Undead Emperor

Chapter 2905: South China Sea Distress

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The Divine Son Contest ended, and the winner was Su Zhen, one of the double stars, who beat Duan Gui by a narrow margin.

"Su Zhen!"

"Su Zhen!"

"Su Zhen!"

The Qiqi City was boiling, and there was a lot of shouts in the ears. The cheers seemed to overturn the sky dome ... Su Zhen, a foreign household from the endless continent that is not a member of the Star Alliance, became the focus of the audience.

He stood to the end!

"Su Shenzi, let's go to rest." Xing Luo Xianzong old man looked at Su Zhen's wounds and was worried.

Su Zhen nodded and fell.


It was late at night.

The Qiqi City is full of lanterns everywhere, full of heat, and a lively city that never sleeps. Warriors from all directions discuss the finals all night.

Exclamation, admiration, admiration, and self-examination continued.

Willow house.

Su Zhen heals the wound in the back room. Extinct Horn contains strange energy, and its destructive power is no less than that of destructive power, but it also has a toxin-like adhesion effect, which can prevent the healing of wounds. If Duan Gui can play the immortal horn indefinitely, Su Zhen may be killed, but one injury to him

Words are just a little troublesome.

After two hours.

"Huh." Su Zhen took a long breath and returned to his body.

As the championship, he deserves a lot of excitement, but the other **** sons all ran to the South China Sea island, and Duan Gui consumed too much and was still in a coma, so he was extremely deserted. "Dragon King and the leaders in Xingluo Xianzong discussed the allocation of powers, and I couldn't control me for a while. What do I have to do during this time?" Su Zhen has a thorough understanding of the time Jin Gui, except to accompany Lan Xiao, Qing Qing, and Xiao Yuan them, he has a little time

Will not waste.

He can't help himself.

"Otherwise, I'll go to the South China Sea to see too?" Su Zhen looks down on the remains of Fu Zhen Xian Weng, but the gods gather together, and the powerful players in the fairyland meet.

Since you are free, why not take a look?

"Dragon Kings have to talk for a while. I will go to the South China Sea first." Su Zhen waited for the dawn and sent a message to a fairyland dragon clan who was accompanying him, and left the Qiqi City that night.


Little Kyushu is basically the same as the Endless Continent. Su Zhen was born in Qingzhou. Dantai Xuanji, one of the Taoists, is from Nanhai Prefecture. The other Li Youwei is more directly from the South China Sea demon clan. He is very familiar with the South China Sea.

Take the teleportation array-


The white light turned on, and Su Zhen appeared in 'Yuzhou'.

Standing in Yizhou, looking into the distance, the blue sea can't see the edge, the oriental fish maw has just been whitened, and the sun is rising, making the sea seem extraordinarily quiet.

The South China Sea in Little Kyushu obviously does not have the vastness of the endless continent, nor does it have that deep sense.

Insist that--

This is more like the East China Sea on an endless continent.

The location of Fu Zhenxian Weng is 3,800 miles north of Yizhou. Su Zhen discerns the direction and goes towards that side.


Yingzhou, a central bank province, is a deep mansion compound.

The three men sat cross-legged.

The three men looked quaint, dressed in black, without any characteristics. A row of corpses lay next to them. The most prominent was an old man with gray hair and a long beard.

The old man is the owner of this house. But four months ago, the three men descended into the house, beheading the old man and his servants, and refining the body into a simple puppet. If someone visits, the elders, slaves, etc. will come forward to decline, except for some strange behavior

In addition, those friends and visitors did not notice anything strange.

These three people stayed for four months.


In the middle of the older man's waist, a black rune burned in the air, and the black smoke rose into a line-

[Su Zhen has arrived in the South China Sea] The three men opened their eyes at the same time, and one of the sullen youths suddenly looked upset, suddenly stood up and shouted, "The little hybrid came out, father, kill!" His breath changed during the speech Became cruel and cruel, his appearance changed dramatically, and his height

It has skyrocketed and changed to another look.

Looking closely at its appearance, it is the long-lost Dragon Master Young Master Taishuhao.

He showed up, and the other two identities were naturally clear. The older man's appearance changed and became an uncle, and the silent man became Taishuyu.

The dragon chief and the two young masters appeared. The three of them came to Little Kyushu ahead of time and leaked their information for the sake of recovery. They almost caused a disaster. Even the Dragon King was furious. But afterwards, there was no news from Sanlong Yao, and with the start of the Divine Son Contest, the Dragon King had no time to check their whereabouts.

Arrived in Yizhou.

"Uncle, is it really wise for us to cooperate with Soul Fighting Continent?"

Taishuyu spoke.

The burning black rune was given to them by a fairyland in the Douhou mainland, and important news will be passed through the spell. They will receive the daily progress of the Divine Son contest. "Soul Immortal Venerable is a Golden Immortal comparable to the Dragon King. With his support and the status of our ancestors, we can really be the Wrench of the Golden Dragon Clan. Rest assured, as long as you are tied to the same warship with the Douhou Continental, the Golden Dragon Clan Why can't we.

In addition, I have most of the God of War heritage. As long as I kill the lion spirit and take its bloodline as an introduction, I can achieve Xuan Xian in a short time, give me time, Jin Xian is expected! "

Uncle Gong is confident.

The Dragon Clan coveted the status of the Golden Dragon Clan, not one day or two. It was good to tear the face by the Su Zhen thing. At least there was unexpected joy, and it was collused with the Douhou Continent.

The Dragon King relies heavily on nothing other than being a golden fairy.

Soul Immortal Venerable too!

With the golden fairy as the backing, the dragon family can be truly tough.

"The first thing we cooperate with Douhou Continent is to kill Su Zhen. I did not expect Douhou Continent to have a common goal with us.

Uncle Gong's voice was gloomy.

Taishu Hao could n’t wait: “Father, go ahead and act. If the little **** ran to Fuzhenxian Island, there might be unexpected troubles.”

Uncle Gong nodded: "Go!"

Uncle Tai's power amplifier sent out a group of pure black gangs to wrap up the two dragons, disappeared into the mansion out of thin air, and appeared on the blue sea next moment. Simply identify the direction and escape towards Fuzhenxian Weng Island.

On speed——

Uncle Gong at the peak of Zhenxian is undoubtedly several times faster than Su Zhen, and the three dragons are chasing away at the fastest speed.


"The sea here is very quiet, and there are very few great monsters found in the scan of consciousness." Su Zhen flew slowly on the sea, while scanning the South China Sea with consciousness.

There are many sea monsters in the South China Sea on the endless continent, which is endless.

Look back here.

It ca n’t be said that it ’s ‘rare’, but it ’s much worse than the East China Sea.

"Eight out of ten demon clan escaped chose the demon continent, and small Kyushu was still dominated by human clan." Su Zhen could understand.

"Huh?" "What is it?" Su really scanned the South China Sea, and suddenly felt a strong force in the distance far behind him, rushing at a very rapid speed, and menacing.

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