Undead Emperor

Chapter 2997: Qi and Tiantian!

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In the first battle, the eight-sided immortal hammer will be manipulated, and the head will be smashed. In the second battle, the chain will be trapped and turned into a red-scale blood dragon, so that the third companion will retreat.

"Do not!"

The pupil of No.3 battle suddenly shrank and shrieked.

Just like Hu Lingfeng and Martin Hill before he died, he was also awake and watched his companions who were inseparable in life and death kill him.


The attack fell.

Battle No. 3 will be directly beaten to death, and there will be **** rain falling under the starry sky battlefield. Battle No. 1 and No. 2 will seem to be prepared early, spread their arms, bathe in the blood rain, and take all the blood to their own possession.

The two men made a further increase of 10%.

Almost both feet stepped out, and the realm was only a layer of window paper away from the transformation.

Faced with the killed Hongxi at this time, the two men were expressionless and rushed straight away with the fairy, the fairy hammer was held high, and the chain was entangled, vowing to send Hongxi to the road in one breath.

Hongxi's double pupils floated again.

Nine runes and nine seal scripts flew out, turned into natural disasters and resisted by monsters. They could face two people who were only a layer of window paper away from the fairyland. Obviously, they had little effect.

A face-to-face.

The Scourge Beast was shattered, and Hongxi fought back with a fist.

The fist is broken.

In the first battle, the first attack will be on the front, and in the second battle, the side will be on the side. The power of the two will be threatened even by the fairy of the Immortal Flying Sect.

The two join forces and are not weaker than the first entered heaven!

In this case, Hong Xi's mind was struck with a string, the dense fog spread out a little, a qigong emerged, and then he applied boxing.


The golden fist came out.

The first battle will be shaken by the fairy hammer, and the two will collide. An unexpected scene will appear. The fairy hammer will be cracked, and the first battle of the quasi- fairyland will be directly hit.

This is not over yet.

Hong Xi trembles again in his head, the thick fog gradually disperses, and another qigong emerges. He opens his mouth to meditate, and an aperture falls to the second general.

In the second battle, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly retreated.

He recognized it.

The aperture is "Forbidden Curse".

The Pinggan Vanguard, led by Soul Immortal Lord, was almost destroyed by the whole army, because of the existence of "Forbidden Curse". As for the fist of Fighter No.1, it was also known as "Power of Destruction".

Both of these All-Star Alliances practice.

Not surprisingly.

In the second battle, it will not look strange, even the main army of Star Alliance is not strange, but it seems strange in Shangyuan Zhenxian!

In order to prevent information leakage, all alliance members who practiced "Breaking Power" and "Forbidden Curse" must be in Douhou Continent.

After fighting the Vanguard, the conditions were relaxed, but within the alliance.

The torture called Hongxi is closely related to Wuyun Shenzong, but the golden ancestor of Wuyun Shenzong and the sect master are not qualified to practice "Breaking Power" and "Forbidden Mantra".

after all.

They have not joined the Alliance Legion, they were called urgently two months ago.

This is currently the case.

One, two, and three battles will join forces to defeat the enemy, and one will be killed. The other two will be able to win Hongxi.

Li Zhenxiao finally attracted attention.

Li Zhenxiao rushed to No. 1 Commander: "Promote to the Wonderland to kill this child!"


Commander General Battle One.

How to get promoted?


Killing the second battle, and absorbing his bodyguard, he can pierce the window paper and formally become a fairyland. Because of the relationship between bloodshakers, he does not need to worry about the advent of the heavens when he is promoted.

"The time has come for dedication to the glory of the empire."

No.1 looked at his companion.

"My glory!"

No. 2 was not as dissatisfied as No. 3, Hu Lingfeng, and Martin Hill, because he was not injured and was still in the stage of being controlled by Blood Fierce.

The blood evil produced in this way can not reach the peak, but it can be enough to promote No. 1 to the heaven.

If he resisted.

He could not kill him with the strength of the first battle alone.

