Undead Emperor

Chapter 3434: Su Zhen shot

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But just after Shen Chumo moved, he was stopped by two old men. For a time, he couldn't get away, let alone protect the female disciple of Huangzong.

Seeing that the teacher and sister are about to be killed, Shen Chumo finds himself powerless and becomes anxious for a moment.

"Shen Shengnv, let's take care of yourself, because you are already insecure, and you want to save others? You don't need to control this disciple of Huangzong. I will kill her first." Middle-aged man He said to Shen Chumo with a smile.

"It's me who is going to kill you!" Shen Chumo squeaked loudly.

"I know, as I said just now, I am going to kill the two of you, and neither can survive, so you are just a matter of who died first and then died." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

While talking, the sword spirit had already reached the female disciple of Huangzong, only two feet away from her.

As for the practice of the female disciple of Huangzong, she can't stop it at all, and she can't escape this sword!


Jianqi bombarded the female disciples of Huangzong, and produced a rebound force, which spread out towards the surroundings.

"Oh? Is this sword of Elder Liu so powerful?" The smile on the middle-aged man's face was more intense, and the smiling old man said to the hands-on man.

"My sword is not that strong. Someone shot it." Elder Liu shook his head and said with a solemn expression.

The ability to resist his sword shows how strong the coming person is.

"Well? Who is so bold? It's a good thing to dare to destroy my heavenly court? Could it be the power of the emperor?" The middle-aged man frowned, and then shouted loudly at the surroundings: "Who is shooting, and quickly appeared! "

During the speech, everyone also saw that the female disciple of Huang Zong was standing unharmed in the same place, and that the sword of Elder Liu, who was just before, did not even touch the female disciple of Huang Zong.

The most important thing is that before this, they didn't even notice any people around here.

In their view, this hands-on person is at least a mighty state, otherwise Elder Liu's sword is absolutely impossible to resist.

Thinking of this, several people's bodies couldn't help but become tight, stared behind by an extremely strong fairy power, which really made them feel a little cold, and made them dare not go all out to avoid being suddenly People sneak attack.

Seeing the five people all stunned, Shen Chumo swept beside the female disciple of Huangzong, and she was relieved to see that she was fine.

At the same time, she is also curious to look around, wanting to know who the **** is, she will help them at this dangerous moment.

The middle-aged man shouted a few times, and when he saw that no one was around, he no longer noticed any breath, and his face suddenly appeared suspicious.

"Will it be Shen Chumo's hand? So it made us mistaken that someone was helping?" Elder Liu looked at the middle-aged man and said speculatively. "It is possible." The middle-aged man heard the words and thought that it might be so, in order to cause pressure on their hearts, so that they always have scruples when they shot, so in this way, Shen Chumo is considered to be Have a chance to beat him

And take people away.

"Hum, don't look at who is playing this kind of trick in front of anyone!" The middle-aged man waited again for a moment. After seeing that no one had appeared, this was confirmed, and then looked at Shen with a cold face The disciple of Chu Mo and Huang Zong.

At the same time, he said to the four elders: "The four elders, who shot them together and killed them, don't want to stay alive."

Although he is more sure about his talents, the middle-aged man always has scruples in mind. For him, Shen Chumo can be resolved as soon as possible, then kill her sooner, so as not to have too many nights.

After all, if there are really people around here, as long as they find a chance to shoot them, it will be fatal. At that time, they will not only be able to kill Shen Chumo, even their own lives, but they may still stay here. .

Thinking of this, the killing on the face of the middle-aged man became more intense, and at the same time he also shot together, the power of the five immortal realms, shot towards Shen Chumo and the female disciples of Huangzong together!

"Sister, don't worry about me!" At this time, the female disciple of Huangzong was naturally seen. The reason why Shen Chumo did not leave was because she wanted to protect her.

If Shen Chumo retired at this moment, then the first person to die would be the female disciple of Huangzong.

Shen Chumo will not retreat, the two will die.

"Anyway, it's a dead end." Shen Chu's golden light emerged from his body, ready to make his final fight. "Heaven is really awe-inspiring. Five shameless things besieged two women. This is the first time I saw it." At this moment, a loud voice rang out across the world and a shadow at the same time , Also appeared suddenly

In front of Shen Chumo and the female disciples of Huangzong.

After the figure appeared, it waved a layer of immortal gas barrier, wrapped the two girls in it, and protected them.

The attacks of the five immortals fell on the immortal gas barrier, but they were bounced back at the same time!

Feeling the power of the rebound on the barrier, a shocked expression suddenly appeared on the faces of the five powerful men.

In any case, they all have the cultivation ground of the immortal state. Even if this person suddenly appears, he is also an immortal, but in the face of their number advantage, they should be able to smash that barrier.

But why, they were rebounded instead?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but look closely, wanting to see who the **** they were, and dare to come forward to stop them.

And when they saw the person who appeared, they turned out to be an extremely young man, and the expression on their faces was even more shocking. They did not expect that such a young person would be a fairy who resisted the five of them. Wait!

Is this kid a monster? Otherwise, how could he practice so fast?

"Mr. Su Zhen?" When the female disciple Huang Zong saw the back in front of her eyes, she recognized Su Zhen as soon as possible. A look of surprise appeared on Qiao's face first, and then it appeared thick. Excitement and joy.

Speaking of it, she didn't even know why she was so excited after seeing Su Zhen.

Maybe it's because of seeing a savior, or maybe because of something else.

Shen Chumo was stunned, a pair of clear beautiful eyes glared big, his face full of surprise, staring at Su Zhen staring.

She and Su Zhen have also disappeared for several years, but they did not expect that they would meet in this way today. And seeing Su really looks like, he should have broken through to the realm of immortality.

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