Undead Emperor

Chapter 3070: Beheaded!

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"Stupid!" Su Zhen said softly, but his eyes were always on Ling Weizhong and Xiankuang; he said he wanted to protect the Xiankuang because it was his duty, and protecting Ling Weizhong was his hide.

The reason why Lu Yan is stupid is because the lightning leopard is extremely fast, so its damage is also very high. It is generally difficult for monks of the same rank to catch it, let alone capture it. This is even mentally retarded. As.

What's more, Lu Yan is only a half-track hike, facing the lightning leopard at the peak of Daozang has almost no effect.

"Spirit Son, stand behind me and let someone Lu protect you!" Lu Yan Dayi Ling Ran said.

Ling Weizhong came behind him as soon as he moved, and his eyes glowed strangely. With thanks, he gathered his spirit and waited for the battle!

Lingyan Shijie and nine people followed Ling Weizhong to guard in front of him. Uncle Meng's eyes were mimic and he was still in the distance. The rest of the guards were all around Ling Weizhong.

At this point, everyone was ready to go, but the Lightning Leopard was slow to move, as if hesitating.

Seeing this, Lu Yan was overjoyed and said in a deep voice: "My fellow brothers and sisters, please join me to form the Taiyuan Sword Formation, and slaughter this beast! Afterwards, the bones and bones of me are equally divided!" It was created by Taichu School founder Taichu Taoist, and its formation requires the combination of more than ten monks in the realm of infants. There must be no confusion in its display, so a few people who can play the swordsmanship of Taiyuan must be

It must be carefully trained.

Su Zhen sat cross-legged on the thick branches and looked at them with interest. Suddenly, Su Zhen's pupils shrank and the Lightning Leopard moved!

The crowd hadn't responded yet. The Lightning Leopard's body moved. Lightning came to the side of the crowd. A big claw was about to fall. Lu Yan held the sword directly and spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Brother!" Someone exclaimed.

Seeing that it was blocked, the Lightning Leopard roared, and it was about to fall towards Lu Yan's head with his mouth open, but was disturbed by a knife. Stopped the bite state.

When Lu Yan turned his head, it was Ling Weizhong here! I saw Ling Weizhong holding a knife alone, and there was a violent aura around his body, and a red aura burst out behind him, suddenly bursting into a momentum that was not weaker than the lightning leopard! Lightning Leopard sees this, his pupil shrinks!

Throw Lu Yan down and attack Ling Wei Zhong! Ling Weizhong didn't know where the strength came from. He took advantage of the situation, clenched his long sword, and a crisp metal collision sounded. Ling Weizhong actually blocked the lightning leopard's attack!

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, Ling Weizhong struggled to resist the lightning leopard's attack, and he roared lowly: "Quick! Quickly form a formation, I will try my best to buy time for you!"

Lu Yan heard that a trace of greed and deceit flashed in his eyes, and quickly said "Yes!"

Calling all the disciples to form the Taichu formation together with him. At this moment, the Lightning Leopard flickered out of Ling Weizhong's entanglement, roared, turned around, and took advantage of Ling Weizhong's time to dodge!

Poor Spirit Wei Zhong, despite using blood, is not a real Dao-Tibetan realm. After all, he can only stick to it. Seeing that Lu Yan and others have not yet completed their formation, they nodded in the direction of Uncle Meng.

Just as the lightning panther opened its mouth wide, an extremely evil spiritual power came out of its mouth, and when it was time to bite the spirit Wei Zhong, a dazzling golden light suddenly fell on the lightning panther's forehead, and a sword appeared suddenly Lightning Leopard's head!

The Lightning Leopard's head is so hard, he grabbed the dagger with an angry grab, and glared at Uncle Meng!

This sword was launched by Uncle Meng, and Ling Weizhong looked back suddenly, seeing that he was already behind Uncle Meng, he was in peace.

Uncle Meng was his own personal servant, and he followed himself when Ling Weizhong was very young. He has always listened to his own father-less than a last resort, don't save him!

