Undead Emperor

Chapter 687: The death of Jindan

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Chapter 687 The Death of Jin Dan

"Taoqi chain?"

The ancestor of the herring looked stern: "When I was in the heavens, I would like to bind me with the next Taoist device, and this ancestor will make you feel distressed!"

As Su Zhen expected.

Herringbone ancestors, like the vast majority, found instincts to destroy directly after discovering something that was "less than themselves".

"Crush me!"

The ancestor of the blue fish swelled like a giant that expanded a hundred times in an instant and wanted to break the Voldemort chain.

At the same moment.

Su Zhen burst into drinking: "Director Tong, kill him immediately!"

"Fist Over Sea Fighter!"

It is not necessary for Su Zhen to remind that Tong Yihai instinctively attacked the herring ancestor. In his view, the herring ancestor should rush to break the chain before the fist attack, but the actual situation is not the case.


The demon Yuan swelled on the Voldemort Chain, the latter did not break as expected, but remained immobile.


The ancestor of herring was shocked, he quickly increased the demon's enthusiasm, but the magic chain was still intact, just like a mud cow entering the sea, not even qualified to flip the waves.


The pupils of herring ancestors contracted suddenly, and they understood the big problem.


"Fist Over Sea Fight" struck.

"Dharma phase world!"

The ancestor of the herring activated the Golden Phenomenon, and a vast herring phantom appeared in the sky. What is strange is that this herring is still wrapped in a chain, making it unable to make any movements.

"How could this be?"

The pupils of herring ancestors shrunk into the tip of their needles, and their eyes were filled with awe-inspiring colors. With its three-fold golden dharma, the "Faxiangtiandi", even if there is a problem with the middle class Taoist device, this "inferior classifier" chain has no problem at all. , Even the crackling sound of 'giggling' didn't sound at all, giving it the feeling of not saying it, even if Prince Chan was not qualified to break it.

What kind of chain is this?

The ancestor of herring instantly understood the plan, immediately changed the way, and displayed her talents. If you want to turn into ten million herrings to escape, you can master the trick in the blink of an eye. After a delay, Tong Yihai's attack has come.


There was a loud noise.

The blue fist hit the herring phantom, splashing a wave of ripples, where the ripples passed, and the void collapsed one after another, accompanied by a mournful wailing, the herring phantom shattered, in the eyes of the remaining students of Vientiane Sect, in In the eyes of the half-million defeated soldiers of the Hai tribe, in the horrified eyes of the colorful snake ancestor, Zuo Hongyun, Tong Yihai, and even the blue fish ancestor himself, the world of law suddenly shattered into countless fragments.


The strongest 'Dharma World' in Jindan Realm shattered, and herring ancestors were completely exposed to attack!


Tong Yihai was surprised, he didn't expect to achieve this effect, and his eyes moved to the Voldemort Chain that troubled herring ancestors. His brain shook slightly, and he couldn't think of a master who could be trapped by the following Taoist instruments. Live Jindan Kraken.

But this does not prevent him from continuing to attack.

Jin Dan's real state of mind has reached the point of fascinating, even if the world is cracked, it will only surprise them, and will not be distracted, especially during the battle, as long as the opportunity is in front of the eyes, no matter how big the shock can be suppressed.


Tong Yihai instantly punched.


A mass of blue fists, transformed into a giant whale beast, crashed into the troubled blue fish ancestor. In the latter's unwilling and angry eyes, it grew bigger and bigger, and finally fell on it.


There was a loud noise.

The ancestor of the blue fish crashed into countless blood clots, and died on the spot. A blue golden pill appeared in the air, spinning and dripping, but a chain was still wrapped around the golden pill.

Awesome is the chain of demon!

This chain is in Jindan Wuzhong Real Man. Tong Yihai exerts imperial qigong and hits it with all his strength. There is still no crack!

This scene.

Ling Tongyihai, Zuo Hongyun, Caizu Patriarch, Zhang Herong, Lan Zhi, Dantai Xuanji's pupils contracted and instantly understood that there was a huge problem with this chain.

This must be an appalling existence!

Jindan's five-strength strike can't damage any point, not to mention the Dao Dao, even the Dao Dao, or even the Dao Dao, can't do it. This is at least the same as the Light of Thunder.


It is exaggerated countless times than the light of thunder!

the reason is simple.

The prohibitions in the Voldemort chain are just a few ways to stop them.

It is the inferior Taoist instrument.

But a piece of inferior Taoist instrument can carry Jindan's five heavy blows. What does this mean?

Without words!

In the eyes of all the remaining students, as well as the 500,000 defeated soldiers of the Hai nationality, it was just the shock of the death of herring ancestor——

Ancestor Jin Dan is dead?

Since the beginning of the war, the first big demon who has fallen inland has appeared?

Everyone's heads were humming, and they couldn't believe it was true, and the golden swirling Jin Dan in the air explained to them an irrefutable fact.

The ancestor of herring is really dead!


In particular, the defeated Hai clan has fallen into extreme fear. Even if Prince Toad has the absolute upper hand, it still shocks the death of herring ancestors. This is a golden state!


Tong Yihai flipped his hand, and a gang of gas shot into Jin Dan. With a hum, the blue Jin Dan stopped shaking.

The ancestor of herring completely died.

Jin Dan Realm has the ability to "inspire the soul", including after the physical destruction, Jin Dan can "take the rebirth", and Tong Yihai's blow completely wiped out the last hope of herring ancestors.

one strike.

Jindan demon completely fell!

Su Zhen shouted: "Director Tong, kill the colorful snake ancestor immediately!"


Tong Yihai was taken aback for a while, and then came back from the amazing record, and killed the ancestor of the colorful snake. The latter was crushed by Zuo Hongyun, and he was embarrassed. Zuo Hongyun entered while taking advantage of the situation, leaving a bone wound in his body that was clearly visible on his body, and he became more and more exhausted when he fought back. At this time, Tong Yihai joined the war circle. .


Shouted: "Prince Toad saved me, herring ancestor was killed!"

A hundred miles away, in the void.

Prince Toad had the absolute upper hand, and Lu Qianqiu could not lift his head. If the latter had the inferior real device 'Light of Thunder', it would have already killed his opponent's life. This is so. In general, it is about to shatter.

Lu Qianqiu is an avatar.

It is made by relying on Zongchenzhu and refining with other materials. According to the classification, it belongs to "puppet", so there is no flesh and blood. After the body is broken, it means death.

He was already injured.

Faced with the attack of Prince Toad, I was tired of parrying, and I saw that there were more and more cracks, and it would take at least a minute to be exploded, and when Prince Toad thought the winning ticket was in hand, the help of the colorful snake ancestor came ——

The ancestor of herring is dead!


Prince Toad was shocked, he knew that herring ancestors were never Tong Yihai's opponents, but it was impossible to fall so fast, what the **** is going on?

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