Undead Emperor

Chapter 3055: Su Zhen fit

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The two masters of the old and new heavens fought against each other, the long river of fate collapsed, the endless star field oscillated, and even the Yuanshen feared the time-space storm and the like like a scorpion, and it seemed like a spring breeze at this moment.

A collision.


The entire star field is in an earthquake.

"Your Majesty, you are famous for killing, and the means of assault kills the heavens. How do you feel that you are a little bit powerless? This piece of debris absorbs energy, and it seems inferior to those three pieces."

He laughed undefeated.

After fighting, he found that the undead emperor's energy reserve was not strong enough, and the boxing skills were average, and it seemed that this fragment would be destroyed by him.

The immortal emperor was expressionless and punched like an arrow.

Back arching, arms turning strings, fists turning arrows, punching is to shoot bows and archery, the most basic martial arts fist, is being cast by the undead emperor.

However, the power is unparalleled.

Every punch is like an arrow opening the heavenly gate, the undefeated king is undefeated. The gatekeeper keeps retreating, and the fate of the long river continues to explode. they.

Only four of them can.

Even the king-level golden immortals such as the Dragon King, the Wu King, the three major suzerains, and the Tongtian Demon Lord can't resist the battle storms of the two old and new heavenly courts.

The two sides fought very quickly.




A series of explosions continued to sound, and the long river of fate only had the dazzling golden light and the dark sky, and the two energies continued to confront each other. The resulting gas field could not even see the Lion King and the Second Dragon.

The only thing that can be seen on the scene is Gang Nalan. This emperor-level golden fairy is full of shock. He can feel that the two realms are the same as him, but whether it is power control, combat experience, combat moves, understanding of the rules, etc., it is a kind of Unheard of state,

A state in which he dared not even imagine.

"Jin Dan can cut Yuan Ying.

The monk has been quiet in a certain realm for a long time. Although the realm does not break through, but the level of understanding has already broken through, so there is only a leapfrog battle.

Extremely fine, you can leapfrog!

In this respect, I am far away. "

Jiang Nalan shocked the secret road. The battle between the undead emperor and the undefeated emperor continues. The undefeated emperor incarnates into a giant, wearing a crown, wearing an emperor's robe, wearing a belt around his waist, walking on golden boots, and patting the undead emperor. In the palm of his hand, a city emerges, looking closely at the emperor

Palace [World City].

The Buddha has magical powers: in the palm of the Buddha.

Compared with the undefeated Jun Yun, he projected the heart palace of the Daqian dynasty into his palm, and could even see the scene of the civil and military officials.

One palm, one palace, one country, one continent.

The immortal emperor condenses the black light, and punches out, the fist and gang greet the storm rise and become no smaller than the palm of the hand, the two collide, the palm palace disappears, and the gang and the collapsing.

next moment--

The figure of the immortal emperor also skyrocketed, his hands turned and bound, and a dark ‘Dao’ word condensed, as if the Three Thousand Avenues merged with the word Yin Xiang undefeated.

"Dao Yin?"

"Hum, your majesty is really old. At that time, you created your own thirteen seals. There were" Ba "," War "," Kill "," Town "," Teaching "and so on. As a result, after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, it became a" Tao "seal.


The thirteen seals swept through the heavens and were unparalleled. Even the strongest of the ancient immortals, such as the refining body, died under the thirteen seals.

What is the use of this word? "

Jun undefeated face ridicule, seems to look down on Tao Yin, but he did not care about, even his eyes were more alert.

Seeing Dao Yin come down.

The undefeated squealed, grabbed from the long river of fate, the long river of thousands of miles collapsed, countless stars shattered, and a panic-stricken sword rose into the sky.

He grabbed it undefeated.


Sword out.

With a rumbling sound, Dao Yin was smashed into the sky.

The immortal emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the sword, the sword was slender, with a glass of light, the most conspicuous was the two lines of words carved on the sword body-

Stained blood in the Mi Luo palace, carp should be transformed into a real dragon.

Heavenly Sword!

The invincible saber.

In the same way, the original form of this sword was the one that attacked the immortal emperor.

"Your Majesty, your remnant soul absorbs too little energy, and it can't suppress me. At this point in the battle, your energy consumption is 30%, and the defeat is determined."

The undefeated smiled with a sword.

The undead Great Emperor's brows were slightly wrinkled, and if the Five Dragon Dragon Halberd was still there, he could use it, but the Dragon Halter was exploded by Su Zhen's big queen.

"Your Majesty, it's my turn."

"Take the trick!"

Jun undefeated and wielded his sword.

The emperor's undefeated momentum climbed to the peak again, the undead emperor's condensed fist was quickly chopped, and the draw became a disadvantage.

Once the undead emperor is defeated, no one can guarantee that the undefeated emperor will continue the Blood Sacrifice.

But listen to what he said earlier.

It is likely that the blood sacrifice will continue to prevent fish from leaking.

Many of the star fields that did not find the fragments of the undead Great Emperor's Soul were sacrificed by his blood. Since the Endless Continent has discovered it, why is it not a blood sacrifice?

Who said the undead Emperor's remnant soul, each star field can only appear once?

Fighting with the undefeated Chi Jianjun, the immortal emperor's energy consumption is faster, and in less than 50% of the blink of an eye, the situation is gradually going toward deterioration.

"Your Majesty, your strength lies in tactics and blood.

The undead bloodline is hailed as the first auxiliary bloodline of the ancients. Even my painstaking efforts to arrange the supremacy of the supreme killing bureau did not let you die. I still find the inheritors with my soul.


Your majesty is just a ray of remnant soul. The undead bloodline has long disappeared. You are best at close combat, without the aid of the undead bloodline, nor dare to be close to me, destined not to win. "

The king is undefeated.

The Undead Great grabbed it with his bare hands. As a result, the entire right arm was crushed and shattered, and the next moment it was re-condensed, but only 40% of the energy was consumed.

No artifacts.

No flesh.

It's a little difficult for an undefeated avatar of a remnant soul warlord.

This is why the immortal emperor was found so many inheritors, currently there are only three who fled to ascension, which means that the vast majority have not beaten the king undefeated.


Not this one!

The undead Great Emperor suddenly retreated, reached out and grabbed Su Zhen from the rear: "Junior, it seems I need to borrow your flesh today."


His pupils shrank slightly.

"court death!"

He struck with a sword and the goal was Su Zhen. Undefeated, even if he sees the undead emperor, he remains calm. Although he is called "His Majesty", in his eyes, the undead emperor is more like a joking clown, but when he sees the undead emperor grabbed him, his pupils shrink, Su Zhen I knew it was a victory

'S last hole card.

"I have practiced for more than 400 years, and I have gone all the way, fighting the battlefield and the battlefield. After the Star Alliance, I retreated from the sole protagonist to a supporting character.


I am still standing here, and I am the last hole card. "

Su Zhen laughed.

Everything is doomed.

"It's a great honor to be one with my predecessors. I am willing to cut the devil's head for the sword, and have a grand universe in the endless star field!" Su Zhen Changxiao.

"it is good."

As the voice fell. The undead Great Emperor's body shrank suddenly, instantly integrating into Su Zhen's body, the latter's breath suddenly changed.

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