Undead Emperor

Chapter 3774: Gu Xiaojiu

However, they have no retreat.

Just now, they were already surrounded by those green plants, not just behind, not just on the left and right sides, even in front of them, there were already those weird plants.

At this time, the plants stood up as if they had spiritual consciousness, and at a glance, they were actually more than ten feet tall.

Gu Xiaojiu's appearance is not exquisitely beautiful, but it is also quite charming. At this moment, she saw those green plants that were full of spikes and looked like pythons, and her pretty face instantly paled.

For her, she is afraid of things like snakes.

"Are these things immortal?" Su Zhen squinted, and after he exploded the plants directly with his breath, as the fog dissipated, the green plants actually recovered again.

However, the fog is still there.

From this look, it's like deliberately misleading people to attack them.

"Brother Su, this is Ghost Vine!" Huang Hua's face changed a lot after observing it carefully for a while, and said to Su Zhen.

"Ghost Vine?"

"Yes, it is the ghost vine. Before I came, I read some records about desert monuments. Among them was the introduction of this ghost vine. His body was covered with poisonous spikes and his movements were very sensitive." Huang Hua nodded and said.

"But this kind of thing can actually grow in the desert?" Su Zhen frowned.

"This kind of ghost vines does not need the environment to grow, but they have adapted themselves, plus the strange aura in the monuments, so these ghost vines can survive." Huang Hua said.

"Be careful of their mist, hold your breath!" Huang Hua finished speaking, and immediately placed a breath barrier to block all the mist out.

Su Zhen's sword aura was released, and then he slashed towards those ghost vines.

At the same time, he faintly added a touch of emperor's breath to it.

Sure enough, the emperor's breath played a role.

When the sword qi slashed past, the ghost vines began to shrink back continuously.

And the reason for making them retreat, there is only one possibility, and that is the restraint of the Emperor's breath.

It can be said that in this Demon Realm, as long as his cultivation is strong enough, he can suppress most of the things by using the emperor's breath. Of course, even if there is such an opportunity, Su Zhen will not be exposed.

Unless it is a last resort.

Soon, all the ghost vines disappeared.

Even the mist was also dispersed.

Seeing this scene, Huang Hua was immediately stunned.

You know, he had known Guiteng before he came, and he knew that this kind of thing would not return under normal circumstances.

If it is really possible to retreat, it is estimated that the people surrounded by them have died.

But at this moment, Su Zhen actually used a few sword auras to cut off the ghost vine!

The most important thing is that the ghost vine has not only retreated, but even the fog that can lose people's minds has also disappeared!

"Brother Su, what kind of swordsmanship is this?" Huang Hua couldn't help asking, it is really rare to be able to solve Guiteng with swordsmanship.

He even heard that as long as it is targeted by the ghost vine, it is basically impossible to escape.

"It's just a little trick, it's nothing." Su Zhen shook his head and said, not intending to say more.

Seeing that the ghost vines were gone, Huang Hua said, "Let’s leave here soon, lest the ghost vines will appear again."

With that, several people rushed towards the north together.

On the way, Su Zhen also saw a lot of people, and the feeling of desolation when he was on the periphery was still different after all.

"Where is Eternal Ding?" Su Zhen thought in his heart.

If you can't find the Eternal Cauldron, there will be no way to suppress the qi of destruction in your body.

But Huang Hua said that the Eternal Ding did not exist at all.

Going all the way to the north, walking along, really lost my way.

Even Su Zhen himself couldn't tell where he came.

The most important thing is that Su Zhen has been making marks on this road, and trying his best to think about the road when he came, and if there is any problem, he will return according to the same path.

However, he just turned around in a circle, and his sense of direction was unexpectedly lost at this time.

Regarding this, Su Zhen was also quite helpless, lost in this direction, it was too fast.

"Go this way." At this time, Gu Xiaojiu suddenly spoke and pointed a direction.

"What?" Su Zhen was taken aback.

"Going in that direction, I can feel a trace of something wrong. Could it be the place where the eternal cauldron is?" Gu Xiaojiu guessed.

But thinking that her cultivation is weaker than Su Zhen, Gu Xiaojiu didn't say much.

Where to go, whether Su Zhen knew something about it, this still had to be his own consideration.

"No matter how much, we have already experienced so many things anyway, it's not bad this time, let's go over there!" Huang Hua immediately decided.

If there is an eternal pot, it is naturally better.

If not, there is no need to regret anything.

Immediately, the four people rushed in the direction Gu Xiaojiu said.

After traveling a certain distance, Gu Xiaojiu stopped, and then turned back to Su Zhen Huanghua and said, "The breath I perceive is in this place."

Su Zhen heard this and saw that there was nothing around here.

Is this little Nizi kidding herself?

However, maybe the Eternal Ding was stored in a certain realm. As long as you look for it carefully, it should be possible to find it.

At this time, there was a clattering sound.

The voice sounded very obvious here, and Su Zhen had already noticed it the moment it made the sound.

The breath spreads out, after all, it is good.

"Junior sister, are you sure that it is really an eternal pottery!" Huang Hua frowned and said to him. In his opinion, how could they find a treasure that no one has found for so many years?

Although the perception of his junior sister was still very unexpected.

But after all, Su Zhen didn't know them too well, and it was really a bit improper for the little junior sister to expose her ability so early.

What's more, it is not certain whether it is an eternal ding!

However, from Huanghua's point of view, there is a possibility of 80% to 90%, and it is not an eternal pottery!

Su Zhen squatted down, then put his palm into the yellow sand, then closed his eyes.

Upon seeing this, the three of Huang Hua stopped talking, just watched him quietly next to him.

After a while, Su Zhen stood up, then shook his head and said, "I didn't feel anything below, Gu girl, did you perceive it wrong?" "Impossible." At this time, Huang Hua was talking instead. A: "Brother Su knows something, my junior sister, the biggest ability is her strong perception."

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