Undead Emperor

Chapter 3647: Fairy Super Power

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Jiulong Mountain, a mess at the moment.

Flying sand and rocks, the ground cracked, and the mountain collapsed.

Because Jiulong Mountain is originally showing the shape of Jiulong Gongyue, the area surrounded by nine mountains looks like a big pit.

Once Jiulong Mountain is affected or even destroyed, the central area will be immediately landfilled.

This is the state at the moment.

Jiulong Mountain boomed, and boulders kept falling.

Seeing this, Su Zhen was very anxious.

But now I dare not move easily. Once I move, my defense will immediately weaken, and I will be hurt by the fighting breath again.

I was already injured, but if I were injured again, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Soon, Su Zhen felt herself covered with a stronger light. When he raised his head, the scene in front of him deeply stimulated his eyes.

Both Bloodthirsty Sword Qi and Tianzi Sword have turned into ten million rays of light.

When they fall all the way down, they cover thousands of miles!

I don't know how many people in this big state died under the breath of the two.

Su Zhen rolled his throat a few times, but it was unexpected that the two would meet so shockingly.

Is this the Yu Wei of the immortal emperor? "Zhan Jiu, Emperor Ben gives you a chance to visit my heavenly court, and I will spare you for not dying. It's considered selling your face. How many of you and I were on the same front line." Jun is undefeated and doesn't want to delay time. After retreating a distance, he said


"Do you think I will agree?" Red Light turned back to Zhan Jiu.

"Smart people will choose what we just said and do it." Jun said undefeated.

"I have never been a wise man in Zhan Jiu!" Zhan Jiu's intentions rose and the red fairy flame rose.

"Well, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you are biased. If that's the case, then it's no wonder that I am." Jun undefeated heard it, sneered, but he already knew that Zhanjiu is absolute Impossible.

Fang Cai asked, but only gave Jiu Ji one chance at the end.

Since he is not rare, there is no way.


Then complete him!

The undefeated laughed with laughter: "Zhan Jiu, Zhan Jiu, you really are as ignorant as before, before, and now. Do you really think that my cultivation is just like you, is it just at the peak of the fairy king? "

Fairy King Peak Realm?

Su Zhen heard it, and was taken aback.

In this way, the cultivation of Zhanjiu is the peak of the fairy king after the ninth weight?

No wonder he has such a strong shot, even when he is in the ancient city of Tianting, the people who connect the fairy family are also afraid of him.

"Why? Isn't it true that your cultivation behavior is higher?" Zhan Jiu narrowed his eyes.

"This Emperor is going out this time, born vision, you should have seen it?" Jun undefeated said with a smile.

Zhan Jiu pupil condenses: "You mean, the vision was born that day because of you?"

"Who can there be? In this fairyland, who else can step into this level?" Jun undefeated said with a smile: "Unfortunately, this Emperor has given you the opportunity, you do not want to Yes."

"How about Immortal Emperor?" Zhan Jiu's hand flicked: "Since I'm going to kill you, I'm fearless!"

"If you really killed me, that's also my incompetence, let's do it!" Zhan Jiu rushed towards the undefeated once again.

"If you find yourself dead, then no one is to blame." Jun unsuccessfully sneered again and again, watching Zhan Jiu came with the momentum of breaking through the sky, and everything around him was affected by it. After snorting, he directly extended his hand.


A wave of air waves like ripples oscillated out.

Zhan Jiu's attack was so easily stopped by the undefeated Jun.

Su Zhen, below, looked paler.

Uncle, I didn’t do anything here, but now I was hurt the most. If I didn’t show it at the end, but still died, it would be really shameful.

But now, who knows who is here.

Really want to move, that is no doubt mortal.

The only way to survive is to stand still.

Wait and see how it changes, and once there is an opportunity to retreat, it is never too late.

However, the situation seems to have completely exceeded his expectations.

Battle nine is not an undefeated opponent.

In other words, he used to be, but not now.

With Jun's undefeated promotion to the realm of immortal emperor, the gap between him and Zhan Jiu is so wide.

Fang Jiu's blow, Jun was undefeated and effortlessly blocked, and even gave Jiu Jiu a heavy blow!

At the end, Zhan Jiu looked extremely difficult, but he was undefeated, but stood there with a light face.

"Zhan Jiu, can you take it?" Jun asked undefeatedly with a smile: "If you kneel and beg for mercy at this moment, you can still save your life."

"Ha-ha ha ha ha!" Zhan Jiu burst out laughing suddenly, even Su Zhen looked at him with some surprise, I don't know why he was so.

Jun undefeated narrowed his eyes and stared at Zhan Jiu.


At the next moment, Zhan Jiu coughed up a gulp of blood.

"Are you still in a mood to laugh? The Emperor's Emperor's Sword has already hit your soul, and your life and death are only under the Emperor's thoughts." Jun undefeated looked at Zhan Jiu.

Presumably Zhan Jiu should have a gap, why is there such a big laugh?

"Jun undefeated, Jun undefeated, do you really think that the people in the heavenly court are so soft-boned? The heavenly court you built today is nothing more than a broken heavenly court. Is it comparable to the heavenly court in its heyday?" Zhan Jiu Laughed.

"I'm dying, is my mouth hard?" Jun frowned undefeated.

Su Zhen's mood at the moment is also extremely complicated.

I thought that Zhan Jiu could contain Jun undefeated, but whoever thought of the present, even Zhan Jiu was not an undefeated opponent.

At this moment, unless the help of Tongxian or Protoss can help suppress the undefeated king.

But the Tongxian clan is on the side of the undefeated king, and the Protoss has been coveting the young dragon, the dragon girl, and they are afraid that they cannot intersect on either side.

"Jun is undefeated, you will die when the damn." Zhan Jiu's figure disappeared instantly.

Su Zhen's flower was pulled directly into the sky, and then Zhan Jiu took him to fly at a speed, but it was only a few breaths before he went to other big states.

"Want to run? Today neither of you can go!" Jun followed undefeatedly.

For him, it doesn't matter if Zhan Jiu died today or not, but Su Zhen must die!

This heir to the emperor, he wanted to kill a long time ago, but he is still alive, and even the speed of cultivation is very horrible. No one can leave Su Zhen away!

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