Undefeatable – League of Legends

Chapter 1016: 30 Years of Dictatorship over the Poodle

900 yuan is probably a long time for others to develop, but for a pervert like Qianmeng who has spawned 0 replenishment troops in a minute, it is just a drizzle.

Minutes later, Qian Meng silently said to Yu Luosheng: You can join us.

Yu Luocheng read the head knowingly. He thought it would take another five minutes to really usher in our strong period, but he didn't expect that this time would be brought forward.

A few minutes ago, the situation on both sides was very balanced, and it was hard to see which side had a greater advantage. After all, Canada was a powerful country, and it did not lose significantly to China in terms of tactics, tacit understanding, and personal strength.

The team battle period is coming soon, and the place that will trigger the team battle is naturally the refresh of the dragon.

A total of 3 small dragons were refreshed before, and one of these 3 small dragons was taken by Canada, and the other one was snatched by Zhou Yan, which prevented the economy from being overly stretched by the small dragons.

I'll open the way for you, try to stand where you can't see it. Yu Luocheng said to Qian Meng.


Yu Luocheng carried a scanner with him, and upgraded the scanner, and bought a real eye along the way, to ensure that no eye can detect Qianmeng wherever she walks.

Xie Lianda, Zhou Yan, and Da Luo all brought real eyes, and slowly arranged their eyes towards the small dragon canyon in the river like a formation.

This kind of arrangement is gradually extended. The national team occupies the area above the river, and this area has a bright view. Yu Luocheng can use his lifeblood to guarantee that no eye position of the opponent can escape his scan.

Only after rigorous scanning, Yu Luocheng will let Qian Meng come out, this feeling is like rolling out a red carpet for the Ice Queen.

It's natural to have a plan to do this...

Whoever sells it will start this team battle. Yu Luocheng glanced around and asked everyone.

As soon as Yu Luocheng said these words, everyone's eyes fell on him.

Crazy, if you don't sell as an assistant, why do you want them to sell, and you still say it so seriously

Yu Luocheng seemed to sense everyone's hostility, and said righteously: I'm on the second tier, and I can block tons of damage with the shield.

Let me do it.

Finally, Zhou Yan stepped forward.

Zhou Yan slowly stood in a place where his vision was blocked, he was looking for some flaws in the enemy.

This position is actually very good. The Canadian players obviously intend to aggressively come up to consume, as long as Zhou Yan catches an opportunity.

Of course, opportunities are not so easy, and many times there will be an illusion, such as showing that a very beautiful initiative to control the result is inexplicably lost in a team battle.

Especially the prince, in terms of balance of power and disadvantage, it seems that a raptor hits very handsomely and jumps a lot, but the teammate just caught up and wants to output a stone man backhand to bomb a large area of ​​the enemy. This wave of team battles is basically pr.

Zhou Yan had prepared himself to sell first, and when he saw the poodle appearing, his eyes lit up.

You are the one

A military flag came first, and then the spear was like a dragon, it was the raptor hitting

The Demacia prince with Lu Bu's skin was like a rainbow, and instantly knocked the poodle into the air

I can't catch the skills! Xie Lianda yelled and said to Zhou Yan.

Don't rush to hand in skills, it won't be easy in seconds. Yu Luocheng shouted calmly.

Anyone who can meet the poodle will lose a few skills as consumption. If he directly hits the lion with a big move in one breath, it is very likely that he will escape immediately with a flash.

It is cost-effective to use a flash to cheat key skills.

Zhou Yan was resigned to his fate. He flew out like a raptor, but he also fell into the attack range of all the enemies. Immediately, all the skills flew towards him, and the opponent's wild poodle really fled away in a flash. , did not give the national team a chance to kill him in seconds with the connection skills.

I'll do it Yu Luocheng immediately stepped forward and jumped onto Zhou Yan's body.

Strong Shield

A huge shield stood up, and all the skills from Canada fell on this big shield for a while.

The Great Shield is different from Yasuo's Wind Wall, he can only directly block the opponent's skills at the first time, and the subsequent skills can be blocked but will all fall on Braum's body, and the damage will be reduced by a percentage.

Yu Luocheng held up the shield, but he also lost a lot of HP. After all, it was the firepower of a large group of enemies.

You can form a group and keep people. Yu Luocheng shouted.

No key skills! Da Luo also called out.

Although Zhou Yan has the big move of Heaven and Earth Shattering, if he goes up in a big frame now, he will basically give his life directly to Canada. Similarly, everyone in Canada is very cautious in moving their positions now, obviously with reservations. If Luo Sheng himself used his ultimate move, the Frost Mountain Range, he would most likely be dodged by the enemy

When it was too late, a magic crystal arrow passed by Yu Luocheng and Zhou Yan, and the icy wind

The whistling sound brushed past the ears, and then flew straight and fiercely towards the crowd of enemies.

