Undead Emperor

Chapter 3074: Blood Sword Intercept

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At this time, Uncle Meng came near and patted Ling Weizhong's shoulder, reminding: "Young Master, don't talk nonsense!"

Guhe Canyon is already close to the Taichu School. There is a lot of people here, there may not be no spies from the Taihu School!

Ling Weizhong also came to consciousness and followed Su Zhen to move on.

The crowd did not need anything, so they did not stop in Fangshi, and the brigade and the remaining disciples sent the disciples to move forward.

One day later, when the crowd was approaching the middle of the canyon, Uncle Meng called the crowd to stop and pulled out the spirit sword to look around.

Ling Weizhong also looked at the front with the same vigilance. Here he has reached the place where Lu Yan said the so-called bandits gather.

Su Zhen froze, his mind swept through the entire valley, and the topographical map of the entire canyon jumped into his mind. At the waist of the canyon, there were dozens of breathable monk shields hiding in it.

Lu Yan walked carefully to Su Zhen and whispered: "Senior Su, I have some friendship with the robbers here, maybe I can let him go for a ride."

Ling Weizhong looked at this man who is now like a dog in suspense. Su Zhen said lightly: "Oh? Don't worry, I haven't needed the consent of Su Zhen to walk!"

After he finished speaking, he took a gentle step forward, and saw a yellow six-pointed star appearing at the foot of the ground, and suddenly turned into countless starlight bursting out to the valley!

All of a sudden, the screams were endless, and dozens of corpses fell from the sky and crashed to the ground, which caused everyone to marvel!

"Zhang Yu!" Lu Yan exclaimed.

"Do you know this person?" Su Zhen gave Lu Yan a light look.

Lu Yan was immediately panicked and subdued: "When I return to Su, this Yu is a bandit on the side of a bully here. In the past, when I went in and out of the sect, I often saw them tempted to cheat on my early disciples, but I never killed my disciples. . "

Su Zhen seemed ridiculous and smiled and said, "Oh, Ru wait and speak for yourself!" There were people who didn't come out. This was intentional by Su Zhen. I wanted to see to what extent those people could endure. If today's gangsters escaped If it ’s nothing, it ’s as if nothing has happened in general, and the group continues to the primordial school, if those

If people really dare to show their heads, then Su Zhen does n’t mind killing these people, making a clean innocence for this grand universe!

Ling Weizhong felt strange at this moment and asked: "Senior Su, what do you notice?" Su Zhen whispered: "There are still some robbers in the valley, what are you doing ... quite high, but not in In worries, if they come out, I will find out the people behind them. If they run away, I will not pursue them at this time! "Said Su Zhen

There was a fierce murderous intention in his eyes.

Ling Weizhong didn't dare to look at it, don't over-sell to Uncle Meng: "Uncle Meng, I ordered the guard of the Ling family to obey Su Zhen's dispatch."

Uncle Meng walked back after accepting the promise, but not long afterwards, there was a fierce, full-bodied voice came: "Hahaha, why are Tao friends like this? I and I are all entrusted by others, why bother Close! "

A group of Yuanshen monks wearing blood-colored cloaks and masks of Shura slowly landed from the valley.

After seeing it, Lu Yan widened his eyes and exclaimed in disbelief: "Blood Sword Sect! Why, why is the Blood Sword Sect here?"

Ling Weizhong was also stunned. He had heard of the Blood Sword Sect, but he was a sect of repression by Xuan Xian. He was very famous in the Southern Celestial Realm, and his disciples were famous for their bloodthirsty love! Can contend with the Taichu faction!

It is said that many years ago, two cases became deadly enemies because of conflicts of interest. If the disciples of both sides meet, they will cause the rest to die!

But this is the first place to send a hinterland, why are there people from the Blood Sword Sect? This is really suspicious.

The leader of the Blood Sword Sect saw Lu Yan's disciple behind him and sneered, "Hehehehe, the disciples of the primordial sentiment were not the juniors of chickens and dogs, hiding behind a baby boy?"

At this time, Su Zhen still suppressed the breath in the late Yuanying period, and those of the Blood Sword Sect did not recognize it.

Lu Yan glanced at Su Zhen, and when he saw it, he sneered, "I waited too much to be too rampant. This place is where my primordial faction approached. If Er waits again, it will blame me, and I blame me for leading the same door and strangling it!"

As soon as the words fell, the early disciples behind him fired a firework, blasted violently in the sky, and a blooming yellow chrysanthemum suddenly appeared in mid-air!

"One wears Yun Ju and meets with friends from the door!" The blood-stained clan's face was able to drip black. Lu Yan saw this and summoned the courage to shout, "I will wait as soon as possible to retreat as soon as possible. Then there will be the elders from the peak of Yuanshen Realm come to support, and then if there is no retreat, then two cases

The battle between the wars is inspiring! Can you wait? "

Lu Yan said that when he drank violently in the end, it seemed that the last breath in his body was spit out, so that Su Zhen couldn't help moving, but gave Lu Yan a serious look.

Although this person is powerful, his courage is still good. Seeing that the early disciples behind him are all with a big face, Ling Ran, he said: This person will definitely have a good future.

Suddenly, everyone in the other's Blood Sword Clan uttered a sorrowful laugh of "Ji Jie", and suddenly the opposite seven people's bodies all radiated violent aura fluctuations in the middle of Yuanshen Realm.

Everyone felt out of breath, and even some low-level guards felt they could not breathe, as if the surrounding air had condensed.

The blood knife clan leader smiled and said: "Yeah, but you can kill everything in a flash!"

If the two cases meet, one of them will win. This is a dead case!

Su Zhen frowned slightly, releasing the coercion at random in front of herself?

In the monk world, it is extremely impolite to freely release coercion to other people. If family members exercise in order to exercise the clan, this is just in front of themselves!

Su Zhen snorted, a white aura radiated from his body to the surroundings, and there was no pressure on the land.

Where everyone can breathe, the expression of the Blood Sword Sect has changed. Who is this? How powerful is it?

"Is it possible that Daoyou want to blend this matter?" The head of the Blood Sword Sect sneered. "I'll wait only for the people of the early school. I will wait for the miscellaneous things. I can leave it!"

The blood-knife chieftain was a little afraid of Su Zhen, and he and his fellow Wei Zhongnai did not want to anger him. If they were improperly entangled, they might lead to the siege of the elders sent by the beginning!

Uncle Meng's face was loose and he was about to speak, but he was suppressed by Ling Weizhong, and the guards were relieved. He couldn't be a coward, especially when Su Zhen stood still in front. !

Su Zhen lifted his eyes slightly and looked at the head of the Blood Sword Sect. He wanted to wear one at a time. I saw an extremely fierce face inside, and his nose seemed to be cut off.

The blood-knife leader suddenly felt that Su Zhen was spying on himself, and his heart was furious, and he couldn't help being shy!

Shouted: "Children die!" The blood knife clan leader condenses spiritual power between words, a black aura surrounds his body, and there seems to be blood on the sword, greedy!

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