Undead Emperor

Chapter 3076: Lingyun

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"Meet the elders, the disciple is Lu Yan, a disciple of Hua Jiufeng. After returning to the mission, he met the robbers and used Chuan Yunju." Lu Yan worshipped respectfully. These are the elders who sent Zhanfeng in the early days

Matters and safety matters for disciples when going out.

When I first entered the sect, the sect master and their disciples pointed to Zhanfeng and said: "If you are bullied, go to them! If you are abused, find them! If you feel unfair, find them. ! "

In Zongmenli, Zhanfeng is a omnipotent place, so the disciples who can join Zhanfeng are all one in a thousand miles.

The one with the strongest breath in the middle, white hair fluttering, and an elder behind him, who casually inserted the dust on his back belt, said quite aggressively: "Where are the robbers?"

"Damn, the Sect Master always does not allow our old man to leave the sect, there is always an excuse for coming out to attack the bandits!"

The other elders also urged each other, "What about kiddie bandits?"

"If you say that there are no robbers, we can get your skin alive!"

Under the threat of all the elders, Lu Yan still licked his face and had to say: "Elders, you are late, the blood knife sect has been killed by Senior Su!"

"Well?" Several elders lost their temper together, and Lu Yan could hardly stand it.

"Wait a minute, Blood Sword Sect?" Said the white-bearded elder coldly, a sharp killing intent flashed in his eyes!

When Lu Yan found his breath, he explained: "Yes, Blood Sword Sect!" "The Blood Sword Sect is here in ambush. In order to intercept the belongings of the past disciples, I met the blood knife when I returned to the Zongmen after completing the task. The seven elders at the peak of God Realm, but all of them were killed by Senior Su! One of the bodies is still there

! "Lu Yan pointed to the corpse behind him."

Elder Baibei asked, "Who is this senior Su?"

This is how Lu Yan reacted and quickly introduced: "This is Senior Su, a casual repairer!"

Some pointed to Ling Weizhong, and explained with a smile: "This is the younger brother of Sister Lingyun, the son of Ling Weizhong, Lingyan Tianxian, come to my Zongmen to send the fairy mine to Sister Lingyun."

Upon hearing the son of Lingyan Tianxian, the white-bearded elder couldn't help but laugh and said: "Okay, okay, both of Lingyan Tianxian's knees have talents!" After boasting, he said to Su Zhengong, "I don't know if the friend came from Where is it? "

Su Zhen didn't care about being lowered by Wei Ling and Zhong Zhong, and said lightly: "I'm from the Lingyan City!"

Uncle Meng glanced at Su Zhen, and then explained to the elder: "Yes, Senior Su was in my Lingyan City since childhood. He had an opportunity when he was young, and then cultivated to be straight up!"

"That's it! Can the Su Daoyou be willing to follow me back to the primordial school?" The old man sent an invitation. This is a rare invitation, in the eyes of outsiders.

Su Zhendao: "I have this intention, please also trouble the elders to arrange!"

The elder once inspected the body of the blood knife patriarch, and wondered: "This wound must have been blunt, but the wound was broken in a moment. In the eyes of ordinary people, it can be faked as a weapon! "

He looked at Su Zhen, who was indifferent again, and said, "Dare to ask how Dao You killed this person?"

"Eye-stricken hands are fast, hands are falling!"

"Oh, it's reckless!" Since Su Zhen had no comment here, the elders didn't plan to ask any more. Instead, they took Ling Weizhong's hand and smiled: "Boy, you don't know your sister is here What kind of chatter is Zongmenli! After all, I am a disciple of Zhanfeng

Brother, the momentum is different! "

Ling Weizhong didn't expect that the elder would be so familiar. He thought that such elders should be calm men like Uncle Meng. He did not expect these elders to be old naughties.

Lu Yan also laughed, and everyone in Zongmen knew that the peak of war was a place where abnormal people would go. A normal person would go madly and inevitably transformed within ten days, but at the same time the combat power was also greatly increased!

This is the reason why Zhanfeng ’s disciples have continued for so many years. In order to become stronger, they can endure anything. This is the basic quality of a monk.

The elder had a fairy boat. As the name implies, it was a flying ship, and everyone arrived on the territory of the Taichu soon after boarding the ship. I saw the fairy mountains covered with trees, the towering ancient wood wanted a pillar of sky, a lazy monster was bitten off the neck by a fierce beast that came out to forage, and was about to forage, but was standing on a branch. Killed with one arrow, and the monk

When it was time to pick up, a monk with a very fast method robbed and fled with a blinding speed ...

Xianlou, pavilions abound, five steps on the first floor, ten steps on the one pavilion, surrounded by immortal qi, making people suddenly feel fallen into the fairyland.

The elder smiled and said: "Lord Young Master joke, I have sent a total of one Xuan Xian, ten Xian Xian, and 11 Xian Xian in this world!"

Ling Weizhong also made a haha, the elder was able to talk, and he couldn't let him catch an opportunity to speak along the way. Once he was asked to speak, it would be out of control! After a while, the fairy boat landed, and Su Zhen followed Ling Weizhong and Lu Yan to get off the fairy boat. What was in sight was a large square. There was a stone statue carved with superb jade in the center of the square. Tall ponytail

Qingxiu girl.

"Sister!" Ling Weizhong exclaimed.

The girl also greeted him, hugged Ling Weizhong, and cried slightly: "Why are you here? How is your father?"

Ling Weizhong explained: "We encountered a lot of things along the way, thanks to Senior Su every time he was able to turn danger into danger. It was originally planned to arrive within a month, and thanks to the elders' ship, otherwise you have to wait Half a month! "

Lingyun loosed Ling Weizhong, and a trace of doubt flashed on Qingxiu's face, "Who is Senior Su?"

Ling Weizhong came to Su Zhen and introduced to Ling Yun: "This is Senior Su, thanks to him along the way!"

Lingyun held the idea of ​​helping his brother turn the danger into danger, and said to Su Zhen Gong: "Thank you Senior Su for your help, my spirit family is very grateful, and in the future my spirit family will definitely pay Senior Su!"

Su Zhen said: "I have already received the rewards. If I accept it again, it seems that someone Su is a utilitarian!" Su Zhen hesitated and said, "It's a girl. If the toxins in your body are unclear, Absorptive absorption of fairy mines will deepen the poison, plus your body of cold spirits, it is even more uncomfortable, if you can't take care of it, I'm afraid you

Can't live next month! "

Lingyun was surprised when she heard the words! It's true that I have always felt that I can't do my best when I am practicing recently. When I absorb spirit stones, I always feel cold in the bone marrow, as if there is a bone disease.

But then I consulted the immortal doctor in the sect, and the immortal doctor said it was over-cultivation and the body could not bear it. It also allows Lingyun to recuperate. And Senior Su who saved his younger brother could actually see his physique and disease at a glance, and he must be an extraordinary person.

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