Undead Emperor

Chapter 3506: Much attention

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At the same time, the turbid breath that had been suppressed in their hearts spread out on their own, making them feel refreshed and happy for a while.

At this time, they finally remembered that now they are different.

With the successor of the emperor as the backbone, with the main goal, all they have to do is to do their best to the heaven.

Thinking in my heart, when everyone looked at Su Zhen, there was a touch of admiration in their eyes.

After all, while they were still being suppressed by Heavenly Court, Su Zhen had already dealt with Heavenly Court. When talking about the experience in it, it was still the most profound understanding of Su Zhen.

For a time, my heart was more firm in maintaining Su Zhen. For Su Zhen, all of this seemed nothing. One or two Heavenly Court elders, but he was chased and killed by Heavenly Court. I do n’t know how many miles, and he escaped many times under Heavenly Court. Gave a life

The price, but helpless because the difference in strength is too wide.

The strong fairy king, even a half-step fairy king, may be able to beat himself to death.

This was also a worry for Su Zhen before. After all, if he had acted on the heavenly court, once the fairy king shot, he could not resist.

But after seeing the true strength of the imperial family and the northern family, they had some confidence in their hearts.

If the Heavenly Fairy King took action, the emperor and the northern family would naturally intercept it.

I still don't believe it, will it be possible that there will be eight more fairy kings out of heaven?

What's more, few people know their current identity. The identity that Su Zhen wanted was not the identity of the heir to the emperor. After all, the outside world had already spread it. He was the heir to the emperor. Even if he really was n’t, Heavenly Court would never misplace him, so Heavenly Court tried his best to him.

Speaking, it is just a matter of time.

The identity that Su Zhen wants to hide right now is himself.

"Let's go." Su Zhen walked to the front of the crowd and took the lead toward the north.

Tian Baiyi followed suit, and then Ren Dongming, Xue Lao and others followed suit.

Looking at the crowd at the back, Tian Baiyi's face was full of excitement, but this time he followed behind, but there were twenty-four cents waiting! Coupled with those Jinxian Xuanxian, the lineup can be said to be extremely good.

This time to the Tianting Conference, it will definitely cause a great sensation!

Thinking of this, Tian Baiyi couldn't help but grin, the facial features are about to huddle together.


Youzhou border, the heavenly court meeting, opened today.

As early as the day before yesterday, some people had arrived here early, whether you are in Youzhou or other big states, there are people coming.

Among them, a considerable part is not the power of the great emperor, but purely to see the lively.

They also want to see, in the past few days, how many great forces will choose to come here to submit to the court?

Is it the crowd, or is it a monk.

Relatively speaking, the reason why the Emperor ’s forces came too little was because those who did not choose had already prepared their plans rather than surrendering to Heavenly Court. Decisive.

Above the platform, hundreds of people in heaven wearing red and black robes stood on it. The sandalwood tables and chairs are neatly arranged, and the scrolls are piled up together, ready to record the forces that come to surrender at any time. The gas on the whole high platform

The situation is extremely dignified, and it makes people dare not easily approach.

The densely packed people are basically gathered within a few miles or even tens of miles of the high platform. At a glance, there are more people than there were at the Ten Thousand Zong Conference.

Even if we really want to compare, the Wanzong Conference is far inferior.

Among the crowd, a dark shadow was hidden in the mountains without revealing the water, and they deliberately looked at the forces that could not see in the distance.

He saw Fang Daosheng, Di Hong, Li Hanxin ... Even Shen Chumo of Huang Zong saw it. At the same time, there were many disciples of Huang Zong, all wearing Zongmen robes.

Su Zhen's eyes were suddenly attracted by the two figures beside Li Hanxin.

Qin Tong, Lin Nianyu.

They wore Taiwuzong's disciple's robe. For a while, Su Zhen's pupils could not help but shrink slightly. Today, they represent all the disciples of the Taiwu Sect, as well as the elders and even the head of the Taiwu Sect. The Tai Wuzong was destroyed overnight, and it was Su The one in my heart


If it were not for him, how could the forces of Heavenly Court find Taiwuzong?

Today, he should have put on the robes of the disciples of Taiwuzong to avenge Taiwuzong.

It's just that his identity can't be revealed by outsiders and heaven before, and his identity today is the heir to the emperor.

Therefore, the disciple's robe is really not suitable for wearing. I do n’t know if it ’s a casual glance, or if I have a spirit in my heart. Li Hanxin in a blue and white cross and a woman ’s robe suddenly looked in the direction of Su Zhen, and looked at Su Zhen with his eyes. Flashed

A gleam of light, the thin curved eyebrow, actually picked up slightly.

Seeing this expression of Li Hanxin, Su Zhen's lips hidden under the mask could not help but rise.

This woman is really sensitive, and this can be found to be him.

But in the past, he was also a person who brought the scroll to her, and it would not scare her if it suddenly appeared.

Across a distance, but also across many people, they would never take the initiative to come close and say something. "This time, Tianting is really authentic. I can hear that after this conference, another half a year later, after integrating all the forces, Tianting will directly act on the powers of the 13 great states. Time, the whole fairyland will experience

A big battle! "

"But I didn't expect that Heavenly Court would endure until now." "What can I do if I can't bear it now? If we started hundreds of years ago, the power of the emperor was not only united, but also strong. After hundreds of years, the old guys also Damn it, the old old, the overall strength of the great forces has shrunk by half, this

It is naturally best to start working on them at this time. "

"It's just, I'm rather curious. How many emperor forces will choose to surrender today?" "There should be many, after all ... all the emperors of the emperor have been wiped out by the court of heaven. Confronted, at this time, what did those great forces insist on?

All surrender. "After everyone looked at the people who still didn't go to the platform, the noisy environment became more chaotic, and there was a lot of talk.

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