualify for the Olympic Games, but Xia Yuli slowly melted her self-enclosed heart...

Perhaps only this group of young people full of passion and enthusiasm can do it.

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