Undead Emperor

Chapter 3564: Is it a ghost or a person

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Da Ming Xian Wang looked at the Lord of the Valley of Ghosts angrily. In any case, he was also a strong king of Xian Gu. He was highly respected no matter where he went. When did he have such a sense of humiliation? Actually let him go?

"Sovereign Lord Ghost Valley, you are always neutral between the power of the heaven and the emperor. The reason why the heaven did not move you is not because of fear of you. I hope you can understand this." Dalin fairy king said with narrowed eyes.

"We have even cut off the soul of the Dragon King, a fairy king is nothing to us."

"Oh? Really?" Lord Ghost Valley glanced at the Dalin fairy king: "I want to know, how many fairy kings did you use to slash the dragon soul? How much died? How much hurt?"

Three consecutive questions left Dalin Immortal King speechless for a time.

Indeed, taking out the matter of slashing the dragon soul alone, it sounds really domineering, making people think that Tianting is so strong that even the dragon soul can be slashed!

But actually, as Lord Ghost Valley asked, this time, they could have dispatched fifteen fairy kings!

Fifteen Immortal Kings gathered on Jiulong Mountain and worked together to fight the Dragon Soul. Finally, the Dragon Soul killed one Immortal King and seriously injured the six Immortal Kings. Then they killed the Dragon Soul!

This is a fact.

But to the outside world, it was the Heavenly Court that dispatched twelve fairy kings.

For the loss of the war in Jiulong Mountain, it was too much for Heaven.

Fortunately, they at least saved the king undefeated. With his Lord of Heaven, those losses would be nothing.

A few days ago, Jun Undefeated in the process of adjustment, let them both come to the Holy Mountain of Ghost Valley and bring Jiang Chun back here.

Obviously, this is to force Jiang Ran to get the baby.

It's just that what kind of treasure is that, even the two of them are unclear.

But looking at Jun's undefeated appearance, it seems that he should know something.

"Sovereign Lord Ghost Valley, you are really brave enough to dare to guess our heaven!" Daxian Immortal King said coldly: "If you are known by the Lord of Heaven Court, you may have no ghost hill!"

"It also depends on whether you have this skill." Lord Guigu waved his sleeve robe, then looked at them and said, "Do it."

Daming and Dalin Immortal looked at each other and shot towards the Lord of the Valley of Ghosts: "Sovereign Lord of the Valley of the Ghosts, although your means are strong, neither of us is vegetarian!"

The general terror pressure that pulled the sky down came instantly, and the Lord of the Valley of the Ghost and the Dalin Dalin Immortal King were fighting together.

Zhou Jin and Jiang Ran hurriedly retreated to the white giant gate, otherwise they would be affected by the breath of the three of them.

The fighting spirit of the fairy king strongman, even if it is a small stock, will surely cause them to be hit hard.

"The people of Heaven Court are really getting more and more excessive." Zhou Jin said with a ugly face: "All the people arrested have come here. If they continue to do this, I am afraid that our Holy Mountain will be destroyed by Heaven Court sooner or later!"

It is said that Jiang Ran did not refute, because Zhou Jin said there was really no problem.

The movement of the heavenly court is getting bigger and bigger. Even if the ghost valley holy mountain remains neutral, since the heavenly court has already made such a big movement, it will naturally not leave any hidden dangers.

What is so-called neutrality will eventually become the nail of heaven.

Therefore, it is unclear what the ghost valley holy mountain will become in the future.

At this moment, Daming Immortal King suddenly took off the battle circle and came straight to Jiang Ran.

The Dalin Immortal King is also desperate to block the Lord of the Valley of the Ghost Valley. Even the skills of the housekeeper are used. In a short time, the Lord of the Valley of the Valley is also blocked.

It's such a short time, for Da Ming Xian Wang, it is enough.

At this moment he had already reached Jiang Ran and wanted to take her directly.

It can be said that no one can stop the Daming Immortal King now. As long as he catches Jiang Ran, he will immediately leave here and return to Heaven.

Once the escape tricks cannot be detected, they can no longer catch up.

At that time, once the Daming fairy king brought Jiang Ran to heaven, she would be in danger. And Tianting will unconsciously directly grab a person they need.

Others may not see anything wrong, but Jun Undefeated as the biological father of Jiang Chun and Jiang Ran, he must be able to find some differences.

At that time, identity recognition is certain.

Zhou Jin gritted his teeth and stepped forward to delay for a while, but was taken away by the palm of the Daxian fairy king.

Seeing that, the hands of Daming fairy king had touched the blue silk floating in Jiang Ran.


A fierce sword light cut through, a piece of green silk flew up.

The hand of Da Ming Xian Wang has already been taken back.

At the same time, there was cold sweat coming out of the Daming fairy king, and he didn't even notice that someone actually would deal with him. If someone was hiding in the dark, he would definitely be able to detect it unless the other's cultivation behavior was similar to him of.

But the man who shot at the moment, the move speed is so fast!

If he had not noticed the approach of Jian Qi, I am afraid he would never think that there were people staring at him nearby!

"Daming Fairy King, you and I have really been gone for a long time." Su Zhen appeared, and his eyes fell on Daming Fairy King for the first time.

Among all the fairy kings in the heavenly court, he was the one who impressed me the most. After all, he didn't see Daxian fairy king's shot once or twice.

Jiang Ran was shocked when he saw Su Zhen suddenly appear.

Didn't he go to Jiaozhou? How come you suddenly come back at this knot? And there are still two fairy kings here!

"Is he crazy?" Jiang Ran looked at Su Zhen, biting his red lips and thinking.

I clearly know that there is a strong man in the realm of the fairy king, but he still has the ability to appear. Is this because I am afraid that others do not know that he is still alive?

For a time, Jiang Ran's attention shifted to Su Zhen.

But soon she noticed that, not far away, three flaming lions and a man in robes and hats were looking at this side.

who's that person?

I don't know why, Jiang Ran noticed a strong sense of familiarity and intimacy from the wrapped person, but he didn't know why this was happening, and his heartbeat began to accelerate unconsciously.

Why do you feel this way?

"It's you kid!" When Daming Immortal King recognized Su Zhen, his complexion changed greatly, and the thick and unbelievable Su Jin's lips were hooked.

Da Ming fairy king has been completely stunned, he simply can not imagine, why is Su Zhen still alive? Is it a ghost or a person who appears next to him at this moment?

"It shouldn't be!" Daming Immortal King was puzzled. On that day, he clearly remembered that Su Zhen was exposing himself. Since he was exposing himself, it is impossible to resurrect. But just here today, he saw Su Zhen again!

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