Undead Emperor

Chapter 3047: Great Wall

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Looking at the **** battle between the civil and military officials, Li Huang'er suddenly took out a jade seal carved in Kowloon, and then printed towards the void.

The jade seal is engraved with eight large characters [Ordered by the Heaven, Both Shou Yongchang].

Everyone recognizes that this is the national jade seal, the dynasty of the Daqian dynasty, where the national games are added, and more powerful combat can erupt.

Su Zhen has experienced this in the Eternal Kingdom.

But something unexpected was that the jade seal covered the sky, then disappeared into golden light, and did not bless a certain royal strongman.

But at the next moment, there was a loud noise between heaven and earth, followed by a dragon roar.

After the founding of the emperor, the emperor had done a few important things. The familiar ones are: repairing water channels, rejuvenating agriculture and mulberry, abandoning worship, sealing the gods, building a medical hall, opening an academy, teaching everything, repairing the Great Wall, Yongzhen, Kyushu.

One of them is the Great Wall.

On the eve of the construction of the Great Wall of China, the world has not yet unified, and there are many evil demons. The Great Wall at that time was equivalent to a line of defense. Later, the symbolism was even greater.

Only inside the court knows.

The Great Wall of China is suppressing the Shiling of Kyushu, preventing numerous earthquake disasters. The most important thing is that the Great Wall has long been integrated with the dragon veins of Kyushu.


One of the four ancestors of the dragon family, the imperial dragon, the strongest dragon family?

Not too!

The real strongest dragon is the Great Wall!

As the jade seal was built into the sky dome, the characters were printed in all directions, the Great Wall was awakened, in Leizhou, in Bingzhou, in Yingzhou, in Beast, in Shengzhou, in Qingzhou.

The Great Wall rises one after another.

Under the horrified gaze of countless Limin people, they all flew to Zhongzhou and formed a stone dragon over the imperial capital.

Shilong is resurrected.

Dragon horns, dragon beards, dragon scales, dragon claws, dragon tails ... everything is available, apparently a whole body of stone, but it looks countless times more majestic than the dragon king who revealed his deity.

This stone dragon has luck in the world.

This is not over yet.

The six princes rose into the sky at the moment when the dragon appeared, and merged into the dragon. The dragon scales were immediately dyed with gold and became the second golden dragon.

The difference is.

This golden dragon has a strong blessing of luck.

When the golden dragon rushed into the battle circle, a dragon tail, the dragon king, the martial king, the celestial demon master, Chu Ling, and Gan Ye were taken away, even if the lion king, the dragon two, the emperor Qingqing, and the golden lion king were all loose.


Long Xiao nine days.

The Golden Dragon Dragon Aura suppressed the capital.

"Quasi-Emperor Class!" The Lion King's face slightly changed: "This stone dragon steals the Wanzhou Carrier of Kyushu, and the National Games plus body, comparable to the imperial Jinxian."

The second emperor.

Fortunately, this is the 'quasi' imperial level.

"Joining the dragons together." I don't know it was the fairyland screaming. The strongest reaction was the dragon two, the dragon king, and some strong dragons.

But no one was held accountable.


The war continues.

As one of the cores of Su Zhen, it seems very weak at the moment. All the combat power is concentrated on the five dragons drawing halberds. The five elements of the evil dragon attack the Wenwu hundred officials under his control.

With a series of fights, there were casualties on both sides.

Su Zhen was also crushed by a member of Yipin, but he recovered in an instant, joined forces with Chu Ling, and Gan Ye counterattacked him, swallowing the debris of the original road by Hetu.

Look at the battlefield of ‘Shilong’ again.

Long Er, Wu Wu, Golden Lion King, Huang Fu Qing Qing, Qin Guang Wang, and the five emperor-level Jin Xian joined forces to resist some difficulties.

It is strange that the power of Kyushu has been stolen for a long time, and there are also the blessings of the national games.

"Swallow the dragon."


Su Zhen's voice sounded in his mind.


Su Zhen was slightly startled. The Undead Great Emperor continued: "This is your last battle. After this battle, the undefeated junior avatar will come. Unless the true emperor-level source Tao is absorbed by me, otherwise the battle with the undefeated avatar will probably be first. Run out of energy. This national game dragon is

Opportunity, Wan Zaiguo transported into my body, enough for me to kill the undefeated doppelganger. "

"it is good."

Su Zhen immediately agreed.

"Gan Ye, Chu Ling, and the hundred military and military officials handed over to you to deal with." Su Zhen pulled away and escaped towards the direction of the stone dragon, and at the same time said to the five people: "Four and Qing Qing imprison the stone dragon. ! "

The five emperor-level Jinxian looked.

Although I don't know what role, but the protagonist of the last battle is Su Zhen, the five emperor-level Golden Immortals are very tacit, and all kinds of means forcibly imprison the stone dragon.

Long Er grabbed his front paw.

The nine heads of the lion king bit the dragon's body.

King Qin Guang was imprisoned with Yin Rune.

The Golden Lion King stabs with a crying blood spear.

Huangfu Qingqing turned the Ten Thousand Beast Immortal Palace into sword silk and wrapped it around.

For an instant.

Shilong was trapped.

However, Shilong's body luck rolled like boiled seawater, and the five people's confinement seemed fragile, and there was already a risk of fracture, and Su Zhen had already rushed up.

next moment.

He made a stunned move.

Open your mouth and swallow—


The quasi-Emperor-level Guoyun Dragon was swallowed by Su Zhen, even the five emperors were dumbfounded. The opposite Li Huanger was also stunned.

What are you doing?

Quasi-Emperor National Dragon can also eat?

court death?

"This dragon bears thousands of years of national games. Even if you have fully integrated the dragon, you will not be able to bear it. Hurry up and spit it out!" The Lion King was shocked and scolded.

But regardless of Su Zhen, he crossed his knees and closed his eyes, refining directly in the air.

See you.

The Lion King immediately said to the other four people, "Hurry up!"

The five emperors protected him.


No matter how shocked the outside world was, Su Zhen's body had a tendency to collapse at the moment when the National Games Dragon entered the body, but before the National Games Dragon attacked, the undead emperor in his mind made a whale swallow.

National Games Dragon's most important ‘Qi Yun’ and ‘National Games’ were all taken away.

At first, the six princes in the dragon's body were not aware of it, and they were going to kill Su Zhen directly. When they were about to manipulate the stone dragon, they suddenly found out that "qi luck" and "national games" were taken by invisible forces.

The speed is so fast that they have no chance to respond.

"not good!"


The six princes came out of the stone dragon and attacked Su Zhen's body.



Boom Boom ... Su Zhen's body kept exploding, his abdomen, chest, back, etc. exploded, and six figures rushed out, awesomely six princes.

But there is no stone dragon.

At this time, Shi Longquan was absorbed by the immortal emperor, and Su Zhen recovered his injuries with his undead blood, and stood up with his eyes open.

It takes no more than ten seconds from swallowing to refining.

However, the "Quasi-Emperor Class" Guoyun Dragon disappeared, and only the six Xuanxian princes trapped in the five emperor-level golden cents.

The results can be imagined.


After a moment.

There are only the top fighting forces on the court side, only Li Huang'er, Wan Zhance, Fa Tianci, Luo Zheng, the seven sages of the bamboo forest, the Master of the National Guardian, the Master of Heavenly Dao, plus the Royal Dance, and the Royal Regalia.

Civil and military officials have failed.

The war is coming to an end. The next goal is the Sovereign of Heavenly Dao, Master of the National Guardian, Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest, and Luo Zheng.

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