Undead Emperor

Chapter 3082: Private talk

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Who is Su Zhen? The disciple in white shook his head, but he didn't think of this primordial faction and Su Zhen.

He stubbornly said: "Who is Su Zhen? Why have I never heard of this name?"

Su Zhenru and Xu Chunfeng smiled and said, "You don't know today, you will know my name is Su Zhen in two days."

The disciple in white turned to think about it and felt wrong. He would have known that if there was a rookie rising with his own information, he would doubt that Su Zhen was an outsider if he saw this person as a face.

"What do you have to do with the owner of my family? Can there be an invitation?"

"I met this morning, and I was so desperate that I came here to visit!"

The disciple in white looked at Su Zhen cautiously, seeing that his speech was terribly loud and might not be a lie, but Lu Yan was shocked when he saw Lu Yan flattering.

In Hua Jiufeng, who doesn't know who Lu Yan is? It was tough and unyielding. The newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, even though he was older than many monks. I think Lu Yan was sent by Brother Wang to the Warcraft Mountains to find the beast that was only legendary because he did not succumb to Brother Wang ’s obscenity. When he left, there were still some monks willing to follow him, which can be seen Lu Yan in China

The influence of Jiufeng.

But just such a bone until the stiff man actually bowed to the person in front of him, which made the white disciple a little sad.

But the focus was still on Su Zhen, who is this Su Zhen, and Lu Yan was even bowed down!

The disciple in white suddenly thought that Lord Feng suddenly went out this morning, and no one knew where to go. It was a bit surprised when he thought of Su Zhen's words. Could it be that the person Feng Feng went to this morning was also there?

Thinking of the disciples in white here no longer daring to be negligent, even Su Zhen's sentence "The fierce beast was eaten by me." Didn't bother, so he asked carefully: "I don't know if Mr. Su can wait here, let me Go to Master Tongfeng! "

Su Zhen waved his hand, and the white disciple retreated and walked towards Hua Jiufeng.

Suddenly, Lu Yan sat down on the ground, sweating.

"What's wrong, Brother Lu?" Ling Weizhong asked intimately.

Lu Yan said: "It's over, it's over, my reputation in Hua Jiufeng is estimated to be already stinky, and the stink can't be ugly anymore!"

Su Zhen didn't speak. He was thinking about tomorrow's trial. Today, after the trial ended, Lord Hua Jiufeng glanced at Su Zhen behind him. Su Zhen noticed quickly, but everyone turned around Disappeared after entering the main hall.

Thinking that the owner of Hua Jiufeng had something to tell himself, he came to Hua Jiufeng for the first stop, and he must have something to tell himself.

Ling Weizhong blacked his face and said, "Brother Lu, it seems that listening to his words, you have no good reputation in Hua Jiufeng."

Lu Yan retorted: "Master Ling does not know, I can be said in Hua Jiufeng to one hundred answers, but now I am untrustworthy, I am afraid that I have no credibility in Hua Jiufeng."

"No problem, if you don't want to send in the early days, I would recommend you to come to my house. With your strength, it is enough to follow my father. If you make a contribution, your status will continue to grow!" Said Ling. A hint of sigh flashed in Wei Zhong's eyes, saying that Spirit Flame Celestials hadn't returned to Spirit Flame City in three years. Mag City next door always wanted to annex Spirit Flame City. There are two Heavenly Celestials in its power, while Spirit Flame City There is only one god, Lingwei

Zhong couldn't help worrying about his father.

The night is a magical period of time, and people will start to think about it and worry about this one at this time. Only Su Zhen stood still, standing still and running together. He had nothing to regret and want to think about. The only goal in front of him was to give the invincible king directly from the throne of the great emperor. pull down


Soon after, the disciple in white brought a good-looking teenager, pointed at Su Zhen and others and said respectfully: "Master Shaofeng, there is Su Zhen in front, and Lu Yan, a disciple outside, is beside him , Another teenager didn't know who. "

Shao Feng's main face was handsome, and a strand of long hair fell casually behind him, whispering: "Got it, you can go back, this matter can't be leaked, offender, cut!"

The disciple in white repeatedly said, "Dare not!" Lord Shaofeng only let him go. Just as the disciple in white was not far away, a sound of metal colliding with the bones sounded, and then it returned to the dark night. Lord Shaofeng nodded with satisfaction, flashed through the gate, and came to Su Zhen. Up and down

Somewhat uncomfortable, but at the thought of this master, he kept smiling: "Dare to ask, but is Su Zhen Tianxian?"

Su Zhen slightly forehead, said: "I am."

Lord Shaofeng took a deep breath and said: "My master respects the master of Hua Jiufeng to see Su Zhen Tianxian ..."

He looked up at Su Zhen carefully, exhaled, and simply said: "Pre-plan big things!"


Lord Shaofeng seemed to have some impatience, so he said: "It's not too late, please invite Su Zhen Tianxian to see Master Feng quickly! I will take good care of these two, I will not bother Su Zhen Tianxian!"

Su Zhen said "en", and then set up a formation on Lu Yan's Ling Weizhong. If he was attacked, he could come to Su Zhen in an instant without being calculated.

Lord Shaofeng seemed a little embarrassed: "Hurry up, Su Zhen Tianxian."

Su Zhen said goodbye to Ling Weizhong and the sad face of Lu Yan, and then followed the master Shaofeng to go.

The residence of Lord Hua Jiufeng is in the shining place. Tianxian is not allowed to fly in Huajiufeng at the moment, and Su Zhen is naturally flying by Tianxian with Lord Xiaofeng, and soon arrived at the residence of Lord Huajiufeng. .

Su Zhen's eyes shrank, and he didn't think about what a noble identity the Lord Fengfeng actually lived in such a simple thatched cottage!

Su Zhen felt emotion when he saw that there were some rain leaks on the roof. He saw the candlelight flickering in the thatched house, and a figure was near the candlelight and reflected in the window.

Shaofeng Lord said to the figure, "Master, Su Zhen Tianxian is here!"

The figure inside seemed to move, and a strong voice came, "Please invite Su Daoyou to come in!"

Lord Shaofeng made a request, and then disappeared into the darkness, as if it were originally a night.

Su Zhen frowned slightly, but went into this humble thatched house, and turned his head, his expression was startled!

I saw Hua Jiufeng's eyes staring at him, as if a hungry wolf was watching his prey, and he was this prey!

Lord Hua Jiufeng seemed to feel that his posture was wrong, so he changed his normal eyes and sorted out his clothes. He smiled and said: "Let Su Daoyou laugh, this is the old man playing with in his spare time, don't care."

Su Zhen smiled coldly, "I just don't know what Hua Jiufeng's intention is, that is to come to contemplate major events, why is the curtain over the curtain?" A sigh came from the curtain, and the curtain was over. When he came out, his expression was serious, which was completely different from the nervous master in the daytime!

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