Undead Emperor

Chapter 3147: Five elements whisk

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To Su Zhen's surprise, the connection outside the channel is not another channel, but a very spacious space!

It's like being inside a high mountain, and the interior of the mountain has been hollowed out.

The light is still dim, but it is able to see the surrounding things clearly.

Su Zhen looked around. There must be at least a few tens of feet tall and spacious. At least it can accommodate a few thousand people without being crowded. What attracted Su Zhen most was the statue of an old man in a robe and dust in his heart in the center of this spacious place. He looked at him in peace, as if he were a world of power, Mind-blowing

Can't help but raise a touch of respect.

At the same time, beside the statue, there are more than a dozen petrochemical utensils, with bells, swords, swords and shields.

"These should be magic weapons," Li Hanxin said suddenly.

Su Zhen heard this and looked at Li Hanxin subconsciously.

Are a dozen things here all magic weapons?

If all are magic weapons, why are they all made of stone? Could it be that it was sealed inside? "Before I came, I heard that there are many magic weapons in this monument, but they were all petrified by the master of the monument and sealed up. Waiting for someone to get the treasure here, who can unlock the seal of the petrified treasure, Then who is that treasure?

"Li Hanxin said, pointing to the position of the old man statue in the middle."

"That whisking should be the highest grade among these dozens of treasures, the five elements whisking."

Five elements whisk?

Su Zhen looked at the whisk held by the statue of the old man, and then asked, "Can that whisk be taken away?"

"It depends on whether you have this skill." Li Hanxin glanced at Su Zhen and said: "But speaking of it, I hope you can get a few more treasures, so that when I leave from here, I can Grab it all from your hands. "

"You don't have this chance." Su Zhen stepped towards the old man statue.

The statue of the old man is more than a dozen feet tall, even if it is just a statue, it can also be majestic, suppressing heavy and making people look up.

If according to Fang Cai Li Hanxin, the dust held by the old man is the highest rank among these magic weapons, then this should be what the Tai Wu sect master Chi Taiwu said, that world destroyer treasure.

After getting the World Extinguisher Treasure, his purpose of coming to the monument this time was considered to be achieved.

However, how to unlock the seal is a difficult problem.

After Su Zhen tried a few times, the statue did not respond, and then tried each other one by one, and there was no response. Li Hanxin and Su Zhen were in the same situation.

Su Zhen frowned, he didn't want to delay too long here, once those who entered the passage also started attacking the stone wall, and if it broke out, there were too many people, and it was not easy to want Depot again. .

But how can we unlock the seals of these treasures? He has nothing to do with these treasures, or with this old man. Could it be that the old man left these treasures exclusively for his descendants? Only one day when his descendants arrive and the blood is the same, they will be able to unlock the seal of the treasure


If that's the case, this time to the cold sky monument, it will come in vain. Suddenly, Su Zhen's eyes lit up and immediately stood up, palms covering the dust, and the previously obtained ice cone breath was integrated into his body. After being integrated with the fairy air, it was slowly released and injected To whisk


At this time, there was no reaction to the dust, and suddenly a light flashed! Li Hanxin has been paying attention to Su Zhen at the bottom, and is also thinking of a way, but also in her trance, Li Hanxin saw Su Zhen actually took the dust in his hand! And in the blink of an eye, the dust was collected


"You can't take away the five elements!" Li Han felt that Su Zhen had signs of leaving, immediately stepped forward to stop and said coldly.

"This seal was unlocked by me, and I am a fate. Why can't I take it away?" Su Zhen said with narrowed eyes.

To say how he knew that he needed to use cold to unlock the seal, it was purely coincidental, but it was just a few more attempts, who knew that the breath contained in the ice cone could directly petrify Unlock the seal!

Suddenly enjoying the treasure, can Su Zhen leave here without hurrying?

With the treasure in hand, there are many coveted people.

Maybe, even Tai Wuzong's disciples will be staring at the treasure in his hand, and may even start to him.

At this time, the only person Su Zhen could believe in was himself. "This time I am Sword Sword Sovereign coming to the cold days and monuments, it is a must for all the treasures here, and none of them can be obtained by your Tai Wuzong." , Although it looks very beautiful,

But it is also a great opportunity.

She couldn't let Su Zhen take away a treasure here, not to mention, it was still a world destroyer!

This is their main goal when they come to the cold sky monument this time, and that is to get this annihilator. As for other treasures, that is secondary.

But if they just returned with a dozen or so treasures, but without the World Extinguisher, their heads would definitely be furious, and their mission this time would fail.

So, she couldn't watch Su Zhen take away the World Exterminator.

"I want to go, how can you do?" Su Zhen saw a passage exit in the direction opposite the statue, and there was only one passage, and he walked directly towards it.

Seeing this, Li Han waved the long sword of frost, condensed flying snow, and fell.

On each snowflake, there was an aggressive fairy spirit.

As long as it is hit by a snowflake, it will be affected.

Su Zhen narrowed his eyes and saw that Li Hanxin was finally using his tricks. It was obvious that the latter was already in a hurry.

"Today, you can't go away." Li Hanxin is like an ice girl, and Qian Ying is hidden in the snow.

Su Zhen sacrificed the chaotic colored glass sword, released a sword wave to resist, and bit his finger, quickly establishing a connection with the five elements.

After the sword wave bombed out, the relationship between him and Fu Chen was completely established.

"If you do it again, don't blame me." Seeing the snowflakes falling faster, Li Hanxin apparently injected a lot of fairy urges, and said in a low voice.

"I'm going to take your life, how can you be polite or not?" Li Han looked at Su Zhen with a condescending voice and said very coldly.

The beautiful face of Bai Jing was full of seriousness.

After Su Zhen heard it, a cold arc rose from the corner of his lips, and the breath was wide, and then he directly held the five elements in his hands. After injecting fairy air, he gently waved.

A fire dragon suddenly swept up out of nowhere, and the hot temperature swept around. The snowflakes that had fallen down quickly disappeared at the moment, melting into the air.

Huh—A spark sparked in front of Li Han's heart, making Li Han's heart have to go backwards.

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