Undead Emperor

Chapter 3525: Different road non-phase plan

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Ren Dongming frowned, it seemed that he heard something from Li Zhong's laughter: "As long as the forces of the emperor work together, the integrated strength cannot be underestimated, even if it is heaven, it can also fight against them. "

The details of the Great Emperor's forces are terrifying. Even after so many years, once they are combined, they still have terrifying strength. The Heavenly Court really has to deal with them, and they have to be careful.

After all, the ancestors of these forces used to be strong men who followed the emperor.

Even if they are gone, the descendants have been able to hold up the world after hardening.

Just unexpectedly, his answer made Li Zhong laugh.

This makes Ren Dongming wonder, is it so ridiculous?

"Su Xiaozi, it seems that Li Zhong has some problems, at least his heart is no longer on the side of the Emperor's forces." Xue Lao and Su Zhen sat together, and after seeing this scene across the two rows of people, their brows followed. .

On the way to come, Su Zhen said to Xue Lao, don't call him Su politely so politely, he listens awkwardly, it is estimated that Xue Lao also called awkwardly.

"I think too." Su Zhen nodded.

In fact, when I came in, I noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

At first, I still felt that maybe this is the way it is. The atmosphere is sometimes accurate, sometimes it does not follow the routine.

But listening to Li Zhong's words, it is obvious that they are taking two paths with themselves and their family heads.

But he also wanted to see what decision Li Zhong made. "Combine? Is the power of the emperor still combined?" Li Zhong laughed a few more times, and then said to Ren Dongming with a long heart: "Renjiazhu, be smarter, be aware of the timing of the trial. You ca n’t stop when you leave

Hey! "

"These of us represent not only ourselves, but also the forces behind us. Once targeted, it could be ruined."

What Li Zhong said was obscure, but what was secretly all hinted at Ren Dongming.

Ren Dongming is not a fool. He can hear some clues like this. He frowned and looked at Li Zhong: "Master Zhuang, just say anything!"

"Okay! The head of the family is also a happy person, so I won't hide it." Li Zhong's voice grew louder: "We are going to surrender to the court of heaven, sheltered by the court of heaven. this means?"

"As long as we join the Heavenly Court, we will no longer have any danger, and we can continue to stay in Jiaozhou and our own territory, and life will not change at all. Why not do it?"

"I don't know. Does Renjiazhu mean that?"

Ren Dongming looked at Li Zhong: "Why?"

"What is the head of the family asking?"

"Why surrender to heaven? Is this why Master Li Zhuang called them here today?" Ren Dongming's expression was indifferent.

"Renjiazhu is wrong, and we don't want to surrender to the court of heaven, but there is nothing we can't do? With the power of the great emperor, we can't fight against the court of heaven at all, do we still have to resist since we know it is dead ? "

"That's right, Ren Renzhu will not be like Hong Feng. He thinks that there will still be descendants of the emperor. Will he command the power of the emperor of the 13 states?"

"Okay, okay, let alone the **** of the great emperor, a bunch of waste, just hanging on the mouth all day, nausea and nausea died."

Hearing Ren Dongming's rhetorical question, the people present finally couldn't hold back anymore, and said one after another.

"You are waste, your family is waste!" Su Zhen thought very uncomfortably, and he also wanted to jump out directly, pointing at these people's nose and scolding.

And he is also ready to show his identity today, at least for the combination of the power of the emperor.

But whoever thinks, the leader of the Jiaozhou emperor's forces, actually advocates surrender to heaven!

At this time, he would never show up again.

"Master Li Zhuang has decided?" Ren Dongming's voice started to cool, and even the eyes that were originally excited and smiled, were also covered with a layer of frost.

"Good, decided." Li Zhong nodded: "If the head of the family is willing, then stay, we will discuss the matter together, and in the future we will all go forward and backward. If we are not willing to ..."

"Unwilling to kill us if we can't do it?" Ren Dongming snorted coldly. Seeing that Li Zhong's heart was decided, Shen Sheng said, "I'm afraid these people here can't kill us!"

With that in mind, Ren Dongming waved his hand violently: "Don't think differently, let's say goodbye!"

Su Zhen had already stood up and stepped outside, feeling a little heavy. He did not expect that the battle with Heavenly Court had not yet begun, and this first trouble had already come.

Without the call of the leaders of Jiaozhou, on their own, I am afraid that they will not find much power.

Once the delay here is too long, all of your plans will be disrupted.

"The head of the family should consider it!" Li Zhong's face was completely out of sight this time. First, Hong Feng and Jing Nan spoke coldly against each other. The same is true of Ren Dongming, how can this make Li Zhong not angry?

He didn't do it, he could already bear it.

There is no doubt that if there are a few people who question again, he is afraid that he will be a killer.

However, Ren Dongming is right, if they want to kill them, I am afraid it is unlikely.

After all, Ren Dongming, but with more than twenty celestial beings, really wants to fight, and the losses are too great.

After coming out of the manor, Ren Dongming's pupils had a deep apology: "I really didn't expect that Li Zhong, who was elected, would actually make such a decision in the end, which is really confusing."

"Yeah, when I meet again next time, I am afraid that the two sides are fighting, right?" Someone said with a sigh.

Su Zhen pondered, thinking of any other way to integrate the forces of Jiaozhou Emperor as soon as possible.

"Go to Lin Bei, the old man is much better than Li Zhong, at least not at the last critical moment to do such disgusting things." Xue Lao suddenly said.

Everyone was stunned, and then slammed the thigh: "Yeah, why didn't you think of Lao Lin?"

"Linbei?" Su Zhen raised an eyebrow. "Senior Lin is also a nominee in Jiaozhou, but there were many people who supported Li Zhong at that time, so Senior Lin naturally missed the leader." Ren Dongming explained: "Looking, Lin ’s Compared with the supporters and Li Zhong

Not much difference. "If you can find him, you can also solve the problems on the Jiaozhou side." The most important thing is that once the news of Li Zhong ’s submission to the heavenly court is heard, the entire emperor of Jiaozhou will surely flock to Lin Lao ’s side. "

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