Uncle Meng deeply implemented this sentence to the end!

Suddenly, the strength of Uncle Meng Daozo's mid-term broke out suddenly, which aroused everyone's amazement. I didn't expect that an old man with a horse and a stool beside Ling Weizhong was actually a strong mid-Tao-Tibetan!

Su Zhen's mouth evoked a touch of arc, good show, just started! I saw that the black hair around the lightning leopard gradually turned into red, and his eyes burst out with a dazzling rainbow light. The lightning leopard roared upward in the sky, and then turned into a red arc. It continuously exploded in the air, flashing, every time flashing The place

Both are getting closer and closer to Uncle Meng.

Uncle Meng held a spirit sword and gazed, and suddenly Uncle Meng's eyes suddenly showed a big **** mouth, and he was about to swallow it. Uncle Meng immediately felt a strong coercion and he could not move!

Life and death are at this moment!

Suddenly there was a violent rush from behind the lightning leopard, "Too early sword formation!"

"Come to death, sin barrier!" Lu Yanbao shouted!

Thanks to Ling Weizhong and Uncle Meng's successive delay, otherwise the swordsmanship wouldn't be formed so easily!

The swordsmanship of the early days is composed of Yuanying strong, and its power can destroy Daozang! Countless lightsabers attacked the Lightning Leopard in a hurry, and behind them were controlled by dozens of early disciples. How sensitive is the murderer ’s crisis awareness, and the Lightning Leopard immediately sensed that a killing intention was coming, and immediately turned into an arc flash, everyone could n’t help it, ahead

Uncle Meng quickly lifted the sword array!

Just when the sword formation was lifted, Lightning Leopard suddenly killed a carbine, swallowed a large basin of blood, and engulfed a Taipai disciple. With one paw down, he directly photographed two Taipai disciples on the surrounding stones and died instantly!

Lu Yan was too late to return to defense. Seeing that the Lightning Leopard was about to rush to him, his face was grim. Lu Yan quickly opened all the defense preparations in an emergency!

"Royal Dragon God!"

Lightning Leopard shatters with a light grasp!

"Invincible golden body!"

The Lightning Leopard roared again, and the golden body turned into countless light and dissipated!

Lu Yanburo shouted, but still could not resist the impact of the lightning leopard, was seriously injured, unconscious.

Lightning Leopard stared at the two standing, and the guard behind it!

"Uncle Meng, both of us are certainly no match for this Lightning Leopard, and any further delay can only result in increased casualties!" Ling Weizhong said worriedly. Long sword.

Uncle Meng deliberately and unintentionally looked at the Su Zhen sitting in the high place, and sighed: "This lightning leopard is foreseen by him, and there must be something extraordinary, it must be an alien!"

If he had heard Su Zhen ’s words early, he would n’t have suffered this much. Uncle Meng looked at the corpses left on the battlefield and could n’t help but sigh

Su Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and the guard behind him screamed vigorously, and rushed toward the Lightning Leopard bravely. Before he reached the Lightning Leopard, he was transformed into light particles by the black gas spit out from the Lightning Leopard's mouth, and drifted in the air in!

The young Ling Weizhong, shaking his mind, shouted at Su Zhen: "Brother Su can save me and wait for my life?"

Su Zhen heard the words and said with a smile: "I said, you will not die, I will not let you die!"

After the words were finished, a gloom flashed in his dim eyes, and behind him appeared a long knife out of nowhere, Su Zhen said something in his mouth.

Suddenly, the long knife was launched suddenly, and the head of the lightning leopard was cut off with a thunderbolt, and there was silence around it!

The Lightning Leopard is still attacking Ling Weizhong's mid-air, and it crashes down!

Ling Weizhong only felt a lot of unknown black slime dripping on his face. "Lightning Leopard is dead?" This was after Wei Weizhong realized. "Dead" Uncle Meng was also dull, and numbness came to check the body of the Lightning Leopard, and then dared not to channel: "If you die, you ca n’t die!"

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