In the first battle, the chain of the second battle fell into his hand, and at the same time, he hit the companion with a hammer, accompanied by the sound of an explosion, the quasi-fairyland companion fell.

The dark and **** rain was falling.

Number one bath.

Xuesha merged into his body and finally helped complete the final transformation.

I saw that the momentum of the first battle began to climb, from the peak in the late stage of the cross, to the half-step heavenly immortal, and then to the quasi-celestial immortality, until now completely stepped into a new realm.


A storm spread from him, suppressing the battlefield.

In the first battle, the right hand immortal hammer, the left hand chain, looked at Hongxi indifferently, and the momentum continued to rise, doubling every second until the transformation was completed.

A fairy is born.

But Hongxi felt that this Tianxian was different from the Feixian Shenzong, or Li Zhenxiao, which was obviously much worse.

Also normal.

Relying on the promotion of blood evil, not self-cultivation, plus the crooked melon jujube that has not been tested by the Heaven Tribulation, certainly cannot be compared with the real heaven.

However, it is enough to deal with crossover.

This is like a "fake Dan realm", dealing with a Tiangang tenfold, even if you know that the former realm is relying on external forces, it is still not an opponent.

"Rebellion, you will be promoted to Celestial Immortal, take your sacrifice flag first!" The only remaining battle will be the Eight-Angled Immortal Hammer.

Hong Xi resisted with a new awakening Qigong.

"The Power of Destruction".

"Forbidden Curse".

It is a pity that the two are not disadvantageous in dealing with the crossover. In the face of the first battle of Fairyland, they are not able to catch up. They are now being attacked by Immortal Hammer and Chain, respectively, and the attack is still powerful.



Fairy hammers, chains, hit Hongxi one after another.

Hongxi's bones were broken and broken, his body was injured, and he was still caught in chains. His actions became very difficult, and Battle One will lift the Eight-Angled Immortal Hammer again.


Look nearby.

Jin Zu and Wu Yun Sect Master joined forces to fight the mid-Axe-Yue battle generals, until now they have not achieved a decisive advantage. To see Hongxi saved, he must go to Yuanxian Zhenxian.

It is clear.

Shangyuan Zhenxian had more important things to do. He was the commander of the reinforcements this time. He couldn't get off easily. He had to rely on Hongxi himself.


Fairyland's combat power is beyond imagination. After the battle, Hongxi knew that he must not be a fairy, but purely powerful, but far from Tianxian.

It is still in crisis.

Seeing that the Celestial Class One was about to be killed, Hong Xi dialed another string in his mind, and the dense fog spread out, and a very important supernatural power came out.

His qi and blood began to tumbling.

next moment--


A thick column of qi and blood rose into the sky, penetrated the starfield battlefield, penetrated into the vast starry sky, and connected to Hongxi below.

The movement is very big.

This scene also made the opponents from all corners of the world look to this side. All the soldiers of the Greedy Wolf Corps, including the head of the legion, and the members of the alliance fighting with them were attracted.

The column of qi and blood began to change after penetrating into the starry sky.

First, it turned into a blood river that spans thousands of miles. The area is huge, covering the small half-star battlefield. Even the other Pinggan troops and the three divisions of the main battle of the Star Alliance have noticed.

Among them are the Golden Lion King, and Huangfu Qingqing them.


The submersibles were a little surprised, and they felt very familiar.

this is……

Qi and Tiantian?

Why did this magical power appear here, and who did it?

The squad turned around and looked.

Many of the Alliance knew the situation, and those who knew the situation on the Pinggan Army side looked to this side and saw Hongxi, whose body burst into the bloodstream of the weather.

Under their gaze.

The blood river in Wanli began to change, and a Buddha Kingdom of Clouds was slowly born.


This change alarmed the star battlefield.

If the Wanli Blood River was created by some means, then only one person can change it into a state of cloud and sea Buddha.

That is--

Su Zhen! Su Zhen, the deputy executive vice minister who disappeared, the starting point of all upheaval Su Zhen!

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