Undead Emperor

Chapter 3026: Moral world

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Shu Xuanjing manipulated the Guozi Jianji wine seal, just like the ancient immortal fan Fan Tianyin, his head fell down, Liu Qinghuang's sword broke into the sky, approaching Zong Shaoxuan.

Two king-level golden fairy shot.

Zong Shaoxuan didn't have any advantage at all. He controlled the portal to seal the other party. Under successive collisions, the beaten body retreated directly to the edge of Nanhai Prefecture.


Sacrifice Wine Seal hit the portal.

Liu Qinghuang stabbed out with a sword, and the sword was like Jinghong. The wing of the blue phoenix spread out, making a crisp chirp, and directly drove Zong Shaoxuan into the sea.


A big crater blasted from the sea. Majestic and majestic, for the first time, the Master of Immortals was so embarrassed for the first time, but the next moment he rushed out of the sea, and his face was fiercely rushed to drink. Seven?

Changzai came over and helped me! "

Jiu Nian locks Fu Chongjin.

The other two teamed up to deal with Lei Zixiao. As for Xu Ming and other real fairy lands, Zuo Xiu and others stared at it. It was already in crisis and the body of Dean Yuanzhou was cut in two.

"Take it again."

Shu Xuanjing said in a sentence, severing the hope of Zong Shaoxuan.

Liu Qinghuang lifted "The History of Youth" again.




A group of calligraphy sacred qi, infused into Fu Chongjin, Lei Zixiao, Xu Ming and other people, the first two became the peak Xuanxian, the latter several also reached Xuanxian Realm.

Not only was it flat, but it also achieved an overtake.

Under the blessing of "The History of Youth", the teaching and military forces have exploded in combat power, and every member of the Kyushu Academy has surrounded the atmosphere of the book.

Every blow hits Wanxianmeng.

Wanxianmeng defeated.

"How could this be?"

The pupil of Zong Shaoxuan shrank into a needle point. "Wan Xianmeng has never been an opponent to teach the army, because the situation in Kyushu has changed. In order to prevent the destruction of you, the group of immortals are scattered and it is more difficult to deal with it. "But now is the time.


Zong Shaoxuan immediately realized the reason.

He also heard about the defeat of the Pinggan Army, but it was just catching the wind and catching the shadow. There is no real evidence. Now Shu Xuanjing has confirmed it to him from the side.

One of the three armies was destroyed.

In order to prevent the imbalance of power, the teaching army should destroy the Wanxian League. "I want to destroy Wanxian League with a broken book? How can it be so easy to force this leader to take it seriously, then you will all die to me as you wish!" He lifted his hands hard, the sea rumbling

Loud, the sea rolled, and raging waves.

Hundreds of huge phantoms rose slowly from the seabed.

That is the door.

Blocks of huge stone doors.

With the appearance of the Shimen, the South China Sea statue fell into a strong magnetic field, and all the original paths of the fairyland were hindered, especially Xu Ming and others who were temporarily promoted with the help of "Qing Shi Juan".

The realm immediately slipped.

However, Jiu Nian and others are equally uncomfortable. There are phantoms of stone gates appearing on the source road. The length of the source road drops sharply.

This is a big formation.

A formation that Zong Shaoxuan secretly laid, no one knew.

"go with!"

Zong Shaoxuan gritted his teeth and punched the delicate portal.

The rumbling sounded loudly, and the celestial immortal object left by the ancient Jinxian 'seal' was shattered, and the debris merged into a fan door.

next moment--

Those stone gates glowed with dazzling gold.

The stone gates on the source road of every fairyland strongman present suddenly solidified, and the realm plunged at the same time, and Jiu Nian fell directly into an ordinary fairy.

Others directly fell into a robbery.

Even Shu Xuanjing, Liu Qinghuang, and the increase in the length of the original source road in the "Qing Shi Juan" disappeared instantly, and they all fell back to their original state, and the breath continued to decline.

The only thing not affected is Zong Shaoxuan.

But his heart was bleeding.

"Forcing this leader to destroy the celestial immortal weapon, and not killing you all, how to vent your anger!" Zong Shaoxuan's eyes were scarlet, killing intent.

Punch to Shu Xuanjing and Liu Qinghuang.

The two joined forces to resist.


Both men were shot away.

The loss of realm increases and the two are not Zong Shaoxuan's opponents.

Subconsciously, Liu Qinghuang will turn over the "Qing Shi Juan" again, and Shu Xuanjing hastily stopped it: "The" Qing Shi Juan "will bless the teaching and advancing army to resist the Star Alliance, and it cannot be completely consumed again.

The voice fell-


The two were shot again.

Liu Qinghuang's original source oscillated and there were subtle cracks spreading.

Zong Shaoxuan punches again.

At this time, Shu Xuanjing burst out drinking: "President Luo, take action in advance!"

The fist fell.

Zooming in front of Shu Xuanjing, when he was about to hit him hard, a green air fell from the sky to dissolve the fist, followed closely by a thin man in a green shirt.

As the thin man appeared, the large array of magnetic fields seemed to be affected, and the wonderland of the teaching army felt that the suppression of the original source road appeared loose.


Zong Shaoxuan stared.

It is definitely a golden fairy to resolve his attack.

With the arrival of the thin man, everyone looked clearly. A plain green shirt with a thin figure and plain looks, holding a bun and goatee, like an ordinary teacher.

But all the members of the teaching cadre saw him and bowed down with great surprise.

"Student see old dean!"

"Student see old dean!"

"Student see old dean!"


The surprise voice of the teaching army was tremendous.

The teacher is the former dean of the Royal Academy and the second dean ‘Luo Zheng’. He left the four characters of “moral world” on the main entrance plaque of the Royal Academy.

He is already a golden fairyland.

"President Luo."

Shu Xuanjing was slightly relieved to see Mr. Teacher appear.

Luo Zheng nodded at him, his eyes fell on the huge stone gates on the sea, and commented casually: "Wan Xianmeng is deeper than expected, but it just takes more effort."

"Old stuff, are you also the dean of the Royal Academy?"

Zong Shaoxuan stared at him eerily.

Three major rebel forces

Star Alliance, Corpse Gate, Wanxianmeng, which is the worst in Wanxianmeng, is a group of people who have been inherited and become stronger overnight. Most of them are unknown until they are inherited.

Zong Shaoxuan had never heard of Luo Zhengming.

However, the teaching cadres all called him ‘old dean’, which can be judged that it should be the former dean of the Royal Academy.


Luo Zheng nodded.

"Jian Xianjun even has Jinxian in it. No wonder he dares to do right against Wanxian League. Huh, today both sides have Jinxian, and both sides will be injured.

Zong Shaoxuan counseled.

After losing his celestial weapon, his combat effectiveness declined, and he was reluctant to take risks in the face of the stronger Luo Cheng.

He thought, does not mean that Luo Cheng agreed.

Luo Cheng smiled slightly, his big sleeves waved, the sky was violently shaken, and thousands of strands of green air were scattered, and four big words like a male mountain tear the clouds and fall.

The four words are "moral world"!

The four words fell, and the stone door on the sea seemed to be hit hard, trembling violently. Under Zong Shaoxuan's horrified staring, the stone door cracked and spread quickly.

At the end, they all exploded.

The large formation was broken. The portal on the source road of the powerful fairyland present disappeared in an instant, all fairyland states returned, and Wanxianmeng fell into a complete disadvantage.

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