Undead Emperor

Chapter 3448: Dragon King

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Su Zhen took a deep breath, thinking that he had already come anyway. After he stepped onto Jiulong Mountain, it was estimated that the undefeated Jun Jiulong in Jiulong Mountain would have noticed it.

Even if he left now, it might be too late.

In this case, he might as well stay directly to see where the Sorrowful Sword is.

As for whether you will encounter the undefeated Jun, whether you will be killed by the undefeated Jun ... at this moment already in Jiulongshan, this is no longer Su Zhen can take care of.

What's more, Su Zhen felt the call in his Dantian became stronger and stronger, and there seemed to be an ancient voice that was constantly inviting him.

Su Zhen decided to find out, stepping directly on the dragon body and heading deep into Jiulong Mountain.

When Su Zhen stepped on the dragon's body, he noticed a strong but kind atmosphere spread all over him, covering him all over, making him refreshed for a time, even his eyes became incomparable. Qingming.

I don't know how long he left, so Su Zhen hasn't reached the end. At the same time, he feels that the breath inside him can't be mobilized, so that he has become an ordinary person completely, only to go forward through his feet. The dragon's body is very large. Su Zhen stepped on the dragon's body, only to feel that his feet are extremely hard, and it is no different from stepping on the ground. The vaguely visible dragon scales under his feet are covered by dust, but they are still faintly released. No interest, but still deep

With Long Wei.

I do not know why, Su Zhen felt very heavy, and a deep sorrow rose from the bottom of my heart, but I did not know why.

Looking around, the nine neighboring high mountains, under the moon shadow, can't see their appearance clearly, but they can outline their shapes, which seems more mysterious.

The breath in Su Zhen's body was untouchable.

"You're here." Almost almost over a mountain, Su Zhen suddenly heard a voice coming, frowning, and his footsteps stopped immediately. He looked around in doubt, but didn't see a figure.

The sound did not disappear quickly after it sounded, but it resembled a distant bell, echoing around it all the way, until the distance, the sound became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.

"Come forward, come forward ..." The whispering voice appeared again, as if there were hundreds of people kept making noises near Su Zhen.

This voice directly hit Su Zhen's consciousness, causing him to be in a trance before him, unable to control himself for a while, like a Buddhist monk's confusion.

Su Zhen suddenly felt that he was moving forward, he froze, and then looked down subconsciously, only to see that his feet were constantly moving, not actually controlled by himself.

Soon, Su Zhen walked above a Dragon Mountain.

When he looked toward the distance with the help of the moonlight, he surprised and quickly climbed to his face.

The dragon body even traversed these nine mountains, forming a winding and rugged road somehow.


That's when Su Zhen walked to the top of the first Dragon Mountain on his own, the whole mountain suddenly started to shake, the mountain rocks rolled down, and the originally silent Jiulong Mountain burst into a deafening sound.

Hundreds of figures swept out of the Dragon City, and sharp and tense eyes were fixed on Jiulong Mountain.

It's just that what people outside Jiulong Mountain can't see is that at this time in front of Su Zhen, a long dragon has turned out!

The dragon's illusion emerged from the mountain and soared into the air, so that the mountain underneath it was like a hillside, and the mountain could be crushed with one claw.

How did this dragon come out?

Su Zhen looked at the dragon in front of him in amazement.

When he looked closely, he saw the two giant horns of the giant leader, with gold scales all over his body. At first glance, he felt that the gold scales were extremely hard.

Longwei shocked, made the world and the world quiet, only the breath of the dragon existed.

Su Zhen's eyes widened, and it was this giant dragon that called him.

Suddenly, Su Zhen noticed that it became hot in Dantian, and the sealed dragon scales rushed out and suspended in front of Su Zhen.

"It really is you." The dragon stared at Su Zhen for a moment, and then said.

Su Zhen looked at the dragon in wonder.

"You are the one chosen by this king, and the one who is going to kill the sword fairy." The dragon continued.

Ben Wang?

Su Zhen raised her eyebrows and suddenly thought of the dragon scales inside him, but the dragon king scales.

This was told by the mount of Yulongxianhou.

I just didn't expect to see the Dragon King today at Jiulong Mountain?

It's just that the dragon didn't mean that the dragon king has been reduced to ten thousand years and has become a dragon. How could it appear here? And look at it, it is a dragon instead of a dragon.

Not to mention, here is Jiulong Mountain.

The nine dragon mountains here are all made of nine dragon veins by the undefeated king, and the dragon king appears here. Doesn't it mean that even the dragon king was killed by the undefeated king?

"No need to doubt, I was indeed killed by the undefeated king." The Dragon King said slowly, the voice was very low, but with a clear voice, every word issued was shocking and incomparable. Clear.

"Dragon King was beheaded by human race?" Su Zhen's face was incredible.

The human race has the power to slash the dragon, but it still has a trace of credibility. But it can be said that the human race has cut the dragon king, which is probably not very realistic.

The King of the Dragon Clan, I am afraid that only the Celestial Realm can suppress it.

Besides, by means of human race, can Yan break the dragon armor?

Even the dragon armor can't be broken, so how can it be beheaded?

"I've damaged Wannian Daoxing." The Dragon King lightly tapped the dragon's head and said, "After being knocked down as a dragon, he will be beheaded undefeated by the king. My soul is still the Dragon Lord, which is why you saw It is my deity, not a dragon. "

Su Zhen opened his mouth and was shocked not knowing what to say.

After a while, he asked: "I don't know that Senior Dragon King asked me to come, but what is the command?"

In this way, before he was in the Dragon City, the touch from the Dantian inside, and pulled him all the way here, should be the Dragon King.

As he asked, Su Zhen tentatively said: "Senior Dragon King would have to say quickly. The junior heard that Jun was undefeated and was here in Jiulongshan. If he was to let him find me, the junior would not be able to run."

"Hahaha ..." The Dragon King laughed, and the laughter was like a whistle, and there was a ring of shock waves, and he went to the air.

Listening to Su Zhen's ears, it seemed like a sonic attack, suddenly dizzy, and he staggered a few steps under his feet.

"King is undefeated? Isn't that the so-called" mortal heaven "master? Why fear it?" The Dragon King snorted coldly, disdainful in his words. Su Zhen heard her words, raised her eyebrows, and thought subconsciously: No matter how you say, the undefeated king will also kill you, the dragon king, and even draw out your dragon veins. Why not fear it?

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