Undead Emperor

Chapter 3568: Get jade

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"What is a short cut?" Lord Guigu asked in a low voice.

"How did the emperor leave a shortcut?" Su Zhen smiled and said, no way, he couldn't say that he had encountered a fairy, and then the fairy gave himself an elixir, and then broke through to the fairy king. Realm.

It is estimated that after saying it, not to mention the Lord of the Valley of the Ghosts, even Zhou Jin and Jiang Ran will not believe it.

Even Lord Ghost Valley will be even more angry and will think he is making fun of him.

Encountered a fairy? The fairy gave an elixir?

The ghost believes.

After thinking about it, Su Zhen felt that he could only move the emperor out.

After all, I know that the emperor once left a lot of mysterious treasures, and he is the heir of the emperor, leaving some excellent treasures to the heirs alone, which is not doubtful.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Zhen say this, the anger of the Lord Ghost Valley dissipated.

Su Zhen took a deep look at the Lord of the Valley of Ghosts. It seemed that he guessed right. The latter was at least related to the Emperor.

But it also made him more respectful of the immortal emperor.

From these people, they have found one thing in common, that is, when talking about the emperor, what they hold is to believe without a trace of doubt.

This made Su Zhen start to wonder, what kind of person was the original emperor? Can so many people believe in the emperor so many years later? Have you kept this awe?

"Can you tell me what you got?" Lord Guigu asked.

Jiang Ran didn't know when he rushed in front of Jiang Chun. The two sisters hugged in pain. The sound sounded really sad, and the three fiery lions retreated.

After hearing Master's question, Zhou Jin also looked at Su Zhen very curiously.

Yes, when he saw Su Zhen at the last time, he was only in the state of immortality, even lower than his self-cultivation, but it was not long before, how could he go directly from the state of immortality and directly to the state of immortal king ?

This span is really scary.

Su Zhen did not conceal: "It is a bodhi fruit."

"Bodhi Fruit?" Lord Ghost Valley shocked: "But found in a separate space?"

"Yes." Su Zhen looked at Shenggu Shenggu very unexpectedly: "Senior knows?"

Guigu Shengzhu nodded and said bluntly: "At first I saw the emperor plant the bodhi tree in that space, and the only way to get in there was to make up the six pieces of iron."

"It seems that if you take Bodhi Fruit to break into the realm of the fairy king, it is not a shortcut. In the beginning, you should have spent a lot of time in order to collect the iron piece? Even if it is collected quickly, it will not be a few years possible."

Regarding the fact that Su Zhen was looking for a piece of hidden treasure, Lord Guigu heard this.

After all, did Su Zhen come to the Holy Mountain of Ghost Valley, wasn't it the Jiuyoujian's treasure iron piece?

At this point, Lord Ghost Valley is more convinced.

After all, just looking for the hidden treasure iron pieces is already a very time-consuming and labor-intensive matter. In addition, when taking the bodhi fruit, the danger is even greater. Once the energy in the bodhi fruit cannot be absorbed, the death is light. The heavy soul is scattered.

In other words, as long as it fails, it will die!

"Senior ..." Su Zhen looked at the Lord of Ghost Valley and wanted to ask about the relationship between him and the emperor, but when he saw the latter waved his hand, he seemed to know what he was asking and refused.

In this regard, Su Zhen did not continue to question him.

"Come on, tell me what you plan to do next." Lord Ghost Valley went to the tomb.

Seeing this, Su Zhen looked back at Jiang Chunjiang Ran.

I have to say that although I knew them before, I had never seen the two of them stand together.

At this moment, the two sisters are undoubtedly the most eye-catching around.

Jiang Ran, who had been calculating himself before, had always been like a demon girl in front of him, and he was showing a lot of dependence at the moment.

"These two sisters ..." When Su Zhen came up with that idea, he immediately shook his head vigorously, shaking off his excessive thoughts. When flying towards the Shenling Temple, Su Zhen also figured out that the expedition meeting of the Heavenly Court was less than a few months. Before going to Jiaozhou, he had to go to the imperial family to determine the overall strength there. Master talk about yourself


After all, since you are going to the congress, it is better to interfere more thoroughly.

It would be better if a bigger movement could be made directly.

After entering the Hall of the Tombs, he saw the Lord of the Valley of Ghosts standing on the first floor and noticed that Su Zhen was coming. Then he said, "Over the heaven, what are you going to do?"

"The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, and since Heaven's War started, they would be open, without fear." Su Zhen said: "Emperor's power may not be weaker than Heaven's power, but it is not completely screwed up."

Lord Guigu nodded: "Once the war broke out, it was comprehensive. You are alone, I am afraid that you can't take care of everything." "Three months ago I have met people from all states, all things, It ’s all handed over to the leaders of the major states, and if they are there, there will be no problems. ”Su Zhen said, not to mention that once the power of the emperor in a certain state was in crisis, the neighboring big states

The state can also rush to help.

It is estimated that the teleportation array between the 13 major states has been constructed.

"I heard that you have worked at the Heavenly Court Conference. You should go to the conference, should you also go?" Lord Guigu looked at Su Zhen.

"It must be going." Su Zhen smiled: "You can't let the heaven be disappointed, don't you? I think the heaven is already ready, just wait for us to pass."

The Lord Ghost Valley nodded thoughtfully and said nothing.

After staying in the Shenling Hall for a while and saying goodbye to Lord Gugu, he came to the white giant door.

After Zhou Jin saw Su Zhen, his eyes lit up and quickly stepped forward: "Brother Su, it's really strong!"

"Brother Zhou is polite." Su Zhen said quickly. "I'm not polite, you must go to the expedition meeting of the heavenly court? Really looking forward to it, if you know that your cultivation practice actually has the realm of the fairy king, and is still a descendant of the emperor, it can definitely scare them!" Jin Xiaoyin said


"This is what I promised you earlier. Here you are." At this time, Jiang Chun and Jiang Ran also came to Su Zhen.

"Thank you." Su Zhen immediately took Yu Pei over.

This is a treasure. With this thing, you can let Zhanjiu know about the fairyland. At that time, whether it was the return of Zhan Jiuyi, or leading the entire demon attack, it would be a huge trouble for Heavenly Court.

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