This big move is directed at Yue Hanlin's poodle, as if it has a tracking effect.


The magic crystal arrow exploded, turned into countless ice slags and fell, and the dizzy effect was blocked by Big Brown's body, which seemed a bit pity.

Brown grinned, and said in a teasing tone: Is my little beauty's arrow quite accurate? She took me away in one shot. Is this Cupid's arrow?

Brown didn't panic when he read it. How could he be afraid of being shot by the ice as a top laner? Anyway, it's impossible for the opponent to kill him instantly, let alone wish they threw all their skills at him.

Preparing to fight back, Brown smiled happily, aiming for the slow-moving ice shooter.

Waiting for my little heart to move one step forward, I will pounce on it with a big move. It is very simple for Dragon Girl to deal with Han Bing, just pounce on her and keep chasing and hitting her.

Nowadays, it is impossible to use the blood-drinking sword. If you are singled out, the top laner is stronger, no matter how good the equipment is, it is useless.

This era is still dominated by meat, and it is also two large pieces of equipment, the meat tank must be better than the ad

It's really coming up, what a simple little beauty. Brown's heart felt hot, and he roughly observed the distance.

At the moment when the stunned by the ice arrow ended, Brown's dragon girl suddenly jumped up, and the flames burned all over her body while flying in mid-air, and transformed into a fierce and huge fire dragon in the flames

The fire dragon flew over, knocking all the heroes on both sides into the air, and the target looked directly at Qianmeng's ice.

It can be said that Brown ignored everyone else. Their attacks were like scratching an itch for a big guy like him. As long as he quickly dropped Xiao Hanbing, he basically won the game.

The fire dragon swooped, Qianmeng seemed to be prepared, moved her steps to the side, and easily avoided the dragon girl's pounce.

However, the dragon girl with the big move arrived in front of him, and the dragon's breath and the dragon's flame flew together.

Qian Meng moved sideways step by step, and the arrows on hand would be shot out quickly every time she moved a step.

Archery, moving, moving, blocking, and shooting again...

I'll protect you. Yu Luocheng immediately returned to Qianmeng's side after absorbing a wave of skill damage in front. First, he used an ice bite to slow down Brown's Dragon Girl.

Ice's own attack also has deceleration. Under the effect of double deceleration, Brown can't move a little bit. At this time, Qianmeng's kite skills are fully displayed, and her steps are not disordered in the extremely fast process of the arrow flying. , so that the dragon girl no longer has a chance to touch her.

Drink, it's quite easy to move around. Brown showed a little surprise on his face.

Whether it's the female contestant's ability to dodge her ult just now, or her skillful kite skill now, it all shows that this Han Bing is by no means an idler.

Seeing that he couldn't touch the ice at all, Brown felt a little anxious.

I'm here. At this moment, a voice of support came.

There was a smile on Brown's face again, apparently his wild poodle Yue Hanlin had activated his big move and was lurking towards Han Bing.

Han Bing's blood volume is still about 100%, and the poodle can kill her 50 times in seconds with a set of skills. Combined with the wave of skill damage that he flashed up, he can basically kill her in seconds.

Brown began to choose to retreat, looking like he wanted to avoid the limelight, quietly waiting for the support of his teammates.

Come on, let's fuck her together Yue Hanlin shouted viciously.

It's mine, Brown snapped back.

The poodle is here, be careful. Yu Luocheng saw exclamation marks appearing on the heads of himself and Qian Meng, so he inserted a real eye into the ground immediately

This real eye immediately caught the poodle that was lurking over, but it was obviously too late to see him now.

Qian Meng saw the poodle from the corner of her eye, and moved towards Yu Luocheng without the slightest hesitation.

Yu Luocheng was also approaching Qian Meng, at this time the poodle had already jumped into the air, and flew towards Qian Meng.

Yu Luocheng didn't even look at it, he directly raised the shield in his hand and slammed it fiercely towards the ground, and the giant shield of Winter shattered towering ice crystals from the surface...

These ice crystals flew straight towards Qianmeng, Yue Hanlin's poodle had just landed, and before he had time to connect his skills, he was directly knocked into the air by the huge ice crack.

Yue Hanlin suddenly yelled.

Don't underestimate Pluto, jumping on it so impulsively will definitely kill you, his big move has been waiting for you. Brown complained for a while.

Yu Luocheng used to use a robot to blindly catch a leaping lion when the poodle appeared before the exclamation mark, and now he even used Bron's ultimate move to make a godly prediction, making it too late for the opponent's skills to be used.

In short, he has ruled poodles for thirty years and is trustworthy. You don't even need to flash a light dream to know it.

(big request for votes)

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