Undead Emperor

Chapter 3652: betray

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Jin Ling was stupid, staring at Su Zhen staring.

Why did he suddenly become so strong?

Or is he already a strong man in the realm of magic?

"Are you all right?" Su Zhen asked.

"No... nothing." Jin Ling shook his head and asked blankly: "What's wrong with your cultivation behavior?"

"There was an accident before." Su Zhen said with a smile. Anyway, the little girl saved herself earlier and was her life-saving benefactor.

"Eh!" Jin Ling suddenly remembered something and shouted.

"What's wrong?" Su Zhen puzzled.

"Sister Sister helped me take away a lot of masters from Tianwai Molou. Let's help her soon!" Jin Ling looked at Su Zhen expectantly.

Su Zhen nodded and did not refuse. He knew that Jin Ling was talking about Gong Min.

Since they were saving themselves at the beginning, they are in trouble now, so they naturally have to help.


Another disciple died nearby.

Gong Min's silver teeth clenched, waving a sliver of green light without looking back.

The green mango blooms in the air, turning into a lot of blue lotus flowers and staying in place.

The dozen people who came from behind were stunned.

"Not good, retreat!" One person's complexion changed a lot and shouted.

The crowd quickly retreated, and the cyan lotus exploded, generating a transcendent air wave.

"This Gong Min is very cunning, and almost caught her way!" said one person fiercely.

"Brother Mu, let's catch up quickly, don't let Gong Min escape, otherwise our identity will be exposed and we can't stay at Zongmen!"

The rest also echoed.

"No, Ku Rong is already waiting in front, Gong Min can't run away!" The man waved his hand. "There are still a few remnants in the north, let's go to clean up."

More than a dozen people dispersed, no longer chasing down.

Gong Min ran all the way for sixty miles, realizing that there was no breath coming from the back, he looked back and found that no one was catching up, and then stopped.

Throw a panacea in your mouth and resume your cultivation as soon as possible.

In front, there are four or five figures quickly approaching this side.

Gong Min Liu Mei frowned and was about to leave, but found that the person headed was a disciple of their Demon Sect, Ku Rong.

"Sister Gong Min, you can be found!" Ku Rong said to Gong Min with a smile on his face.

"Brother Rong Rong!" Gong Min let out a sigh of relief: "We, the Dao Sect have disciples who have betrayed Zong Men!"

"Oh? Who is it?" Ku Rong raised an eyebrow.

"It is the branch of Zongmen in the southern part of the South Region, and all 13 disciples have rebelled!" Gong Min said: "They and the disciples of Tianwai Molou disguised their identities and are trying to approach and cruelly disciples outside us."

"Is it?" Ku Rong said lightly: "Apart from them, did the sister discover who else?"

"Temporarily—" Gong Min's voice came to an abrupt halt. She looked at Ku Rong and slowly backed away.

At this moment, a gloomy smile appeared on Ku Rong's face.

"Kurong, you dare to betray Zongmen!" Gong Min had already reacted, and a small, slightly cold face was unbelievable.

Ku Rong grew up in the Demon Sect since he was a child. He entered the sect a lot earlier than himself. Among the disciples of the sect, he is very prestigious and can be said to be a response.

It can be said that all the disciples in the Demon Sect may betray, but it is impossible to betray the only one withered.

Because in the sect, all high-quality cultivation resources will almost have a copy of Ku Rong.

Raising and cultivating big, Devil Sect is more than just a cultivation sect for Ku Rong.

However, at this moment Ku Rong really betrayed Zongmen! "Sister, I can't help it. Who made the conditions for the opening of the Tianwai Demon House high? The big disciple Zongmen, the elder of the Supreme Master, personally ordered it. This is not what Zongmen can match." Ku Rong smiled. Said: "Not to mention, by comparison

The strength of the magic building is higher. Tian Wai Mo Lou can let me go to Zhongyu to attend the Dao Dao Ten Thousand People Conference, Dao Dao Sect, can it give me this opportunity? "

"When you--Zongmen raised you, why didn't you say this?" Gong Minxing opened his eyes. "Well, people always have to go up." Ku Rong said: "Sister and sister can't go back alive, unless-Sister and sister can agree to walk on the same path with us. In this way, I can let Sister and sister stay with me Stay by your side.

"Brother!" "Gong Min hadn't spoken yet, and the disciples next to him couldn't help saying: "We can't let anyone join, otherwise, once the identity is exposed, all the efforts will be defeated! By then we will not only be unable to join the Tianwai Magic Building

, Even the Devil Sect, we can't stay! "

Matters involving life will be very cautious.

It's really dangerous to pull in a person who can't guarantee the bottom.

"It's the same thing." Ku Rong nodded. "But I'm indecisive, Sister, sorry."

Gong Min's fighting spirit was on his body, and his voice was extremely cold: "Today's desperation, I have to kill you to kill the Sect!"

"Sister and sister, this is a big talk." Ku Rong said with a smile: "In the past few years, many younger brothers and sisters have said this in front of me, but in the end, didn't they still die in my hands?"

"The disciples who were killed outside are all because of you?" Gong Min was shocked.

"That's enough nonsense." Ku Rong waved his hand: "Do it!"

Uh, uh, uh--

Several Demon Sect disciples rushed towards Gong Min. Although Gong Minxiu had the middle-level cultivation practice, the several disciples who attacked her were all in the early stage of the magical era. Under the joint attack, they formed a small group of four. Has been injured, and has been chased and killed along the way,

The shot is already very difficult.

These early disciples were unable to solve it for a while, and even showed signs of being defeated by them.

Ku Rong stood in the distance with his arms around his chest and looked at him with a smile, a relaxed and comfortable look.

"Hurry up a few of your actions, kill Gong Min and go back to drink!" Ku Rong said with a smile.

"Good!" Several disciples were very excited and responded loudly.

Gong Min was extremely angry at the moment, but she was very helpless. She could not run at this moment, nor could she protect herself.

Only wait for death.

At the moment, I just insisted.

"Drink? Go to Yincao Difu!" A voice suddenly appeared behind Ku Rong.

Ku Rong was shocked, he didn't realize that someone was behind him!

Just about to turn around, a force of gravity suddenly fell to the waist.

Su Zhen kicked Ku Rong directly and kicked it into the ground.

Then, between flickering figures, Tiejian directly resolved the four people who were besieging Gong Min. In an instant, the situation reversed and Gong Min also escaped from danger.

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