Undead Emperor

Chapter 2849: Original: Li Zhenzong

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Su Zhen entered the Dragon Valley, the first thing he did was to release the Eternal Kingdom, but a group of Daoyun shrouded the Eternal Kingdom and could not be opened.

Su Zhen raised a brow.


It is impossible for him to refine the origin of Immortal Dao. Even a complete true Immortal, the one of Xuan Xian is not taken into consideration.

However, there are many crossovers in the eternal kingdom, and there must be those who are willing to refine.

"Dragon Valley banned the magic weapon of space, just to prevent entrainment." Su Zhen no longer thought, looked around, looked at the lush, endless mountain range, searching for the trace of the Golden Lion King.

Dragon Valley is full of all kinds of Daoyun, and it also has countless immortal Taoist origins. It has evolved over tens of thousands of years, making this mysterious environment change.

The magic weapon of space is unavailable, the transmission conch is unusable, and even the extension of spiritual consciousness is severely weakened.

Here Su Zhen feels like Jin Dan Realm, while Dragon Valley is a monster ancestral court, and it is a huge project to search for a person.

He chose a direction to escape: "The Dragon King said that when refining the origin of Immortal Dao, there will be visions, separated by thousands of miles, which can be seen at a glance. Then I will go find it again."

In addition to the origin of the fairy road, Dragon Valley also buryes rare and precious treasures. Cheats are tremendously learned, such as "The Seven Heavenly Dragon Steps" can also be learned here.

The goal of Su Zhen is to find a female ancestor of the Bailong ethnic group named Liyu.

This was specially explained by the Dragon King before he came.

Li Yu's complicated experience.

She comes from the Bailong tribe, but is a descendant, but she is good with a tribe.

Dragon **** is kinky.

The peace between the dragon and other races is very common, but if it is said that when marrying, it can only be selected within the dragon, and the pure blood is still within the family.

Li Yu is a descendant of the Bailong tribe, and he who is determined to have a good relationship with a tribe is a violation of the taboo of the dragon tribe.

At that time, the undefeated Daqian dynasty had not yet appeared. The dragon clan and the Thousand Beast Immortal Palace, the Kingdom of God of War, etc. were equally famous and belonged to the top ancient powers.

The Bailong tribe did not allow such ugliness, and expelled Liyu from the dragon tribe.

The story of Liyu comes to an end.

Later, the undefeated Daqian dynasty appeared in the world, swept through Liuhe, Wuzhen, Kyushu, the Ten Thousand Beast Immortal Palace was destroyed, the Kingdom of God of War collapsed, and the Dragon tribe was also invaded.

Li Yu returned with her husband to help the Dragon tribe get through.

In a battle, Liyu took a blow for the Bailong Patriarch, the source was crushed, and Xiang Xiaoyu died in the sky.

Because of this, the Bailong tribe re-accepted her, retired and buried in Longgu, and brought them to the seabed continent together.

And her husband stayed on the endless continent and resisted the dynasty of Dagan until it fell.

However, this is not the point. The point is the identity of Li Yu ’s husband. His name is ‘Li Zhenzong’. A human race Tianxian, the greatest achievement in his life is to create a supreme qigong.

And the name of Qigong is--

"Thirteen Boxing of Shinzong"!

That's right, "Thirteen Boxings of Zhenzong" was created by Li Zhenzong, the son-in-law of the Dragon tribe, and even the name is taken from his own! Later, Li Zhenzong fell and his fist was lost. For some reason, it spread to the underworld and was obtained by the overlord.

When the Sect Master Yin Gui was obtained, "Thirteen Boxings of the True Sect" was incomplete, and he created the strongest Qigong of the Nanzhuo County in the four domains outside the Yin Realm by rebuilding it.

Su Zhenhui's "Thirteen Boxings of Zhenzong" is known to the dragon family. Longyang, Taishuhao, and Taishu immortal are not clear about the origin, but the dragon king is very clear.

When Li Yu was buried, there was the original version of "Thirteen Boxings of the True Sect" in the funerary.

The Dragon tribe has talents and supernatural powers, and there are a variety of unique skills. There is no need to practice "Thirteen Boxings of the True Sect." The Dragon King suggests that Su Zhen has time to take a look.

Su Zhen has the burial coordinates of Li Yu. He followed the designated route and arrived after flying for an hour.

This is the beautiful Lingfeng Group.

Looking around, the Lingfeng Peaks were inserted straight into the clouds, covered with lush vegetation, and the clouds were floating in the clear sky.

There is a waterfall flying between the two spirit peaks, flying down straight, hanging in the sky, under the sunlight, the water vapor refracts a huge rainbow.

This is a real flying waterfall.

The waterfall fell into the pool, and the pool water was meandering and flowing, forming a loop around Lingfeng.

Li Yu's grave is at the bottom of the pool.

However, Su Zhen did not rush into the lake to look for treasure, but stared at the rainbow. He found that the rainbow was not an arch bridge, but a dragon.

The dragon scales are colorful, the body is shrouded in Xiangxia, and the dragon beard moves slightly.

An unspeakable Tao Yun was hidden in the dragon's body.

"Xiandao Origin?" Su Zhen realized that this was the most precious thing in Dragon Valley.

However, this is particularly weak in front of him. Su Zhenjue thought that even if he was refining, it would be a question whether he could be promoted to the robbery.

It seems that when Li Yu blocked a blow for the Bailong Patriarch, the origin collapsed very badly, and the incomplete ones were to a point where they were optional.

"The origin of Immortal Dao is the same as the" mysterious origin "of Yuanying, and the" Law of Dao "during Daozang, and it is the most precious thing for monks.

In the face of the fall, the monks will do their utmost to sacrifice the origin of the secret realm, the law of the avenue and other battles, and the Jindan realm will spit out the Jindan.

After the life-and-death fight, either survive or all be smashed to death.

Therefore, it is very difficult to save a complete source, either a surprise attack or a realm crush, so that the enemy does not even have the opportunity to detonate the source. "

Su Zhen is very clear.

The Dragon Valley is huge, and there are countless burial martyrs. No more than half of the origin of the fairy road can be saved, and even one percent of the original source can be saved.

Su Zhen walked into Hantan.


He sneaked into the bottom of the pool and saw a female statue. This is Senior Liyu.

Below the humanoid statue, there is a white dragon made of white marble, which is the appearance of Li Yu. Under the dragon is the stone slab leading to the underground palace.

The statue of Su Zhenchong bowed down, then opened the stone slab to enter.

The underground palace is isolated by the formation method. The water in the pool is impenetrable. The inside is very dry. The walls are also inlaid with luminous ore, like a very delicate practice cave.

There is an antechamber, an atrium, lobby, box room, back room, etc.

The ornaments in the palace are also human standards.

Su Zhen knew that this was because Li Yu married Li Zhenzong, and the Bailong patriarch specifically pointed out that this was the reason for her tomb.

In the lobby of the antechamber, a crystal coffin is parked, and inside is a woman in luxurious clothes with a good face.

The woman closed her eyes like she was sleeping.

With Su Zhen's eyesight, she can see that the woman is magical, and the coffin only has a few dragon scales and a few golden bones besides clothes.

However, two articles were carved on the coffin walls on both sides of the woman.

An account of Li Yu's life is mainly about praising his ethics. Su Zhen's first glance is not as detailed as the Dragon King's casual introduction. Almost all of them describe Li Yu's love for the Bailong tribe.

The other one is right, so that Su Zhen's eyes light up, the first few words are [Remember, love Li Zhenzong]. The following is an exercise method, which is really "Thirteen Boxings of the True Sect"!

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