Undead Emperor

Chapter 3694: Corpse

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The most important point is that they feel that there is no threat to those people at all, killing and not killing are exactly the same, it will not cause any convenience to themselves, let alone increase the magic energy.

Although I don't know what Su really meant, Ling Qiu and Li Mengjian still responded.

After waiting for a while outside, it was determined that those who entered the cave should have been deep enough, and the three of them flew towards the cave.

Without disturbing the people at the entrance of the cave, the three quickly stunned them.

"Your cultivation base has improved so much?" After the three gathered at the entrance of the cave, Su Zhen said to Li Mengjian in surprise. "That's nature." Li Mengjian is still slightly proud, but the performance is not particularly obvious: "I said, "Da Mo Xuan Tian Zhang" is very suitable for my black sword. If you practice, my swordsmanship Hexiu will improve.


"This improvement is too great." Su Zhen sighed.

This Li Mengjian's cultivation practice actually went directly to the realm of the devil!

No wonder Li Mengjian would enter such a dangerous place in danger for a merit.

""Da Mo Xuan Tian Zhang" is regarded as the top skill of the Demon Race. It is normal to have such a great improvement after cultivation." Ling Qiuwan, like an elder female leader, said.

But when she talked, she glanced subconsciously at the black sword in Li Mengjian's hand.

Li Mengjian realized what was happening, and his small hands could not help but tighten.

Su Zhen realized why Li Mengjian was so excited when he found this exercise before.

"Brother, you are guarding outside. If they wake up, they will stun them again." Su Zhen released the three flaming lions from the Qiankun bag space and told him.

"Huh." The three fiery lions responded listlessly.

In fact, it feels that its role is gradually becoming smaller.

The main thing is that it is a half-beast. If it is outside for a long time, it will definitely receive some attention, so most of the time, it has been collected by Su Zhen in the bag of Qiankun.

The three of them rushed deeper into the passage, and they could see the people who had stepped forward in advance, and they all made marks on the stone walls, very cautiously.

There is no change in this top channel because of the previous changes.

Until the opening to the bottom, the three did not see anyone.

"The speed is quite fast." Su Zhen raised an eyebrow and then asked Li Mengjian: "Can you see where they are?"

"Can't see, it seems that the place they went to is a little deeper than our last visit." Li Mengjian shook his head.

The three continued to walk down, and their faces changed instantly after jumping from the mouth.

In the channel below, there is a very strong atmosphere of corrosion!

In an instant, the three immediately turned into several breath barriers to protect themselves.

"Ah--" At this moment, from the depths of this passage, a scream suddenly came out.

The screams kept echoing in the passage, and they were gone for a long time.

This creepy voice made Li Mengjian's goose bumps instantly.

The three stood still, and Ling Qiu took a slight step back, staring at the back.

Although there was a stone wall behind, she thought it was better to be careful.

After the screams completely disappeared, the three of them groped forward.

"Young Master Su!" Li Mengjian said suddenly.

"what happened?"

"There is a body about five feet in front!" Li Mengjian said.

Su Zhen heard this and immediately stepped forward. Sure enough, after walking a few steps, he saw a mummy.

There was a robe on the corpse, but the flesh and blood were gone.

To the shock of the three, the body of this corpse still has vitality that has not yet dispersed!

"This person should not have died long." Su Zhen frowned and said that there was so much life left around him, it should have just died.

But, how did this person die?

Life is still alive, flesh and blood are lost!

"Is the person who just screamed?" Li Mengjian frowned.

"No." Su Zhen shook his head with certainty: "The screaming just now is very far away from us. It can't be this person."

"Look forward!" Su Zhen said.

It didn't take long for Su Jin to find another two corpses, exactly the same as before.

"How did they die? It doesn't seem to be killed at all!" Li Mengjian said horrifiedly.

If it is artificial, how could it become a corpse? "If there is some kind of magic weapon that can **** human flesh and blood, it may achieve this effect." Ling Qiu frowned: "It's just that once that kind of magic weapon **** away human flesh and blood, life is impossible to stay. In other words, That magic weapon, first suck

Walking is the life of man. "

"They died, it should be very sudden."

"Isn't there something dirty?" Li Mengjian shuddered suddenly.

She was still a woman after all, and she was naturally afraid of such things.

"Don't scare yourself." Su Zhen waved her hands and said helplessly: "There is no mystery in the Devil Emperor's ruins. Do they still let them go in smoothly? It must be some institution left by the Devil Emperor. Killed them."

Only next, the three people found dozens of bodies along the way!

These corpses are all corpses!

This time, even Su Zhen started to feel a little moved.

What's in this Devil Emperor's ruins? It would make people look like this?

It is estimated that this passage has not yet reached the core of the Devil Emperor's ruins, but so many people have died at the moment.

"They are really brave enough, they have already reached this situation, and they are still going inside!" Su Zhen said in surprise, these people really want to die. "The temptation of the Devil Emperor's ruins has a supreme attraction for anyone who cultivates the Taoism. Even if they die, they must come in and search for something, and they will feel that they must be able to search for something." Ling Autumn time


"How do you listen to what you mean, it seems to be saying that there is nothing in this ruin?" Su Zhen looked at Ling Qiu. "It can't be said with certainty." Ling Qiu shook his head: "However, the treasure in the remains of the Devil Emperor's strongman can be seen and touched as long as people come in? Since ancient times, I don't know how many ruins of powerful rumours. , Attracting countless

The master entered the ruins, but in the end, the death was dead, crazy crazy, stupid stupid, few people have a good ending. "

"It is very rare to be able to find and take treasures from ancient and powerful ruins. Many people understand that, but when they are involved, they will go the old way."

Su Zhen listened and wanted to leave this place in an instant. I have to say that what Ling Qiu said is very reasonable.

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