Undead Emperor

Chapter 3489: You really perverted

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Ren Xueding watched Ren Xinrou for a moment, and then he smiled and said, "Who made my sister so good as a kid? It was so good ... Covering all the light on me. If my sister keeps going like that, she will always step on me and Linger

On the head. "

Ren Xinrou was instantly discouraged.

Because of this, she has tortured her for decades?

"You are really perverted." At this moment, another indifferent voice came, which made several people look at Su Zhen again.

Realizing he was scolding himself, Ren Xue gritted his teeth: "What are you talking about?"

"You are not only abnormal, but your ears are not good." Su Zhen said expressionlessly.

There has never been a time when Su Zhen was so disgusted with a woman. It was so disgusting that it made Su Zhen feel a little itchy all over. He didn't seem to do anything to this woman, and he was uncomfortable.

"You really don't want to live, do you want to die so quickly?" Ren Xue gritted his teeth at Su Zhen, his eyes spitting fire.

"Not only is it abnormal, the ears are not easy to make, but also the psychological is dark, the Demon Race is inferior to it." Su Zhen said again.


Ren Xinrou didn't hold back, and suddenly laughed.

It's not that Su Zhen scolded Ren Xue for making her laugh, but that Su Zhen was scrupulous and meticulous when she scolded others, as if he was talking about a very serious matter, and he couldn't help making Ren Xinrou feel funny.

It's obviously a person who can't make jokes, the more funny you are.

Ren Xueren was intolerable, and she didn't intend to endure it from the beginning. She was about to leave and hurried towards Su Zhen, breathing her body.

At this moment, the housekeeper found it again.

"Miss, Miss II." After the butler called, she said to Ren Xinrou: "Miss, Master let you go quickly."

"I will go here." Ren Xinrou nodded, then bypassed Ren Xue directly and went to the front hall.

Su Zhen glanced lightly at Ren Xue. At the moment, the latter's anger caused the five senses to become distorted. It looked extremely unpretentious and ugly.

"It's ugly." The figures of Su Zhen, Ren Xinrou and Xiao E disappeared, leaving Ren Xue into a near-crazy state. Before leaving, the dog actually left three words.


A rockery next to Ren Xue instantly turned into powder.

Sensing the change in the breath behind, when seeing the front hall and seeing more than a dozen people sitting in the front hall, Su Zhen suddenly said, "Your sister, it's a good deal."

"Ah?" Ren Xin froze for a moment, then looked at Su Zhen puzzled, wondering what he meant.

"Just scold her a few words, she will be angry." Su Zhen said.

Ren Xinrou froze for a moment, and then the smile on his face was more intense, full of sunshine, and only heard her softly say: "Is it so interesting to talk about Su Gongzi? I didn't find it before!"

The housekeeper listened to the conversation between Su Zhen and Ren Xinrou, and sweat beads came out of his forehead.

This eldest lady ... wouldn't you come with a man?

Even if it is assigned to the outside, it is absolutely impossible for the family to let such a thing happen. Even if the young lady is married, it is similar to finding a secular.

Entering the front hall, Su Zhen saw sixteen or seven people sitting on the chairs on both sides, of which the elderly were the majority, and the rest were middle-aged men and women.

"How come?" Sitting on the throne, two people, one of them, was the head of the Ren family house that Su Zhen had seen before when he went to the magic cave, Ren Dongming.

Only at this moment, Ren Dongming's brows were tightly wrinkled. I don't know whether it was because Ren Xinrou was late, or because Ren Xinrou was about to be kicked out and was in a bad mood.

"Let grandpa and dad wait for a long time." Ren Xinrou said to the two people in the throne.

"Heart is soft, come, lean forward." The old man sitting on the throne flashed a lot of love, waving at Ren Xinrou, and at the same time, a guilt also haunted him.

Several old men sitting on either side frowned.

"Homeowner, the situation in Immortal World is shaking now, let's make a decision sooner." One of the old men, already impatient, said hardly. "The second elder said that Xinrou has been at home for so many years, and the situation has not improved. People in the family branch are also dissatisfied. They think that the family is very unfair. We all know that the old owner loves and loves softly. But this is no

There are ways. "

"Huh, what do you say so much? Ren Xinrou shouldn't have stayed in the house for a long time! He should have been kicked out!"

"That's the grandfather of Miss II and the three elders of Ren's family." Xiao E and Su Zhen stood on one side, and Xiao E introduced to Su Zhen softly.

"Ren Xue's grandfather?" Su Zhen froze.

"Well! The daughter of the three elders is the second room of the family owner." Xiao E nodded. "In these years, the three elders have been matching other elders, and they jointly drove the lady out."

"Today they are going to be disappointed." Su Zhen smiled coldly, while watching them secretly, observing how strong their cultivation base was.

Renjia is also the power of the emperor, and it seems that Jiaozhou has some appeal. If Renjia can willingly call Jiaozhou forces together with him, he will kill Youzhou and destroy the conference of Heaven. It is very good.

At least, Renjia can be regarded as a big help.

"Thanks to Su Gongzi!" Xiao E raised her head and looked at Su Zhen indifferently. Then she turned back with red face and lowered her head.

Seeing between Su Gongzi and the young lady, it seems that there should be good feelings too. If the young lady and Su Gongzi become married at that time, she will be close to her ...

In the lobby, it was originally quiet.

But when Ren Xinrou came, it immediately became noisy.

"Homeowner, don't you make a decision today?" Elder Three stood up at this time and said in a cold voice: "We have all decided this matter before!"

"Heart is soft." Ren Dongming and his family sighed together and looked at Ren Xinrou together.

"I know." Ren Xinrou suddenly spoke at this time, attracting a lot of eyes.

"Do you want me to go to the family branch? This matter has been posted in the house long ago, and I don't know who spread it." Ren Xinrou said softly.

At the same time, the face of the three elders suddenly changed.

After all, when discussing this matter, only these people, the rest of them will not talk about it, because after all, this decision requires the old owner and the owner to speak together.

But on the same day, the news that Ren Xinrou was about to be expelled came out. Obviously, the three elders said this.

Everyone knows this matter, and it is very clear in my heart, but I didn't say it directly. But whoever wanted to think, today Ren Xinrou said so bluntly.

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