Undead Emperor

Chapter 3325: Part ways

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"No pressure." Fang Daosheng said with a smile on Su Zhen's face.

How can it be stress-free?

Su Zhen pulled the corner of his lips. The elders of the northern family were staring at him all the time. Those pairs of eyes that had seen through the world, as if to see him through, made Su Zhen feel awkward. .

"How are you prepared?" Fang Daosheng asked.

"It's almost done, old head, there should be some relationship between you and the emperor. It is better for you to take the clan to the emperor and let the head off," one elder suggested.

The rest of the elders nodded in agreement.

Indeed, they do not even know where the emperor is, if they lead the way ahead, they may not even find the way.

What's more, Fang Daosheng and the emperor can communicate more easily.

Fang Daosheng heard the words and nodded, "Well, I'll be in front. I'll take the women and children from the tribe to leave. After you wait, remember that no one can be left in the city, but everyone in my northern family must leave.

"Homeowners rest assured, we stay at the end." The elders of the northern family nodded solemnly.

After the elders dispersed, Fang Daosheng saw Su Zhen's expression slightly strange.

"Master, I won't go with you anymore." There was a golden light in Su Zhen's mind, that someone was outside the city, and he passed a secret message to him.

"Lingshan outside the city, see you."

Who is looking for him? And also used such a secret technique of spreading the word? Not even the power in the northern family has been aware of it?

"Why?" Fang Daosheng asked: "It is estimated that Heavenly Court has already begun to dispatch troops, so that many powerful people can lead the Master of Heavenly Court to chase us down. If you are outside, you will definitely be found by Heavenly Court.

Su Zhen smiled slightly and then said, "With my concealed incarnation technique, under normal circumstances, I can't catch me. Master, don't worry."

"Besides, I still haven't found the secret on the stele left by the emperor. There are still three pieces of iron scattered outside. Only in this way will the emperor's final confession be revealed. "

Su Zhen has always believed that the clues left by the immortal emperor must have been deliberately left to tell the emperor the successor of certain secrets.

As for what was being explained, Su Zhen didn't know, even Fang Daosheng, who was once a close friend of the emperor.

What does it mean to say "I am indestructible" on the stone tablet? Does it mean that there is some way in this world that can make the undead great alive again?

Or is it that the remnants of the immortal emperor are in the place where the treasure iron piece finally points? Only after going there, will there be a chance to resurrect the immortal emperor?

All kinds of curiosity have been lingering in Su Zhen's mind, but there has been no chance to explore.

After resolving the marriage between Fang Xinran and Tian Lin, Su Zhen is also going to find the secrets on the stone tablets and hidden iron pieces. He definitely cannot go to the imperial family to hide.

After all, it can be hidden for a year or two, but not for a hundred years.

Sooner or later, Tianting will discover where the emperor is.

But before that, he had to go to the Lingshan Mountain outside the northern family city to see who was calling him.

"Some secrets of the emperor, you really still need to unlock them. The secret treasures are nothing. The important thing is that the emperor left so many clues, what exactly do you want to express." Fang Daosheng pondered for a moment, then Said.

To be honest, not only Su Zhen, but even him, was very curious.

After all, he had been with the undead Great Emperor for many years and was trusted by the Great Emperor. He knew very well that the Great Emperor would not do meaningless things.

If the emperor left on the stone tablet, Su Zhen read it to him. The content of the stone tablet outside is exactly the same as the content of the stone tablet on Tianxuan Snow Mountain. Fang Daosheng didn't believe it, but the emperor engraved it when he was bored.

Moreover, even if it was engraved on hand, he could not always engrave such a string of words every time he went to a place?

The stele seems to be in a direction, guiding a person in a direction.

As for what exactly is guiding, Su Zhen still needs to find. "Be careful of everything." Fang Daosheng urged: "Don't be reckless. What you represent now is not only yourself, but also countless great forces waiting for a real emperor to appear. If you die, the rest of the emperors will have nothing to do.

Expect enough. "

Su Zhen nodded solemnly, then made a salute to Fang Dao and turned away. She didn't leave the northern family directly, but went to Fang Xinran's small courtyard first. She had already packed it up and was sitting in a daze in the courtyard. Even she did not expect that the northern family would one day be forced to leave. Here, go to its

Hidden elsewhere.

For the former northern family, it was impossible to consider.

If something really happened, it was a big deal.

But now the situation is grim, and the northern family has to retreat.

Fang Xinran, who was dressed in purple, looked at the door after hearing the sound of the door opening.

"Is it all packed?" Su Zhen smiled at Fang Xin, staring at the bright but somewhat distracted eyes, and asked.

Fang Xin dyed the head lightly: "Su Zhen, will you go with us this time?" "I still have my things to do." Su Zhen shook his head and said: "You follow the northern family, go to the imperial family, heaven I ca n’t find it there. And once the imperial family joins hands with the northern family, it will be a great help.

Heaven Court found it, and they couldn't help it. "

Fang Xinran shook his head vigorously: "I won't stay after I've been to the imperial family, even if I'm hiding my identity, I'm going to go everywhere."

Fang Xinran wants to see how much resentment the heavens have in the fairyland.

She stayed in the northern family and was sheltered by the family. She had only been exposed to so many things.

"Or-are you with me?" Su Zhen raised her eyebrows. "You just said, you have something you have to do, take me, you will be very inconvenient." Fang Xinran smiled and said to Su Zhen, at the same time, she could not help but emerge from her small head Looking forward to the pictures of traveling together

Excited not.

But she also knew that she could not walk with Su Zhen.

If they are peers, for Su Zhen, there is no harm but good.

This point, Fang Xin dyed very clearly.

"Okay, let's go." Fang Xinran smiled and waved his hand at Su Zhen with a smile: "We have enough time in the future, why should we care about these days?" Pink and soft lips, deep eyes, only a moment later, reluctantly withdrawn his eyes, out of the ancient city.

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