Undead Emperor

Chapter 3064: My name is Su Zhen

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The young master of the Ling family brought Su Zhen and those of the mercenary group to the performance martial arts field of the Ling family. Many martial arts have gathered here in the martial arts field. But they are all old people.

Su Zhen and Lingyan Shijie stood under the stage, and the monks of the Ling family cast their eyes and saw that all of them were Yuan infants, and there was some tension in their hearts.

"These are the Yuanying who are here to apply?" Some people in the Lingjia monk were discussing that they were also going to Taichu with the convoy. The Taichen sent the most recent apprentice ceremony. They are all going to enter this year. Cultivated.

"Yes, it must be this, but as long as there are ten people, there will be no more. The front is a person who must have a fierce battle!"

Someone asserted.

"The young man in white must have fallen out of the list."


"Because they have to face the ten heroes of Lingyan who are famous in the entire Lingyan City!"

Su Zhen did not listen to these people, but closed his eyes to raise his mind, and at the same time, he also released his consciousness to spy on the spirit family.

The head of the Ling family, that is, the spirit flame fairy was not at home, Su Zhen could spy on it at will, and then wipe the traces with powerful power afterwards.

Strangely, why there is no monk who crosses the robbery in this spirit family, the oldest is the old man, the Daozang realm, followed by the young master, a Yuanying peak monk.

Su Zhen noticed that there were a lot of weight behind the Yanwuchang. It must be a fairy mine inside, and there were some Qiankun bags imprisoned by the formation. These Qiankun bags were more than a car!

It seems that the Ling Family is preparing to leave the Lingyan City.

Su Zhen guessed.

But none of this has anything to do with him. The plan is to enter Jiufeng Mountain first!

Lingyan Shijie's boss, the bearded big man glanced coldly at Su Zhen who closed his eyes and raised his mind, mockingly said: "Just son, how can we earn this position with us!"

The skinny, rat-like man echoed: "That's what he said, he was so scared that he didn't dare to build with us again."

"It's better to be so, otherwise let him know the majesty of the only female hero of our ten heroes!" The heroic woman shook hands and shrugged.

The news that the Ling family wanted to levy Yuan Ying was spread long ago, and the ten heroes of the Flame Flame also prepared a few days in order to join the door of the Taichu School while taking advantage of it today!

Today, they are bound to get it!

There was a crowd of people in the performance martial arts field, and the voice of speech was a bit round. The young master looked at the pillar in front of him. When he saw the red mark, he nodded impatiently. Uncle Meng stood on the stage to clear his throat, patted his hands, stopped everyone's discussion, gathered all his eyes on himself, and smiled kindly: "Today our spirit family has been invited in the city of spirit flames The eleven strongest Yuanying, but

This time we only have ten people, so we have to grieve you. "

The old man said his eyes and looked in the direction of Su Zhen and Lingyan Shijie, seeing Su Zhen closing his eyes and raising his mind, he couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Then he maintained a kind smile and said: "After family consultations, we decided to go through a contest to select a captain and a person to be eliminated, each with a gift."

Everyone heard the words, and their eyes lit up, but the children of the Ling family did not have much interest. After all, they could not participate in the competition.

The ten heroes of Lingyan looked at the longing eyes and looked at Qiu Dahan, he said: "Boss, when you get the captain's reward, you must invite us to go to Zuixianlou!"

Qiu Dahan had a good heart and laughed: "This is inevitable, the reward of the Ling family is certainly not bad, but I am waiting for a drunk in the Zuixianlou." He looked at the heroic and brave woman.

The woman leaned her head, her eyes revealing a trace of unknown aversion, which was more precisely disgusting.

The old man was even more disdainful to the ten heroes of Lingyan. He had n’t begun to compete with him and underestimated his opponents. So how could he control the overall situation, and then look at Su Zhen, I saw that Su Zhen was still closing his eyes and raising his mind. what.

Uncle Meng continued: "The winner is the captain and rewards a longevity grass; the eliminated person can also be compensated by three spirit stones; below we start the selection and selection of candidates." Uncle Meng announced: "Our elimination system It is determined by drawing lots. There are a total of eleven people. There are three kinds of black, white and red draws. The person who wins the red is directly promoted and does not need to compete. The white and black draws follow the numbers above

Correspondingly, five people lost in the end. Then use the lottery to decide who is eliminated. The five winners will be selected by the captain. "

Su Zhen opened his eyes, everything just now could not escape his consciousness. Including everything Uncle Meng said.

But this way, the loopholes are too big, Su Zhen is not willing to worry about. And looking at the next ten heroes of Lingyan, one by one, the expressions of joy were all bright. I'm afraid that others don't know that ten of them will win.

The sun began to set slowly. The afterglow of the sunset gradually spit out red eyes. The evening is about to strike.

Uncle Meng inserted a incense on the table on the stage. The time of the contest should not exceed one incense each time. If the time exceeds one incense, then the injured person will be judged as a loser. To save time.

Su Zhen and others came to the stage to draw lots, and the thin dwarf exclaimed: "I got a red draw, I don't need to play anymore."

His companions greeted him one after another, and the big bearded Han man slightly glanced at the dwarf, a flash of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but it quickly hid. Su Zhen sensed this jealousy, but did not expect that he, the boss, had so little confidence in himself. He will also be jealous of what he can get. Thinking about it, he should use force to control his team. Such a mind should not

He will use it.

Su Zhen drew a black sign with a big word written on it. Explain that Su Zhen wants to play in the first round.

"Please draw a black and white sign with a monk on the stage to compete on the stage." Uncle Meng shouted on the altar.

I saw that the big bearded man slowly stepped onto the stage, bowed in the direction of the young master of the Ling family, and looked at the audience again. Shouting shoutingly: "Who draws the same as me?" The implication is to despise Su Zhen, to know that they are ten people, who has drawn what sign number? Everyone is clear. At this moment, the big bearded man shouted blatantly. And the intention must be humiliating Su Zhen, thinking

Lai Suzhen has no complaints against them. But at this time, it was a real humiliation to Su Zhen. When Su Zhen is really a soft persimmon, can he bully at will? Su Zhen glanced coldly at the big bearded man, who was already a dead man in his heart. The lord of the endless Star Realm was actually humiliated by this person in public, even though Su Zhen could bear this bad breath. But the endless star field behind him

Not agree!

Su Zhen slowly walked to the stage and said coldly: "Today you will pay a painful price for your recklessness, and this price is something you can't afford." The heroic woman saw the woman turned away from him. Can't help but anger: "Dare you dare to sign up? Want to come here in Lingyan City, I can't afford to be without Lingyan Ten Masters

Yuan Ying. "

Su Zhen smiled coldly, really thought this person was ridiculous, then said lightly: "My name is Su Zhen."

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