Undead Emperor

Chapter 3487: ready

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Ren Xinrou personally went to the monk master of the Celestial Realm in the family and gave him the scroll.

After Ren Xinrou returned to the courtyard, he went to Su Zhen and said that the man had set off with a scroll.

"Is Su Gongzi's home really in Youzhou?" Ren Xinrou hesitated for a moment before speaking softly. "That's right." Su Zhen nodded, saying that where his home is, he needs to explain for most of the day, and it may not be clear to Ren Xinrou, but in Youzhou, he knows most people, whether it is Li Hanxin, Qin Tong or Ling Weizhong, both at the moment


They want to know that they will be very angry when they know that they have exploded?

I hope they don't do anything too impulsive.

It was Jiang Chun, no, to be precise, it should be Jiang Ran. Would she be very happy if she knew she was dead? At least in this world, there is one more person who wants to explore her true identity.

Thinking of the enchanting appearance of the demon girl, Su Zhen's lips and lips couldn't help but rose subconsciously.

Realizing that Ren Xinrou's gaze was somewhat unusual, Su Zhen frowned: "What's wrong?" Ren Xin's soft and tender red lips bit gently, and then said: "I just heard that Heaven seems to be like You are ready to start your hands on Youzhou. After one month, Tianting will hold a conference on the border of Youzhou West. Youzhou ’s great power,

If there is a surrender, it will only go for a week. After a week, Heavenly Court will try its best to wipe out the power of the emperor in the entire Youzhou, and just take you together. "

Speaking of which, Ren Xinrou didn't go on.

She just wanted Su Zhen to understand that in the future, Youzhou will fall into a very chaotic situation.

When to end this chaos depends on which side between Heavenly Court and the Great Emperor's forces completely defeated.

And this defeat is the following eighteen layers of hell, which cannot be turned over.

Su Zhen's eyebrows were clouded, and sure enough, after saving the undefeated King, Heavenly Court couldn't help it. The 13 big states, except Zhongzhou where the heaven is located, the reason why you chose Youzhou among the other 12 big states is mainly because there are imperial tribes and northern families in Youzhou. Opportunities for the parties, they set

It is possible to combine all the forces of the great emperors.

In other words, apart from the successors of the emperor, they are the most appealing.

Therefore, the first thing Tianting dealt with was Youzhou.

In addition, Youzhou is a place outside the law. This is the first place where Tianting conquered, and it is the only place that did not conquer. Choosing Youzhou, no one is surprised. "It seems that only Emperor Talents can summon all the Emperor's forces now." Ren Xinrou sighed softly: "But now Emperor Emperor's successors are probably already beheaded by Heaven's Court? Otherwise, they Also impossible

Suddenly it will start against all the great forces. "

After all, the powers of the great emperors including Jiaozhou Renjia are not weak, and once the war broke out, it would not be easy for Heaven.

"Oh? The power of the emperor ... Do you believe in the successor of the emperor so much?" Su Zhen heard this, and looked at Ren Xinrou very curiously.

He hasn't really understood it yet. What kind of opinion does this great power hold on the successor of the great emperor?

Did he really attribute the successor of the emperor to his heart, or did he simply look down on the successor of the emperor? Do you think that the successor of the emperor is just a decoration? "I don't know." Ren Xinrou shrugged his shoulders. "You know, I stay in this small yard all the year round. I don't know much about things outside ... But Ren's family is very important to the descendants of the emperor. I remember Grandpa said

If the heirs of the emperor were really capable, Ren Jia would have to follow the heirs of the emperor. "

Su Zhen nodded clearly, not answering.

At the same time, his heart sank.

Nowadays, it is really a bit of a trouble. Tianting took the lead in Youzhou. At that time, the imperial tribe and the northern family, as well as those emperor forces who did not want to submit, will definitely fight against Tianting.

To be honest, the party that has the upper hand is the heaven.

The great powers of other great states will only wait and see and take themselves out of the power of the great powers.

In this way, all the forces of the Immortal Realm will be gradually destroyed. Since then, this Immortal Realm is really the New Heavenly Court, and has nothing to do with the Ancient Heavenly Court.

I have to go back!

Su Zhen's eyes crossed a firm light, and he thought to himself.

He didn't expect any superiority of his status as the successor of the emperor, but if he could be called the "Emperor of the Great Emperor", he could call on all the forces of the Emperor Realm to fight against the heavenly court, then he wanted to try it.

At least, at the conference one month later, he will never let Heaven's Court succeed.

"I am a dead person, I have to meet your heavenly court." Su Zhen's face was filled with a cold smile, with a deep fighting intention. As for the scroll he gave to Li Hanxin, she was already told that he was still alive. Do n’t tell anyone. It ’s not that he deliberately wants to hide anything, but that there are more and more people on the deserted mountain at the moment. There is no guarantee that there will be no heaven

People mixed in.

Once Tianting knows he is alive, believe it or not, at least they will be prepared.

In the next few days, Su Zhen recovered as usual in the house, but compared with before, he worked harder and exhausted himself every day.

In one month, when he was on the road, he should be able to return to his heyday.

A few days later, Su Zhen ran out of Ren's house and went to the auction house where he sold the Chaos Liulijian. With his body savings, he exchanged for three good restoration elixirs. .

But because there are almost no high-value things on his body, Su Zhen can only get these three.

Up to now, the bag of Qiankun that he just bulged has collapsed again ...

After finding Ren Xinrou, Su Zhen directly gave her a recovery medicine.

Speaking of which, according to the strength of Renjia, it is no problem to find a better recovery medicine than this, even in Renjia! It's just that Ren Xinrou's situation is really special, and he can only rely on himself.

Moreover, Ren Xinrou also told Su Zhen that she wanted to let the entire Ren family see that the Ren Jia genius girl more than ten years ago was back! Watching Ren Xinrou take the panacea, the gentle and elegant face was full of excitement, and the woman with a very firm expression when she said that was very different. She sighed secretly. The woman really has two sides , Telling him not to tell, which side is true.

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