Undead Emperor

Chapter 3470: Soul body

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For a time, Emperor Hong was burning with anger, and even his eyes were burning with anger, looking at the fairy king in heaven.

Emperor Lin, Emperor Zhou and another Emperor Clan Immortal King fell below, and so did their eyes.

"Just Su Zhen died like this?" Emperor Meng Ran had not accepted this fact.

Emperor's heart was originally full of nervous face, at this moment there was a thick sense of sadness, and his big eyes were stunned, without a trace of luster. Compared with the imperial family, the people of the northern family were trapped in extreme anger. They all pointed to the heavenly fairy king, and there was no trace of fear anymore. This heaven of shit,

Can't live long! "

Listening to their angry voices, several fairy kings in the heavenly court looked somber.

"Let's go, Su Zhen is dead, don't want to delay here!" Daming Immortal King saw this, and immediately said to the few Immortal Kings, fearing that they would be angry and go to the people of the northern family.

There is nothing terrible about the man in the northern family, what is terrible is Fang Daosheng who is in anger at the moment.

Judging from the current situation, Dagu and Dahuang, the two mid-level fairy kings, were injured. Although the injury was not much to the two of them, once they were active with Fang Dao, the weak will naturally appear.

In a few rounds, the two will lose.

So staying here will only become dangerous.

They just wanted to stay because they wanted to kill Su Zhen. Now, just walk. After all, if they want to run, Fang Daosheng can't stop them even if they are even better.

The people on the mountain in the far distance were mostly injured because Su Zhen blew himself up, and a small part of them died on the spot under the suicide of Su Zhen's self-detonation.

At the same time, the surrounding mountain peaks have all disappeared, and when you look around, there is not even a trace of cover, and the place is turned into a plain.

Only the protected imperial buildings appear out of place here.

Wiping the blood from his ears, those who were far-sighted also dared not to stay any longer, leaving one after another, and he kept talking about Su Zhen ’s horror.

However, in their view, after today, Su Zhen's reputation has returned, but he has already lost his life.

In the same way, Su Zhen's death is no longer a fool.

At least, Heaven Court alone dispatched seven fairy kings to arrest him.

But only seven fairy kings also couldn't kill Su Zhen. In the end, a strong man who didn't know where he came from was shot, which forced Su Zhen to explode.

Otherwise, the seven fairy kings will be intercepted by the imperial family and the northern family.


At the cost of self-exploitation, Su Zhen seriously injured one fairy king and two fairy kings suffered minor injuries.

This matter spread within Youzhou and the whole fairyland within a few days. Su Zhen's name appeared again in the ear of the fairyland.

At this time, the barren mountain and the ghost valley holy mountain also learned of this matter, and for a time, fell into a very silent atmosphere.

"You should practice as much as you can, Su Zhen will not die." Li Han's heart did not change much, and he calmly calmed everyone.

Hearing her words, everyone's nervousness relaxed.

Indeed, after experiencing so many dangers, Su Zhen escaped every time, and this time was no exception.

However, after appeasing the crowd on the barren hill, Li Hanxin couldn't help but ask himself: Is this time no exception?

She did not know, and she was even more uncertain. She was only able to comfort herself while comforting everyone.

Jiang Chun was deep in thought. In her heart, she had already raised a lot of doubts.

She has always wanted Su Zhen to have an accident. When Su Zhen has an accident, no one will find her secret, nor will anyone stare at her so closely, paying attention to her whereabouts.

But now, after she knew that Su Zhen was in trouble, why couldn't she be happy?

Among the outside world, there are countless rumors about Su Zhen.

However, among the forces of Heavenly Court, one is excited one by one.

Especially those Heavenly Court Branches, after learning that Su Zhen was the one who destroyed the Heavenly Court Branches, and that Su Zhen was killed by the Heavenly Court Fairy King, he was completely relaxed, and his worries disappeared.


Su Zhen still has a hint of consciousness. He feels that he is fluttering, can't feel the body, nor can he feel everything outside, he just feels that he is floating.

Floating around like a feather in the wind.

He desperately wants to grab something to find his goal.

Am I really dead, or do I still have a trace of residual soul?

Su Zhen kept thinking in his heart that the darkness in front of him made him feel like he was in a dream. He couldn't catch it, there was no way forward, and there was no way back.

This feeling is the most urgent.


Su Zhen suddenly thought of something. After immersing for a while, the mind was silent in his mind, and a golden light appeared suddenly, covering Su Zhen.

The inheritance and mentality of the immortal emperor!

A drop of blood can be reborn, a breath can be reborn, and a ray of residual soul can be reborn! This is the first time Su Zhen used the mind of the immortal emperor, but he didn't expect the speed to be so fast. When he meditated on the mind for the first time, it actually worked, making him feel as if he was shrouded by Jinyang Very comfortable, but also

It made him feel alive.

This vitality made him feel like he was about to be reborn.

Wisps of remnant souls gathered from all directions, and then enveloped Su Zhen as much as possible, gathered together with his remnant souls, and then completely merged.

For a time, Su Zhen opened his eyes and looked around.

Where am I?

Su Zhen stared blankly at the surrounding mountains, then looked down at him subconsciously, and he was surprised to find that he was able to see the stone below through his body ...

"Sure enough it's still a soul body." Su Zhen sighed heavily. When his body exploded, he was already abandoned, and there was no left.

However, it was precisely because Su Zhen knew the immortal emperor's mentality that he dared to blast himself, because he knew that after blasting, he could survive and help him get rid of that dilemma.

And in this way, Heavenly Court and outsiders will naturally think that he is dead. By then, it will be much more convenient for him to do anything.

At least, he no longer has to be chased and killed by Heaven Court, let alone continue to doubt his identity.

"What about my body?" Su Zhen helplessly lowered his head again and glanced at his soul body. He could not always maintain such a state. At least he had to find a physical body so that he could go out and act. "You can't always find someone else's body ..." Su Zhenmo said with his chin.

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