Undead Emperor

Chapter 3643: Natural variation

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"What's wrong?" Su Zhen turned and looked at it.

Recently, Tian Baiyi didn't know what to do, and he never saw him.

"There is news from Tianting, claiming that the king is going undefeated!" Tian Baiyi came to Su Zhen and said anxiously.

"Jun undefeated to go out?" Su Zhen frowned.

Ever since Jun Undefeated was rescued from Jiulong Mountain, it has never been seen. However, anyone who knows the situation of Jiulong Mountain thinks that Jun Undefeated is healing, and later there has been little movement.

But I didn't expect that the undefeated will leave the border so quickly?

After his injury recovered, then-next, will it cause a terrible blow to the power of the emperor? Even a big chance may cause the destruction of all the great forces!

At that time, Heavenly Court will still be Heavenly Court, but the power of the Emperor will never exist!

Then, there will be no hope of rebuilding the ancient heaven.

Su Zhen narrowed his eyes.

If in the end even this hope is gone, what is the use of my previous efforts?

Tian Baiyi nodded.

He was also very anxious after learning about it.

After all, Jun Undefeated was originally a person who could threaten them. His presence will definitely make the Emperor forces feel heavy pressure.

This might have sent a dangerous signal to the great forces.

"Okay, I know." Su Zhen's brow furrowed, and she wanted to visit her in the room where the dragon girl was.

Tian Baiyi watched Su Zhen leave, slightly trance.

Only then did he seem to see different eyes from Su Zhen's eyes, which made his heart hairy, as if Su Zhen had changed into a person, which really made him a little puzzled.

Is it possible that something has hit Su Zhen?

Or, what happened?

In the following period, no one saw Su Zhen again.

Li Hanxin, Lin Nianyu, Tian Baiyi, Qin Tong and others have already asked each other, even Lu Yunyan has asked, and no one has seen Su Zhen, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

This situation lasted for more than thirty days.

"Where did Brother Su go? Did he go to the Heavenly Court and hide in it to find an opportunity to start undefeated against the king?" In the deliberative hall, Tian Baiyi sat on the Taishi chair with no lonely, already Is completely powerless.

I have found Su Zhen for so many days, and have not heard any news about him.

The more this is, the more anxious they feel.

Lu Yunyan sat aside and said that the matter of Huangzong had nothing to do with her. If there was anything to discuss, it was impossible for the people of Huangzong to find her.

But this matter involved Su Zhen, and she didn't need to take the initiative to mention it, and the people of Huangzong naturally called her.

At the same time, she is also curious. Where did Su Zhen go? He didn't tell himself that it was reasonable, after all, he also showed impatience when facing himself.

But Li Hanxin is different.

These people have a good relationship with Su Zhen. If you don't tell yourself, don't you tell them? At the same time, in a cave far away, Su Zhenpan sat inside, his eyes closed, but the dark mist on his body was getting thicker and thicker, especially as he urged immortality When the black gas in the body will accelerate


At the same time, the pain brought to himself is also very serious.

It seems that there is a sharp blade surging in the context. If you don’t urge the immortal qi, you won’t feel anything. Once urged, you haven’t waited for the enemy to attack. Drop by half.

The most important thing is that in these dozen days, the gas of destruction is tormenting myself, and the whole person is muddled.

When he realized that something was wrong, he immediately left Huangzong, so as not to worry Li Hanxin.

After all, it is only outside that there will not be so many concerns.

However, this result far exceeded his expectations.

Lu Yunyan said that she would only be tortured by the gas of extinction only a few days a month, but why did she become so many days when she reached herself?

The process is very painful, for a while it seems that there is a knife in the vein, and for a while it seems that there are thousands of swords stabs at yourself, and at the end, it seems that there is a Wan Jin hammer waving at him constantly.

It really is inhuman torture.

However, although the process is painful, the result is relatively good for myself. At least, I have improved my practice in the first-level fairy land, and I have improved. Although I have not broken through to the second-level fairy land, I have at least entered the late stage of the first-level fairy land. It is estimated that it will not take long. The fairy king is no longer asking


"Boy, your body will be mine sooner or later..." Just as Su Zhen got up and was about to go out, a deep and strange voice suddenly echoed in Su Zhen's ear.

Su Zhen glanced around, and found no one.

"What the hell?" Su Zhen shouted a few times around, and soon realized that the sound did not seem to be foreign.

Since it is not, that means...

That black gas?

He shouted several times in a row, but found that there was no response.

"It's really weird." Suddenly I lost my mind, and I didn't hear Lu Yunyan say before. What else happened? If this sounds from time to time, you must not scare people to death?

At the same time, it also made me realize that the gas of destruction is far from being as simple as imagined.

Even this group of black spirits still has the consciousness!

Otherwise, how could that sound come out?

After trying several times in succession and finding that there was no response, Su Zhen gave up.

When I was sitting down and searching for details, a deafening thunder sound suddenly came from outside, and at the same time, a dazzling light flashed through like a golden thunderbolt.

Suddenly, Su Zhen froze for a moment, and immediately walked out of the cave. After he came out, Su Zhen discovered that the outside sky had become completely purple, and at the same time, in the sky of purple, there were golden lines like snakes, which made the sky become mysterious, like What's big

Things are going to happen.

"After arriving in the fairy world, I have never seen such a change." Su Zhen looked up and said in surprise.


The distant sky, the limit distance that can be seen by the eyes that condensed the fairy, and a magnificent purple-golden thunderbolt full of mountains fell suddenly!

First I heard the sound, and then there was a violent shock around me. This sense of vibration has spread to the distance.

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